Happy birthday to man funny search tags. A selection of funny pictures for congratulating a man on his birthday

Happy birthday!
Boy, you're already big.
I don’t know what to wish for you...
Always be yourself!

Everyone wishes you happiness
Long life and not to get sick,
We avoided bad weather.
You're handsome - keep it up!

I wish you a yacht, a dacha,
The suitcase comes with some extra money.
Be patient a little longer
You'll buy an island soon.

I wish you a beautiful life:
Fishing, relaxation, lots of beer!
Go to the bathhouse on weekends,
Live to the fullest!
And so that the wife is obedient,
Indifferent to mink coats,
To feed you deliciously,
So that she is skillful in bed!
In general, more all sorts of benefits,
What is in your men's dreams!

Happy birthday, man! I wish you to always remain strong, lively, cheerful, confident, brave and cool, like a lion among animals, like an eagle in the sky, like a cornflower in an open field, like a basil in a garden bed. Let every day be lucky, let happiness and luck come not at retail, but wholesale!

Let it be in your hut
There's money and girls
And outside the window a faithful horse awaits:
Iron, fashionable - wow, fire.

And let at your porch
Three faithful soldiers are on duty:
Love, reliability and peace,
And happiness follows you.

In luck - eternal unlimited,
In bed - personal Aibolit,
In a career - growth to the skies,
Let there be progress in everything.

Well, a little more will,
A little sugar without salt,
A little serious personal matters,
So that chaos does not happen.

Happy Birthday
And I wish you all the best:
Lots of joy and money
In reality, not in dreams!

In every business, endeavor,
Only success - to the skies,
Inspiration, prosperity,
And any other miracles!

Happy Birthday! Don't get drunk
And moderately “accept”!
In the bullpen, prison, hospital
Never hit.

Keep your mind clear and sober,
The heart is burning fieryly.
Prostatitis, enuresis
You'll never know.

So that your nerves are steel,
So that I can achieve everything.
To dollars and euros
Didn't fit in the wallet.

In the Maldives and Hawaii
Drink sweet juice on a sun lounger.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart:
Let everything come true in due time!

You were born, and it doesn't matter
How many years ago?
On this day I wish
May there always be harmony in the family!

So that your wife meets you at home
In a mini dress up to the elbows,
And the children's loud laughter
Made everyday life more fun.

So that friends with a keg of beer
We came sometimes
And today, on my birthday,
And with a bottle of cognac!

Today is your birthday!
Let's drink while standing. Where's the mug?
For your love, luck,
House, wife, apartment, dacha,
So that the car doesn't break down,
Mother-in-law often admired
Father-in-law loved and respected
Even the cat would adore it.
Live to be 100 healthy
Cheerful, cheerful,
So that on the hundredth anniversary
I was able to dance without crutches.

On a man's birthday
Somehow it’s common to wish
Build a house, make a son
And plant trees.

This is all important, of course:
And the heirs and the forest,
And the cottage is multi-storey...
Better with a sauna... Or without.

The main thing is that in this house,
Just step over the threshold,
The heart was filled with light,
There were no quarrels or squabbles.

To make children happy.
And it doesn’t matter: daughter or son.
Be, dear, in the world
All the happiest men!

Such a prominent man
I want to wish you victories
May you be in all your glory and strength
He lived for decades more.

I want to wish you success
I want to wish love
To have reasons to laugh,
Don't let your finances fail you.

So that in this swamp of life
There was a reliable island.
And so, as they say in the navy,
Caught a fair breeze!

Happy Birthday!
Let them rush at full speed
Happiness, miracle, inspiration
And luck is just a click away.

Let everything work out, grow together,
Magic will happen
The sun shines daily
And it will only bring joy!

A man is rightfully considered the head of the family. He manages the household budget, solves difficulties and problems, does not lose heart in hopeless situations, supports and protects. It’s not for nothing that they say: “to lend a strong man’s shoulder,” because sometimes an incredible amount of burden falls on them. There is one day a year when a man must be thanked for all the good he has done - his birthday.

On this day you can do it in different ways. First you need to decide on his preferences. If he likes sports, then you can give him some exercise equipment or equipment; if he loves elite alcohol, then a bottle of Jack Daniels will be an excellent gift. You must understand your man and know what he loves and what he hates. In addition to the usual gift, you definitely need to appease the stronger sex. You can send funny birthday greetings to the man you care about via SMS. These congratulations work especially well when you have some kind of tense situation in a relationship or the man has some problems - with health or at work. It never hurts to defuse the situation. And don’t limit yourself to one message, bombard your man with cool texts throughout the day, then he will come to the celebration in a good mood.

Although a man is strong, sometimes he needs to rest and forget about all his problems and hardships. And what other day can you relax if not on your own birthday? Congratulate the stronger sex, and they will become even stronger.

I wish to combine with good luck
Any woman's dreams.
Own a cool dacha by the sea,
To be the ideal of beauty
Giving diamonds indiscriminately
Be pumped up and slim
It’s time to wear a chic suit,
Stop wearing stubble...
Then all the women in the world
They will be conquered by you.
But you don't need all this
Lotions. You're such a playboy!

Birthday boy, where have you been?
You forgot to register!
As much as possible, motherfucker,
Wait in vain?!

Where's the liver? Where is the balyk?
Where's the herring? Where is the tongue?
Where is the vodka, cognac, wine?
We've been waiting a long time!

Congratulations excite
Alcohol and food...
Now there's a different situation!
Be happy and be rich!

Let everything in life be Okay,
I wish you on your birthday!
More money in the wallet,
Success in business - always.
A luxury car in the garage,
Fishing in the morning, from hunting,
So that barefoot and in the dew,
Taking in the delights of nature.
Beer in the morning, with a barbecue,
Yes, take a swim in the clean river,
And there’s cognac, under the bottle,
And hug with a six-string.
Spend time with friends
Always pleasant and at ease,
Make yourself happy,
Live easily and carefree!

Happy Birthday man!
You are smart and so great!
You have hands of steel
Your mind is drawn to science!

The look sparkles like lightning,
Everything underneath is on fire!
Continue to be cool
Such a big man!

Man - that sounds proud!
The guy never screams!
A quiet word is enough -
The man will calm anyone down!

The man doesn't waste unnecessary words,
But I’m ready to keep my word!
And the hardest thing
He decides firmly and boldly!

And instead of empty compliments
And other lady moments
We will tell you straight:
You are a real man!

Happy birthday man
My protector and hero!
Look at you like a painting
I admire it every day.

Would you like me to iron your shirts?
And I’ll pour you 100 grams?
Let's have a glass together,
And then I'll give it to you.

I will give you peace and inspiration,
And I will surround you with care...
In general, dear, happy birthday!
The holiday is yours. I'm not buzzing...

Happy birthday! Wish
You can live like in the picture:
Long-legged brunettes,
Busty blondes,
Lots of beer and snacks
Densely populates the table,
And on all TV channels
Football around the clock!

They will help to please the birthday boy, deliver positive emotions and charge him with positivity for the whole day. funny birthday greetings for a man from the lips of relatives, friends or acquaintances. Don’t think that congratulating a man should be strict or serious. On the contrary, you can, and sometimes even need to, congratulate you on your birthday with humorous, cool words.

Sometimes you want to surprise a man you know with something. If not a gift, then a cool birthday greeting. While everyone else is preparing their pompous or formal congratulations, you can be more original by choosing a cool congratulation.

For some reason, many people underestimate the importance of proper congratulations. At best, they get rid of this responsibility with the help of purely symbolic phrases that are already boring and unnecessary to anyone.

Everyone can wish for more money and health. And this is already perceived as commonplace. Therefore, funny birthday greetings for men with a dose of humor are very much appreciated. Making the birthday person smile or laugh is a gift in itself.

Funny poems for congratulating a man on his birthday

Live brightly, beautifully and boldly!
Catch the wind of luck quickly!
Let every new turn in fate
It will bring you happiness and joy!
Successful plans, brilliant solutions!
New victories and real friends!

Happy birthday,
And with all our hearts we wish,
You should drink beer and honey,
And don’t let the disease take you,
And may you be brave and cheerful,
The wallet was always tight
There was success in your deeds,
All the nuts are tough!

Let it be on your birthday
Just a lot of pleasure.
Shot glasses with vodka, mugs with beer,
Cute girlfriends.
Songs and dances until you drop!
Anything else we need?

Let there be a birthday
Cheerful, cheerful, drunk.
Let them sound throughout the area
The laughter of friends and the clinking of glasses.
Let everything go with a bang!
And it will be easy in the morning!

What can we say about our birthday boy?
His face is courageous,
The heart is noble,
Intelligence is powerful
Character - persistent,
Eyes are clear
The look is piercing,
The head is cooking,
Rules the wheel
He can do everything
He doesn't spare money.
All the girls are dying for you today

I wish you a life of long days
So that you forget about doctors
So that it is deep, so that it is wide
And a wallet full of money!

I wish you to become infected with optimism
Be cheerful even on Monday morning
And also, go mountaineering,
After all, I wish you a MOUNTAIN OF MONEY!

Funny comic congratulations to a man on his birthday

In order for a cool, comic birthday greeting for a man to be appropriate, so to speak, the main thing is to choose it correctly, so that in addition to the joke, it contains human warmth and attention. If all this is present, then such a congratulation is considered good and appropriate for the occasion.

Don't miss the opportunity to congratulate a man you know. This sign of attention will definitely be appreciated. And, who knows, your list of friends may be replenished with another good person.

May you not live sadly,
Cabbage crunches in your wallet,
The key to the car is in my pocket,
The TV remote is waiting on the sofa.

May you succeed in everything
Life is wonderful:
In my personal life - awesome!
Everything is great at work!
In terms of money, everything is OK!
And full of friends!

May you always have cash
What you spend it on is a personal matter.
Maybe you’ll buy a house, a car, a dacha,
And then you can treat your friends for change!

Be full of excitement and optimism
And take advantage of your luck!
Achieve in your successful life
Dizzying heights!
Think boldly, act energetically.
May your business go well!

Best wishes on your birthday!
The work is not dusty, and also not noisy,
The salary was a decent amount.
Large living space and quiet neighbors!
Set the table, we're on our way to you!

I wish you immodest profits
Huge Swiss bank account
A large dacha outside the city
Good health to boot

Big victories in love affairs
Canaries and Cote d'Azur
All kinds of success in life
And most importantly, reliable friends!

I wish that WOW!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can WOW!
To take your breath away.
Of course, to be WOW!!
And so that FU is very little.
So that sometimes WOW!
“WOW!” is not nonsense,
“IT CAN’T BE!” - it’s real,
“FUCK IT!” - even if it’s virtual.
WOW! - so that it surprises more often,
“WELL, EVERYTHING IS KICKED!” was not enough.
And if desired, EGE-GEY!
And to make it come true, come on, pour it!

I wish you to live
Nice and free!
And so that your wallet is there,
Full of money!
I wish you beer oceans,
And they contain rams and shrimps
You would be a better captain
Didn't get out of the round-the-world trip!

Funny and cool congratulations

May you live a beautiful life
I wish you a lot of beer!
In mugs, in jars and in bottles!
A case of beer in the freezer!
And so that you can cope with it,
We are already running to you!

I wish you more rest,
Swim and sunbathe at the sea.
To celebrate this dashing holiday with dignity,
To wake up with a sore head!

But before these, after the banquet
Have a fun night until dawn!
Fabulous days and fun nights,
Good girlfriends and friends to you!

I want to wish everything to be great
A great amount of cash in your wallet
Great colleagues at a great job
Take a five-day break from work on Saturday

Various questions, excellent solutions
You have excellent relationships with your family,
Excellent health, and in your personal life
Let everything be just “excellent” for you!

Cool congratulations and wishes

A basket of success, a bag of luck,
A bag of fun for your birthday,
A healthy backpack for fragile shoulders,
A tight wallet with a wad of bucks - upon meeting!

Where can I get some well-being?
It doesn't happen that way - that's a fact.
But let more be "better"
And there will be less “somehow”.
We wish you on your birthday
Smiles, joyful chores,
Health, happiness and fun
Today, tomorrow, all year round!

Be who you are:
For friends - a good friend,
At home - a loving spouse
And a caring father,
And in bed - well done!

Let the money, huddled in flocks of birds,
flying towards you like a hurricane...
Let them surround, attack and climb
with impudence in your pocket!!!

Funny and funny congratulations

Don't drink water if you can drink wine!
Don't drink wine if you can drink good wine!
Don't drink good wine when you can drink very good wine!
And most importantly, don’t forget to drink to
so that you always have money for what is better!

I wish you were always
Slightly drunk with happiness
And so that your wallet is there
Looks like a suitcase!

Everything is possible on your birthday -
Without any “no” or “but”:
Crocodile on a helicopter
With a kilo of popsicle
He will fly in and congratulate you loudly
He will sing on the harmonica:
“Happy Bezday, my good one!”
And he will give you a huge cake!

Our wishes are brief:
Be healthy, live in abundance.

Funny birthday greetings

We wish you happiness as pure as crystal,
Good luck to the greyhound, like a Roman rebel,
Good health, like an old oak tree,
To be as young as a baby tooth.

So that all good things come true,
To make a lot of money,
And so that instead of lords and servants
An old, faithful friend was always there!

Who's birthday is it here?
Put your ears up!
We will not pull for them -
Just sit and listen.
Be healthy, smart and happy,
Grab your luck by the tail.
Don't let her out of your hands -
Ask for a car, a dacha.
Fortune is a mischievous girl,
He can teach anyone a lesson.
We wish there was enough gunpowder
You can tame Fortune.

One a year - birthday - day
Whether you are in flight, on the fly:
Forget all the rubbish of everyday life,
Making money is a hustle!
Stop. Look up
Everything around is beautiful, like in a dream...
Smile at winter and summer,
Laugh in autumn, spring!
Take it easy, relax
Drive sadness out of the house with a broom...
On this day all your dreams
Let them turn into reality!
And at this best hour in life,
Those in love with you, don’t forget us!!!

Cool birthday greetings

On this day and this year,
Every moment
Let him laugh and sing
Have a nice birthday.
Let your friends not let you down
And fate will not wilt,
And invisible heavy fetters
It won't happen in life.
We wish with all our hearts:
Let everythnig will be alright!

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday soon!
Today, expect gifts from your loved ones and friends!
Today be the brightest, be the happiest,
And enjoy life, don’t forget to laugh!
We love you very much, you are our dear friend!
It’s great happiness that we know each other!

Happy birthday
And according to the list of blessings we wish:
So that you get into the Duma!
To become a new Russian!
Outdid Gates Beale
Celebrated a dacha in the Maldives!
Paris Hilton to fall in love
And she fell at your feet!

Ridiculous birthday greetings to men

Let life be rich
And my head doesn't hurt in the morning.
I hope you don't forget this day
May your soul rejoice,
Let your body dance and tremble joyfully,
Let love flow like a river in your heart.
I wish you happiness and a sea of ​​success,
live peacefully, easily, without grief and haste.
To drown in love, but not to grieve.
Have a good marriage, always have fun.

Love the evil ones - they have less falsehood,
Than in hypocritical good-natured people

Happy birthday! Happy Birthday!
This day is coming now!
Cool, cool mood
Let it definitely happen!
To make life seem sweet
But not cloyingly disgusting
Delicious, delicious chocolate
I'll treat you, my love.
To make sweetness work
Every day I captivated you,
And my other concern
I never got tired.
So that there is a lot of jam,
So that guests are often
For something so sweet
Everyone loved him uncontrollably.

Happiness, good luck,
Health, goodness,
Have a good job,
And a lot of money!

My wife is like candy
Children are angels,
And a car and a yacht,
Both the villa and the garden.

Friends - only true ones,
Success in business.
Be number one
In life always!

Cool birthday wish for a man

What does a macho man want on his birthday?
From lovely women of tenderness
Rolls-Royce and a dacha near Moscow
Go home with the beauty

But before that, take a walk
Meet the dawn with friends
Go to a club and restaurant
And drink there to the lovely ladies

We had to wish you
For all this to suddenly come true
"My dreams come true" -
I thought on your birthday!

Cool birthday greetings to a man in verse

People say that a man is
And the Sultan, and yet a breadwinner.
Well, that's a good reason
Get yourself a decent harem.

Well, as for the breadwinner, everything is clear here:
This means pumping oil in the garden.
Life like this is not dangerous at all,
Let him go in the same way.

Let the sock find a pair,
Borscht is always waiting hot,
It's good to bear such punishment,
To be called a man.

Cool verse happy birthday greetings to a man

To look sporty
To start a business,
So that with loved ones, relatives
Travel all over the country!

To all the reliefs of the body
We were only in those places
What is needed for the benefit of the business
For physical activities!

So that in the skull,
What is created for the brain
There were thoughts about worthy
And sometimes fun!

To pulse with pleasure
Became more frequent at the right moment,
To remember that everything is imperishable,
That you are young - not old!

Cool short birthday greetings to a man

I congratulate you and wish you to become
A multimillionaire, as I once dreamed of,
But when you fly past in a Porsche,
Try to spot me at the metro.

Funny happy birthday greetings for a man

Lots of money and love
We wish you
So that there is enough for your own
Even those on the edge.

You are man! Let everything be in a bundle
It's rushing and heading.
Warm house, and in the house
You are a king for the queen.

Let your dreams be knocked down
In a hurry to come true.
Let your wallet burst
In the seams from banknotes.

Happy birthday! All the best.
Tchk. Let it be so.

Funny happy birthday greetings to a man

Such men are hard to find now.
You have everything, you can’t take it away.
Handsome, successful and always loved.
So always remain like this.

Let women immediately be thrilled by the sight,
Enemies, seeing only you, weaken.
Let luck show you the way
And he will punish you with mad happiness.

We also wish you a lot, a lot of strength,
May God protect you on your journey.
So that you become the eternal darling of fate,
He lived in abundance and love all his days.

Funny happy birthday greetings for a man

On my birthday I wish:
May you be lucky everywhere!
To be the first on vacation,
I was not the last to work!
So that the apartment is big
The house outside the city is tall!
So that salaries and advances
Didn't fit in the wallet!
For good health -
It’s impossible without him!
So that you are not forgotten
All old friends!

The funniest birthday greetings for a man

On a wonderful birthday holiday
What can a man wish for?
Success, joy, luck,
A BMW X5 car.

Let the fun flow like a river,
There are so many friends, you can’t count them,
And at night to sleep with you
Model with bust “number 5”.

In the morning to leave the bungalow
To the Mediterranean coast,
And the sun said tenderly:
“Let everything in life be ok!”

Cool happy birthday greetings to a young man

I wish you the keys to the car,
May you never be sad!
And everything a man wants -
There are always beauties with curves,
More cold beer
Salted fish under it,
So that everything always lasts longer,
Nothing irritated me!