Read if you do not know whether it is possible to smear a dog with brilliant green. Encyclopedia of pets How to wash brilliant green from a dog

In every family in the home first aid kit there are several tools that cannot be dispensed with. These include brilliant green - an antiseptic alcohol solution of brilliant green, which helps with abrasions, cuts, and also with chickenpox. And everyone knows that traces of brilliant green are difficult to remove. if she got into open areas?

How to wash the green

Very often, in a hurry, you can plant a stain of brilliant green on your skin or clothes. Without the use of special means, bright spots of brilliant green will disappear within a few days, gradually fading in the light or the sun. But in case of lack of time, you can still try to get rid of stains with the help of improvised means, and the sooner you start this process, the more effective the result will be. Surely in every house there are a lot of funds than to wash greenery from hands.

Method 1: alcohol. The most reliable and fastest way to get rid of green spots is salicylic or medical alcohol or any alcohol-containing liquid. Alcohol wipes will work too. It should be remembered, however, that the skin must be intact, otherwise pain will occur. To quickly get rid of stains in alcohol, you can add lemon juice in a 1: 1 ratio.

Method 2: lemon. If you have patience, you can rub the stains with lemon slices. It is better to change them periodically until the spots become pale and disappear.

Method 3: hydrogen peroxide. If the skin is sensitive and irritation appears on it at the slightest impact, alcohol can be replaced with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The effectiveness of this drug is an order of magnitude lower, but the harm is also less.

Method 4: Facial Scrub. One of the practical means of wiping brilliant green from the skin is a facial scrub. On wet skin, apply a small amount, rub lightly, and then rinse and apply any hand cream.

Bleach has an excellent effect, the spots disappear in a short time, but it acts very aggressively on the skin. Organic solvents will also help: kerosene and gasoline. After using these products, thoroughly wash the skin with soap. When using these products, the skin should be without damage.

How to wash brilliant green after chickenpox

As a rule, very often there are spots of brilliant green in children after chickenpox. A spotted child is not a very pleasant sight, so gentle means must be used to wash the green from the skin of the child.

These products include greasy baby cream, the already mentioned hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice or vitamin C solution, which is sold in pharmacies.

Spots of brilliant green on the delicate skin of a child should be smeared with baby cream and left for half an hour, then rinse with warm water. Hydrogen peroxide can be slightly diluted with water and a swab dipped in liquid, wipe the spots. If the child is not prone to allergies, lemon juice or vitamin C ampoules for injection are suitable as a cleanser. It must be diluted with water and lubricated with brilliant green spots.

Despite the persistent staining of the skin, Zelenka has a number of useful properties. It does not burn the skin like iodine, helps with the resorption of scars and scars, does not cause allergies and is an excellent antiseptic. And the spots that remain on the skin are just an annoying nuisance that you can get rid of.

We hope these tips will help you quickly and easily. wipe green from skin.

Every home should have disinfectants in case of various injuries and injuries. However, the usual brilliant green often presents unpleasant surprises. No amount of caution and accuracy helps to avoid the appearance of green spots. Many people think that getting them out is not so easy. But it's not. You just need to know the simplest recommendations and the main nuances.

Get rid of marks on the skin

For obvious reasons, brilliant green gets on the skin most often. It is practically not washed with soap (liquid or solid). If you do not want to wait several days for the spots to gradually disappear on their own, you need to use medical alcohol. When it is not at hand, vodka, cognac, rum and other strong drinks can serve as a substitute. To enhance the effect will help the addition of a small portion lemon juice or vinegar essence. The mixture is impregnated with a cosmetic disc or cotton wool, and then carried over green skin. What remains after repeated cleaning can be washed off with just water.

The procedure is completed with a nourishing cream or scrub.

How to clean clothes?

There is no universal way to deal with stains of a popular antiseptic. It is best to focus on the type of fabric. So, white cotton can be cleaned with bleach - it is diluted in warm water, the soiled thing is immersed there and after a couple of hours it is washed in the machine with the highest possible intensity. As much as you would like to remove the stain as soon as possible, do not attempt to experiment with bleaches and strong chemicals on colored fabrics.

You can try to wipe light-colored clothes with hydrogen peroxide, but not manually, not with cotton, but with a cosmetic disk. Please note that you will have to use several discs in a row, and the remaining stains will need to be washed with laundry soap. Colored linen is cleaned as follows: peroxide is dissolved in water and washed several times in a row. Attempting to use a large amount at once may remove the dye from the fabric. Dense matter can be saved acetone, which thoroughly impregnate the stain and immediately wash off.

Remove greenery from more delicate things products containing alcohol: a few minutes after treatment, the stain should be washed off with plain water. You can take kitchen vinegar or ammonia. It is dripped onto a contaminated surface, and after 10 minutes it can be washed with any powder.

It is much more difficult to remove brilliant green from wool than from simple shirts or trousers. Bleaches and solvents irreversibly destroy wool fibers. It will take a very long time to hand wash with laundry soap to solve the problem. Synthetics are much easier in this regard. Often there is no need to take special measures.

Just run the next two or three washes on the maximum setting, and cleanliness will return.

How to wipe off furniture?

Removal of brilliant green from dense fabric used in upholstery can be achieved with a saturated soapy solution. Laundry soap is rubbed on a grater, the chips should fall on the stain. Then moisten a soft cloth in hot water, and rub off the pollution until it disappears completely. Since it is impossible to soak furniture, you will have to use other means.

The main thing is to act as quickly and vigorously as possible before the stain is deeply embedded in the surface.

Kitchen tables and sinks can be cleaned with cotton swabs soaked in a mixture of medical alcohol (or vodka) and lemon juice. Wood that is not varnished will have to be sanded - there is no other option. Paint stains:

  • sprinkle with soda;
  • pour vinegar on top;
  • at the end of the reaction, wipe with soft cloths.

There are alternative ways: you can moisten the varnished table with water and rub it with an eraser, or cover the stain with cotton soaked in hydrogen peroxide, but then you have to wait several hours. Alkaline soap has helped some people. If these funds did not have a positive effect, the place filled with brilliant green will still need to be sanded.

Plastic furniture from an antiseptic is washed with household chemicals containing chlorine, but keep in mind that your chair or table may lose color. When the stain is removed, the problem area should also be wiped with vinegar. Helpful in some cases nail polish remover and make-up remover, or wet wipes for computer screens. Do not waste time, take the most affordable means and act.


You can remove stains from leatherette with ordinary alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or by sprinkling with soda and adding vinegar. It is allowed to remove contamination from white skin with white spirit, but this preparation is not at all suitable for colored surfaces. To clean a layer of eco-leather or dermantin, first wipe the clogged area with alcohol, then add hydrogen peroxide and extinguish the soda with vinegar on the stain itself.

When there is a napkin with alcohol at home, which is used to clean household appliances, it is easier to use it.


Removing brilliant green from plastic surfaces only seems to be an easy task. Such non-porous materials do not absorb harmful liquid, but, as already mentioned, discolor too easily. Fresh stains can be removed from the table:

  • alkaline soap;
  • washing powder;
  • alcohol wipes;
  • gasoline or kerosene.

The same solutions will help remove the stain from the windowsill. It is enough to ventilate the room for 20-30 minutes to remove the smell of gasoline. However, do not use automotive fuel, but only refined lighter fuel, otherwise fuel additives that improve the quality of fuel and lubricants will only increase pollution.


It will not be possible to quickly remove a stain of brilliant green from a chest of drawers, from a cabinet, from the legs of a chair or table. Moreover, no home or industrial means will cope with this task. Only by mechanically removing the stained layer can the problem be solved.


Sometimes green spots appear on metal surfaces. The universal response to this challenge is the use of alcohol. It confidently dissolves aggressive dye. With the help of alcohol solutions, it will be possible to remove the stain from both the bath and the car. Strengthen the effect of improvised means will help lemon juice.

Judging by the reviews, the same alcohol or acetone helps to clean green pollution from the refrigerator. But be careful with the solvent. Take care of your safety and whether the paint will be damaged.


Often, wounds are disinfected in the bathroom, because there is a mirror, thanks to which you can control the process even all alone. But the slightest inaccuracy leads to the fact that the sink gets dirty. The way out is to use an alcohol-containing liquid or stain remover. In fact, you can wash the contaminated area with any cleaning agent, which is recommended for plumbing by the manufacturer.


Washing rubber and products from it is quite simple: ordinary alkaline soap will help. This material is also cleaned with toothpaste or alcohol. If there is a quartz lamp at home, you can use it.


A small amount of stain remover must be applied to the fabric, or the concentrated preparation should be diluted in accordance with the instructions. Next, prepare a soap solution and rub off the rest of the stain. If you decide to remove the brilliant green from the surface of the sofa with washing powder, dilute it thoroughly in water. An extra minute is not terrible, but foam will appear, which is more convenient and practical to rub with a brush than a simple solution.

When using alcohol and products based on it, you need to be careful so that the upholstery does not become paler.

How can you clean the floor?

It is advisable to remove the brilliant green from the laminate with conventional concentrated cleaning mixtures. Alternatively, you can use a combination of alcohol or vodka with lemon juice or citric acid. Acetone works well, but paint will go away with the stain. Zelenka is removed from the tile with soapy water - it is not absorbed into the material, because ceramics cannot absorb an antiseptic.

The green dye is removed from the parquet with dishwashing or washing powder. First, the contaminated area is moistened, sprinkled with a small portion of the reagent and left for 30 or 40 minutes. Then rub with a sponge, remove the rest of the powder, wipe the floor with a damp cloth and wipe it dry. If the coating is wooden and unpainted, then it remains only to grind (scrap) until the stain is completely destroyed. Do not try to use the most active products, as they can cause more damage than the dirt itself.

It is necessary to wash off the brilliant green from the carpet immediately. First of all, the remaining liquid composition is removed with a clean, dry cloth. Immediately after this, the flooded area is washed with a saturated solution of laundry soap. After removing the solution with warm water, immediately evaluate the result. If cleanliness is not achieved, immediately re-treat the carpet. Chlorine bleaches are unacceptable, as they will remove the antiseptic and leave an ugly white stain.

Removing greenery from walls

The easiest way to put things in order is on a non-woven coating or on wallpaper made of PVC. If brilliant green got on paper wallpaper, they must be completely changed and there is no other way to solve the problem. As a rule, they do this:

  • moisten the problem area;
  • soda and acetic acid are applied with a sponge;
  • rub the mixture into the stain;
  • the remaining soda is removed with a damp cloth.

Another way to remove green paint from wallpaper is to prepare a homogeneous solution of starch in water. This solution is applied with a paint brush or sponge to the problem area, and after drying, the remaining dirt is simply removed with a dry cloth. Or rub hydrogen peroxide on the stain for a couple of hours then the pollution will disappear by itself. But all these options are good only on light plain coatings.

At any time of the year, our inquisitive four-legged friends find something interesting on the street.

Sometimes this interesting thing leaves stubborn traces of fuel oil, tar or paint on the wool.

In addition to a purely aesthetic problem, such incidents cause great damage to the coat, so these stains should be dealt with immediately.

Oil or tar

Even if you do not live in the capital, but in a quiet, calm district center, there will still be some kind fellow tractor driver who will merge used engine oil right next to your house. A dog, walking through such a puddle with its paws or simply running along the railroad tracks, runs the risk of returning home in foul-smelling oil stains, which are not easy to wash off with ordinary water. Here are some tips that will help you clean the skin and coat of the animal without harm to the hair:

  • Dishwashing liquid "Fairy" called a real ambulance in such situations. The main advantages of this liquid are its widespread availability, low cost and high efficiency. Dilute the product in a small amount of water and lather the stains liberally. Leave the dog in this state for 7-10 minutes and rinse everything off with running water. If after the first time there are slight traces, repeat the lathering again.
  • To neutralize the possible harmful effects of chemicals on the skin, after the procedure, be sure to bathe the animal with shampoo and generously lubricate with the usual balm.
  • Dogs prone to allergic rashes, or those who find this method too drastic, may be advised to try to wash off the pollution. Shampoo "Clean paws" Russian production.
  • Often, after washing your beloved four-legged dirty, fuel oil is not only on your clothes, but also on the walls of the bathroom in which the dog bathed. To minimize contamination, make it a rule to wash your pet only on a special rubber anti-slip mat. Enamel stains are best cleaned with an ordinary Comet.
  • It is not easy to wash the tar that has stuck to the dog. If it happens in winter, the substance in the cold has time to harden tightly, and then the only way out is shearing the spot. In the hot season, there is a chance to avoid drastic measures. First of all, you should abundantly moisten the contaminated area with vegetable oil. Then gently wipe the dirt with a soft cloth. As a rule, blackness remains on the rag, completely removed from the wool. Now in place of the dirty, a greasy stain has formed. However, it is much easier to deal with him. With the help of your faithful "Fairy" you can easily get rid of fat on wool. Well, after, according to the already familiar scheme, we wash the dog with a delicate shampoo and lubricate with a balm.
  • Dog breeders - motorists are advised to deal with such stains with the help of detergent paste for hands of car mechanics sold in any car dealership. This substance is hypoallergenic and very gentle on the skin, eliminating stains.

Hair dye

Despite the seeming absurdity, hair dye stains are not uncommon on a dog's coat. Sometimes, to give the animal an exotic look, the owners paint the pet with their own hands or in the salon. Or, perhaps, while dyeing the master's hair, the restless dog was smeared in a coloring agent.

  • The best and most gentle means today are considered professional human paint removers. Gently apply them on the stain and, following the instructions, leave on the coat.
  • If the dog is short-haired, try carefully comb this place with a furminator. It will gently remove most of the dyed hair and speed up shedding.
  • You can try to paint on white wool bleach with hydrogen peroxide. According to the testimony of those who used this remedy, the dark spot, albeit slowly, but disappears.
  • Gives excellent results folk bleaching agents. You can try to get rid of the stain with masks or applications from kefir, lemon juice with starch, decoction of chamomile. By the way, the latter gives light wool, a clearly visible golden hue. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it on white dogs.
  • The most important thing when removing paint stains - do not overdo it with industrial washes. As a rule, a rather aggressive composition of the liquid can lead to a pronounced allergic skin reaction.
  • Oil paint cleans up great vegetable oil or special brush cleaner which can be purchased at any art store.


When a dog is sick, the owner thinks only about the speedy recovery of the pet. Thoughts about a spoiled appearance come much later, when the danger is already behind. Unfortunately, not all drug stains can be removed. Most often, after treatment, traces of the following drugs remain on the coat of dogs:

  • Iodine. Theoretically, iodine can be easily removed from wool using ammonia. But how the skin and subtle olfactory receptors of the dog will react to this radical remedy is a big question. Just in case, we advise you, if possible, not to use such potent drugs. After all, pure wool is not worth the health of a four-legged friend.
  • Good for removing fresh traces of iodine hydrogen peroxide and a solution of ordinary ascorbic acid in ampoules. Acid, applied a few minutes after the drug, magically leaves the coat spotlessly clean. Unfortunately, with old stains, the effect of the application is almost zero.
  • To avoid such problems, it is better to treat animal wounds with colorless antiseptics.
  • Treatment of the wound with dioxidine or levomecol can also lead to a persistent yellow spot. appearing at the site of injury. If the dog is white - can help professional chalk produced by Biogroom.
  • Animals with a light color, alas, are left only with shave the yellowed area and, using hair growth products, hope that new hair will grow back quickly.
  • Occasionally, a different color of hair will grow at the site of the injury - gray in dark dogs and dark brown or black in light dogs. The nature of this phenomenon is not completely known. If there are several hairs, you can try to pull them out with tweezers, but if the area is large, it remains only to carefully mask this place at the exhibition.


Often, the asphalt of modern cities resembles a bizarre marble mosaic, in which chewing gums densely covering the pavement are the white element. If your dog has chewed gum, don't panic. Getting rid of it, though not easy, but possible:

  • Wrap a cotton swab liberally moistened with ordinary medical alcohol on the teeth of the comb. Then comb the wool in all directions with this design.
  • As is known, the vat crumbles easily and falls off from exposure to low temperatures. Of course, putting the whole dog in the freezer is unlikely to succeed, but an ice cube applied to the limb will give the same effect. After the chewing gum has dried, be sure to take your pet to the doctor.
  • By the way, stuck in wool plasticine looks great after processing wool with any means for tangles.

If you find a colored spot on your pet's coat, do not give up. Try to clean it in all possible ways that are safe for the health of the dog.

If you don't succeed, don't despair. It is possible that your friend’s show career will stop for some time, but the creative appearance and unusual color are guaranteed to draw the attention of others to the dog and make it the most popular and recognizable dog in the area.

We know very little about the time when the first domestic animals appeared, there is practically no confirmed information about them. There are no legends or chronicles about that period in the life of mankind when we were able to tame wild animals. It is believed that already in the Stone Age, ancient people had domesticated living creatures, the ancestors of today's domestic animals. The time when a person received modern domestic animals remains unknown to science, and the formation of today's domestic animals as a species is also unknown.

Scientists suggest that every domestic animal has its own wild progenitor. Proof of this are archaeological excavations carried out on the ruins of ancient human settlements. During the excavations, bones belonging to the domestic animals of the ancient world were found. So it can be argued that even in such a distant era of human life, we were accompanied by domesticated animals. Today there are species of domestic animals that are no longer found in the wild.

Many of today's wild animals are feral animals due to the fault of man. For example, let's take America or Australia as a clear proof of this theory. Almost all domestic animals in these continents were brought from Europe. These animals have found fertile ground for life and development. An example of this is hares or a rabbit in Australia. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators dangerous for this species on this continent, they multiplied in huge numbers and became wild. Since all rabbits were domesticated and brought by Europeans for their needs. Therefore, we can say with confidence that more than half of wild domesticated animals are former domestic animals. For example, wild city cats and dogs.

Be that as it may, the question of the origin of domestic animals should be considered open. As for our pets. Then the first confirmations in the annals and legends we meet a dog and a cat. In Egypt, the cat was a sacred animal, and dogs were actively used in the ancient era by mankind. There is plenty of evidence for this. In Europe, the cat appeared in its mass after the crusade, but firmly and quickly occupied the niche of a pet and mouse hunter. Before them, Europeans used different animals to catch mice, such as the weasel or the genet.

Domestic animals are divided into two unequal species.

The first type of domestic animals are farm animals that bring direct benefit to humans. Meat, wool, fur and many other useful things, goods, and are also used by us for food. But they do not live with a person directly in the same room.

The second type is animal pets (companions), which we see every day in our homes or apartments. They brighten up our leisure, entertain us and give us pleasure. And most of them, for practical purposes, are almost useless in the modern world, such as hamsters, guinea pigs, parrots and many others.

Animals of the same species may not infrequently belong to both species, both farm animals and pets. A striking example of this, rabbits and ferrets are kept as pets but also bred for their meat and fur. Also, some pet waste can be used, for example, cat and dog hair for knitting various items or as a heater. For example, dog hair belts.

Many doctors note the positive impact of pets on human health and well-being. We can see that many families who keep some animals at home note that these animals create comfort, calm, and relieve stress.

This encyclopedia was created by us to help pet lovers. We hope that our encyclopedia will help you in choosing and caring for your pet.

If you have an interesting observation of the behavior of your pet or have a desire, share information about some kind of pet. Or you have a nursery, a veterinary clinic, or a hotel for animals near your house, write to us about them at the address so that we add this information to the database on our website.

Everyone has used greenery at least once. This usually happens in stressful situations when a wound or cut needs to be treated. The risk of leaving a stain on clothes, furniture in such cases is very high. Do not rush to throw away the soiled thing - it can still be saved!

You need to act depending on the type of fabric. Short hair, wool and coats fabrics can be washed with ordinary soapy water. It will be better if you take laundry soap for this purpose. Of course, after one attempt, the stain will not disappear. It is also recommended to apply a soapy solution to the stain and leave for a while, then rub with a brush or hands and rinse with clean water. Repeat these manipulations until the green is completely removed. Fabrics with smooth surface, products from skin help save ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Simply apply peroxide to a cotton swab and rub the stain. Be prepared to repeat these steps several times. Another good remedy for removing "green" spots from leather products is alcohol. However, you need to be careful with alcohol if the skin is colored, since paint can also come off with the stain.

If the stain is on fur coat, for starters, calm down, everything is fixable. Dilute a small amount of shampoo or powder in water until a rich lather is formed. Apply foam to the stain, leave for a couple of minutes, then remove the foam with any soft cloth. It is advisable to do this in the direction of the pile. Let the product dry and comb the fur. Repeat if necessary.

How to remove stains of brilliant green from bed linen

Will come to the rescue again hydrogen peroxide. Treat the contaminated area with peroxide, hold for about an hour and wash in the washing machine. If bed linen white color- add bleach and wash on the "boil" mode.

linen from colored fabrics save olive or sunflower oil. Just put a drop on the stain, leave it in this state for a couple of hours and wash.

Another way to save bed linen is a solution alcohol and water. Dilute the components in equal proportions and apply to the contaminated area. Then wash at a temperature of 60-90 degrees.

table vinegar help to restore the damaged item. Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions and add a teaspoon of sunflower oil. Apply to fabric and leave for 2-3 hours. If the stain is less noticeable, wash in the machine. Otherwise, re-treat the stain in the same way.

Removing green from a white shirt

If brilliant green is on a white shirt, try using starch. Wet the contaminated area and sprinkle some starch. Rub it with a brush, it will be better if you leave the thing in this state for a couple of hours. Then rinse thoroughly with water. Now pour some stain remover, hold for a while and wash.

Another option is to use Vanish. Just pour a cap on the stain, hold for a while and wash. Repeat if necessary. The best effect can be achieved by soaking the product with Vanish overnight.

A little-known, therefore rare way is to use bathroom and toilet cleaner. Apply the product to the contaminated area and rub. Rinse well in running water. In this case, you do not need to leave the product for a long time, as you can ruin the fabric.

With colored clothes

10% will help you with this problem ammonia. Apply the solution to the product, leave for 10-20 minutes and wash with laundry soap or powder.

A good and inexpensive way is to use for this purpose laundry soap. Just wash the stain and leave for 2-3 hours, then wash in the washing machine at 60 degrees.

You can not bother and use any stain remover. Luckily, there are plenty of them on the market right now. Apply to the stain, hold for a while, and then wash in the washing machine with the addition of the same stain remover.

Potassium permanganate solution Removes stains of brilliant green from colored fabrics well. Dilute potassium permanganate in warm water, the solution should be weak - pale pink. Soak the item in it for a couple of hours, then wash with the addition of a stain remover.

Removing stains from carpet

In most cases, removing brilliant green from carpets is problematic. This is explained by the complex structure and the presence of pile. First, use a 10% solution ammonia. Apply a little solution to the contaminated area, rub a little and rinse. Then lather the stain with laundry soap - it should become much paler or disappear altogether.

To cope with cleaning the carpet can ordinary hydrogen peroxide. Pour the solution onto the stain and rub. Repeat if necessary.

Use a carpet cleaner. Dilute it in water and wash the stain.

If you decide to trust the professionals in this matter and give the carpet to the dry cleaner, do it as soon as possible. A fresh stain is much easier to remove.

Removing green stains from jeans

Denim fabric differs from others in its rough structure. To remove brilliant green from such matter, use acetone. You do not need to dilute it, just moisten a cotton swab and rub the contaminated area. Then rinse with water and wash as usual.

It will help save soiled jeans and a regular stain remover. Pour the cap on the cloth and leave for 2-3 hours. When washing, add a little more stain remover to the washing machine.

Removing greenery from the sofa

Removing such stains from upholstered furniture should not be put off indefinitely, otherwise the risk of permanently damaged things increases. Take advantage starch- moisten the contaminated area with water, pour starch and rub lightly, leave it in this state for a couple of hours. After complete drying, remove the remaining dirt with a brush.

Soda- a good option to get rid of a fresh stain. Dilute soda in a small amount of water, apply the resulting slurry to the stain. Rub and rinse with water.

Deal with this problem very well. stain removers. Apply to the contaminated area, hold for about an hour and rinse.

You can use divorced laundry detergent. Dissolve it until a rich foam forms and process the furniture.

How to wipe the brilliant green from the skin

In this case, it will help hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and simply wipe the contaminated areas of the skin.

Another proven method is lemon. Cut a slice of lemon and rub the stain. From the first time it will not be erased, so repeat the procedure.

A mixture of citric acid and alcohol Works great on green stains.

A good way to remove brilliant green from the skin, but requiring great care- usage bleach. After you have rubbed off the stain, wash the skin area with clean, warm water and soap. Attention! Do not use this method to remove green stains from your face.

Ethanol also works well with greens. Soak a cotton swab in the alcohol solution and gently rub the stain. You may have to repeat, but not earlier than after 2-3 hours.

Removing green stains from clothes after chickenpox

Chickenpox always requires the treatment of sprinkled skin with brilliant green. And almost always there are traces on the clothes. To bring them out quickly and simply will help the following methods.

Very good and cheap method laundry soap and washing powder. Grate the soap and mix with the powder in a ratio of 1/1. Before washing, soak the laundry in warm water, add a mixture of soap and powder. Wash stains and rinse.

Hydrogen peroxide quickly removes fresh stains from brilliant green. Just apply the solution to a cloth and rub it in a little. Next, wash the item in the usual way.

Baking soda- one of the most harmless ways to remove brilliant green. Pour baking soda over the stain, scrub with a brush or sponge, and then shake off. Repeat if necessary.


Removing green stains is not difficult and not expensive if you start fighting them right away. If for some reason the stains were set a long time ago and have already eaten in, it would be better to seek help from dry cleaners.