Pearl mask from China. Pearl skin care powder

Since ancient times, various properties have been attributed to pearls, supposedly it keeps, gives longevity and prosperity, increases vitality and gives health. According to legend, the queen of ancient Egypt, Cleopatra, daily drank a drink from a crushed pearl dissolved with pomegranate juice, and due to this, she did not lose her youth and attractiveness. Over time, pearls began to be widely used in medicine and cosmetology. One of the results of its application was pearl powder. What is this product and what is it for?

What is pearl powder

Pearlpowder is a natural product made from crushed natural river pearls. The main chemical composition of the powder is calcium carbonate, 18 amino acids and 18 trace elements. Given the natural composition of the product, you should pay attention to the relatively inexpensive price of pearl powder.


1. Pearl powder has a very wide range of applications. It can be used as a nutritional supplement, since it has a positive effect on the human body - the main source of calcium, strengthens bones, calms the nervous system, improves immunity, strengthens eyesight, improves memory, normalizes sleep, reduces the risk of spasms and convulsions, is used in the treatment of impotence, disorders menstrual cycle, frigidity, during pregnancy - contributes to the favorable development of the fetus. But before taking pearl powder inside, you should consult your doctor. And it is important to remember that the maximum daily intake for an adult should not exceed three grams.

2. Pearlpowder- the best whitening drug for teeth. If you use it daily for a week as a tooth powder, then in such a short time it will whiten your teeth better than any paste. But you should not use it for these purposes constantly. After a course of whitening, it is necessary to take a long break, because with prolonged use, pearl powder can damage tooth enamel.

3. Pearl powder in ancient Chinese medicine was very often used as a means for the rapid healing of wounds, since one of the main properties of the powder is to relieve inflammation and promote rapid cell regeneration. It is enough to do a dressing, sprinkling a sore spot with pearl powder. It also has antipruritic properties.

4. And of course, the widest range of applications is cosmetology. Pearl powder is very often included in many whitening and anti-aging creams. It stimulates blood circulation, regulates fluid balance, protects against ultraviolet rays, eliminates pigmentation, relieves swelling, evens and mattifies the complexion. As a result of long-term use - a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and prevention of the formation of new ones. With cleansing properties, it helps to cope with various rashes on the face, evens out the color and makes the skin velvety.

Terms of use:

1. Any mask can be prepared from pearl powder, you just need to mix it with a nourishing or and apply on the skin of the face and neck for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

2. Combined with milk or egg protein, whitens the skin and reduces wrinkles. With honey nourishes and saturates with the necessary missing substances. Pearl powder, mixed with freshly squeezed potato juice, relieves puffiness well, for a better effect, such a compress should be applied for a short time. You can use pearl powder as a scrub mask. It is enough to add a few drops of water to the powder until a creamy consistency is formed and rub it into the skin with massaging movements, then leave it to dry completely and rinse with water. It is recommended to use such masks and pearl scrubs several times a week.

3. Pearl powder is universal for any mask and has a slight pleasant smell. The main thing is to choose the most suitable application of this miracle powder for yourself!

Pearl powder is a powder obtained by grinding natural freshwater pearls formed in shellfish shells. Rejected pebbles with external defects are sent for grinding, which is why they cannot be used for making jewelry. Therefore, the cost of such pearls, and, accordingly, the powder from it, is very small, while the benefits are simply invaluable. Due to the high content of active calcium (more than 15%), other useful minerals (zinc, copper, sodium, manganese, etc.), proteins, amino acids and some other components, pearl powder is widely and effectively used in medicine and cosmetology.

The benefits and uses of pearl powder

Pearl powder is used both as an external agent for healing the skin, hair, nails, and as an oral agent (as a bioactive supplement). It has the following effect on the body:

  • replenishment of calcium in the body (to strengthen bones, nails, prevent cramps and spasms, etc., including during pregnancy);
  • whitening of tooth enamel;
  • elimination of inflammation and irritation on the skin;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes in tissues;
  • skin cleansing;
  • skin protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • moisturizing, improving skin tone;
  • smoothing of superficial wrinkles;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • skin matting, etc.

Today, the cosmetic industry produces many products with the addition of pearl powder: creams, masks, sunscreens, etc. This supplement is especially recommended for owners of problematic, oily, freckles and age spots, the first signs of aging.

Pearl face powder

The most popular way to use pearl powder in cosmetology is as a face mask. With pearl powder, you can prepare masks for different types of faces and to correct various cosmetic problems. Here are a couple of recipes.

Skin whitening mask

Today, the leading beauty centers in Southeast Asia and Europe with the help of pearl powder solve almost all cosmetic problems: restore hair strength, shine, radiance and density, strengthen nails, smooth wrinkles. Pearl powder is a traditional Chinese medicine that has been used for thousands of years to restore and maintain health in the body. Oriental beauties took pearl powder to rejuvenate the skin, strengthen nails and increase sexual attractiveness. Chinese doctors still prescribe pearls for oral use against premature aging, heart disease, strengthening the nervous and skeletal systems.

The main components of this product are calcium salts: these are aragonite- a unique, bioavailable organic calcium, which is able to be absorbed by our body as much as possible, and calcium carbonate. It is they who will ensure the strength of our teeth and bones, the excellent condition of the spine, the smooth operation of the cardiovascular, nervous and hormonal systems, the growth and development of the body, improve and coordinate the functions of all organs, help in the treatment of diseases of bones and joints, improve the functioning of the endocrine glands, participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, metabolism.

Pearl contains conchiolin- pearl protein, a source of easily digestible protein, which is the building material for our hair and nails, which are 97% protein. Pearl protein is much closer, more related to our hair and nails than plant and even animal protein. Pearl powder is an indispensable product for people on a vegetarian diet.

In addition, conchiolin promotes the production of female hormones, protects the skin from aging, moisturizes it and regulates pH.

According to the chemical composition, pearl powder is a harmonious complex of calcium carbonate, calcium aragonite, conchiolin, 18 amino acids and 18 trace elements.

Unlike synthesized preparations containing calcium, pearl powder was created by nature itself and carries an energy-informational principle. The harmony of the amino acids and trace elements that make up pearls allows the formation of highly soluble, easily absorbed calcium complexes in the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption of calcium contained in pearl powder is 60%. Pearl powder is successfully used for osteoporosis, bone fractures, rickets, non-growth of fontanelles in children; with caries, periodontal disease, late teething, malocclusion. Calcium controls a number of enzymatic processes associated with the formation of energy. It is able to remove free radicals, improve metabolism in tissues, thereby providing a powerful rejuvenating effect, and is effective both when taken orally and when applied externally. Calcium is involved in the processes of blood coagulation, in connection with which pearl powder is successfully used for various bleeding.

Ionized calcium regulates the mechanisms of phagocytosis of cancer cells, therefore it is a means of non-specific prevention of cancer.

By coordinating the production of biologically active substances and at the same time reducing membrane permeability, pearl powder has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and anti-allergic effects. It is used for inflammatory diseases of any localization, as well as for atopic dermatitis, hard-healing ulcers, including trophic ones, burns and other skin lesions.

The drug has a calming effect on the nervous system, at the same time activates mental activity and intellectual abilities. It is used to improve the functioning of the cerebral cortex, restores efficiency, improves memory. Effective in neurasthenia, chronic fatigue syndrome. It is successfully used in the complex therapy of epilepsy convulsive syndrome, paralysis and paresis of various origins.

Pearl powder has a tonic effect on the myocardium, regulates vascular tone. It is indicated for heart failure, tachycardia, arterial hypertension.

Coordinating the contractile activity of smooth muscles, pearl powder expands the bronchi in bronchospastic syndrome. Normalizes the motor ability (motor) of the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for intestinal atony, dyskinesia, reflux and other disorders of the digestive system.

Pearl powder strengthens the body's defenses, increases resistance to external adverse factors, including infection.

The drug improves visual acuity, eliminates clouding of the cornea.

It is used in the treatment of menstrual disorders, impotence, frigidity. It is recommended for pregnant women for the harmonious development of the fetus, its immune and nervous systems, and the intellectual abilities of the unborn child.

Working at the energy-information level, pearl powder introduces a rejuvenation program into the body, preventing premature aging. This is especially true of the energy structures of the female body.

Mode of application: pearl powder is used both internally and externally. Inside - drinking water. Doses - 1 g of powder, 1-2 times a day. Locally - in the form of a powder on the wound surfaces of the skin or mucous membrane, after which dressing with a sterile gauze is necessary. As a cosmetic mask - the powder is diluted with clean warm water to the consistency of sour cream, other ingredients can be added. Apply to cleansed skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hands for 15-20 minutes

With atopic dermatitis, as well as to improve skin turgor, it is recommended to add pearl powder to any indifferent cream (moisturizer and milk are perfect).
Pearl powder contains 22 types of amino acids, the main material for creating new healthy cells, 18 trace elements, glucose, which strengthens facial muscles, proteins and vitamins B and D. Pearl powder removes free radicals, improves metabolism, thereby providing a powerful rejuvenating effect, strengthens protective cell strength, activates sluggish, tired skin, increases its immune abilities and vitality, smoothes wrinkles, whitens age spots, gives the skin freshness, firmness, elasticity, dullness, silkiness and a healthy glow.

Internal use:
Pearl powder strengthens the body's defenses, increases resistance to external adverse factors, including infection. The drug improves visual acuity, eliminates clouding of the cornea. It is used in the treatment of menstrual disorders, impotence, frigidity. It is recommended for pregnant women for the harmonious development of the fetus, its immune and nervous systems, and the intellectual abilities of the unborn child. Working at the energy-information level, pearl powder introduces a rejuvenation program into the body, preventing premature aging. This is especially true of the energy structures of the female body.
Pearl powder is a unique source of Aragonite - biological calcium necessary to stimulate the growth and construction of bone tissue, which regulates the rhythm of the heartbeat and intercellular exchange. Calcium is used in the metabolism of iron and vitamin B12. Lack of calcium in the body causes nervousness, depression, poor sleep, predisposition to convulsions and spasms.

Application: Take orally 2 times a day. A single dose is 1 g. Take after dinner and before going to bed, diluting with warm boiled water. Reduce the dose for children or take as directed by a physician.

Outdoor use:
Pearl powder has an effective cosmetic function, can remove blemishes, blackheads,
wrinkles, stimulates blood circulation and renews the skin. At the same time, it can treat burns, decay, wounds, inflammation, itching, it can kill various bacteria, and remove pigmentation.
Pearl powder has the taste of marine products, it is the natural taste of marine pearls, and does not affect the effectiveness. Naturally, the Dabao company also offers its super popular pearl cream.

1. Mask method: mix fresh milk (or egg white, honey, pure water) with pearl powder,
and bring to a mushy mixture. Apply evenly on face and wash off after 30 minutes.
Apply the mask 2 times a week.

2. Powdering Method: After washing your face in the evening, powder on your face and wash off the next morning. The present method can whiten skin, keep skin flexible.

3 Facial cleansing method: add pearl powder to fresh milk. This wash refreshes the face and reduces wrinkles on the face.

4 Stain Removal Method: Add white vinegar and honey or vitamin E. Apply to face for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with plain water. Use 2 times a week

In the article you will get acquainted with pearl powder, which is especially popular in oriental cosmetology, learn recipes using this white powder and about popular products with pearls in their composition.

The content of the article:

According to one legend, Cleopatra took pomegranate juice with crushed pearls every day, this helped the queen of ancient Egypt, in combination with other procedures, slow down aging. Later, the secret of using pearls became open and now everyone can enrich their skin with valuable elements from pearl powder, just go to the store, whether it is mineral cosmetics or creaming, and place an order.

What is pearl powder

Pearl powder is a natural product obtained from crushed river and lake pearls. Due to its composition, which is formed by 18 amino acids, 18 different trace elements, as well as calcium carbonate, the powder is included in facial care products. This product is not yet known to everyone, but the circle of those who at least once included pearl powder in their cosmetic arsenal is expanding more and more.

If you already remembered Cleopatra, you can’t help but mention the birthplace of pearl powder - this, if not strange, is China. Freshwater pearl powder is part of traditional Chinese medicine and from ancient references it can be understood that it has been used for 2000 years.

To this day, Chinese women use the pearl product of freshwater oyster species for skin care, while maintaining its natural whiteness. At first, white powder gained popularity in the East, but then recognition passed to Europe.

Many wealthy women, when choosing cosmetics, prefer only expensive and elite products containing a whole range of high-quality assets, and looking at pearl powder, the question arises - “Is it possible to get a product somewhere that is made only from high-quality expensive pearls?” - It is possible, but is it necessary? The fact is that the composition of such a powder contains alkali, which, with frequent use, can harm the skin. It is better to pay attention to the powder, crushed from oyster shells, which really transforms the face for the better.

Pearl powder finds its application in various branches of cosmetology. It can also be taken orally, following the doctor's recommendations, as it contains a lot of calcium, which strengthens nails, bones, teeth, improves immunity, memory, relieves nervous tension, normalizes sleep and the menstrual cycle.

Using pearl powder allows you to:

  • Protect the skin from exposure to sunlight, which accelerates the aging process of the skin.
  • Soften and prevent aging of the stratum corneum.
  • Accelerate the wound healing process.
  • Relieve inflammation and promote better cell regeneration.
  • Slow down cell aging.
  • Regulate cellular metabolism.
  • Prevent wrinkles.
  • Brighten the face and prevent the appearance of melanin. You can use pearl powder as a night powder, and together with green tea powder, you can also soothe irritations that have formed on the skin.
  • Enrich the face by moisturizing and nourishing the amino acids necessary for collagen synthesis.
  • Stimulate blood circulation.
  • Optimize fluid balance.
  • Reduce swelling.
  • Mattify your face.
  • Clear pores. Dilute the powder with a small amount of water to a creamy consistency and apply to the skin until completely dry. Moisten with water, massaging the skin with light finger movements.
  • Enrich your cleansing milk or prepare your own beauty product. Note that pearl powder is insoluble in oil, but soluble in water.
Owners of teeth with yellowish enamel may like the whitening power of pearl powder. You can brush your teeth with powder in its pure form or together with the use of toothpaste. Instead of this procedure, you can prepare a mask for your teeth, for this, simply mix the powder with a little water and lubricate the teeth that you want to whiten. Rinse your mouth after 10 minutes. You should not get carried away with such whitening procedures, take a long break before taking up the brush and pearl powder again, otherwise you can damage the enamel.

Recipes using pearl powder

Pearl powder itself is a treasure trove of useful substances, but, as in most cases with components, it is better to use it not in its pure form, but as a component of a full-fledged product. We offer the following skin care recipes for attention:
  1. Mask for combination skin:
    • Coconut oil - 10%.
    • Emulsifier Olivem 1000 - 8%.
    • Distilled water - 51.24%.
    • White clay - 20%.
    • Pearl powder - 5%.
    • Beech extract - 5%.
    • Blue oxide - 0.04%.
    • Preservative Kosgard - 0.6%.
    • Baking soda - 0.12%.
    Let the two phases of emulsifier and coconut oil in one bowl, distilled water in another, heat up in a water bath to a temperature of 65-70 ° C. Pour the water into the oil with Olive 1000, stir the ingredients for literally three minutes. Leave the mixture to cool, or place the bowl in a deep bowl of cold water to speed up the cooling process. Proceed to add the rest of the mask components. The product cleanses the skin and tightens pores.
  2. Moisturizing body cream:
    • Peach kernel oil - 10%.
    • Emulsion wax No. 3 - 4%.
    • Stearic acid - 2%.
    • Mineral water - 81.37%.
    • Pearl powder - 1%.
    • Complex "Intensive moisturizing" - 1%.
    • Natural aroma of blackberry - 2%.
    • Blue oxide - 0.02%.
    • Pink oxide - 0.01%.
    • Preservative Kosgard - 0.6%.
    As in the previous recipe, first we should heat the two phases in a water bath. Take two heat-resistant bowls and add the grape seed oil and emulsifier (in the first container) and distilled water (in the other). Remember, the temperature of the phases should be approximately 65-70 ° C, only after that you can pour in water with an oil mixture, stirring with a whisk or other device for several minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Let the mixture cool before adding the rest of the ingredients. For better dispersion, mix pink and blue oxide in a little water. If you want to experiment, use another oil (apricot, grape seed, jojoba, sesame, etc.) or a mixture of oils instead of peach kernel oil. You can also not add aroma and oxides to the recipe, only in this case you should adjust the recipe so that all the components together make up 100%.
  3. Serum for nails:
    • Aloe vera gel - 30%.
    • Lemon hydrosol - 48.4%.
    • Olive oil - 15%.
    • Emulsifier Zukragel (Polysorbate-80 is suitable) - 2%.
    • Pearl powder - 1%.
    • Fruit acids AHA - 3%.
    • Preservative Kosgard - 0.6%.
    Mix all the ingredients and you can immediately use the prepared product on yourself. This gel-like serum targets cuticles and damaged nails, nourishing and strengthening them.
  4. Loose sun protection powder:
    • Mica - 55%.
    • Titanium dioxide - 26%.
    • Zinc oxide - 12%.
    • Pearl powder - 1%.
    • Allantoin - 1%.
    • Boron nitride - 2%.
    • Mika silk - 1%.
    • Pigments - 2%.
    Here you will need a grinder or a zip bag, but the first option is much more effective, as it allows you to quickly and efficiently mix all the ingredients. It is better to add pigments (iron oxide, ultramarine) in small portions, otherwise you can overdo it and you will have to add more mica and titanium dioxide to the recipe. Boron nitride and allantoin are best added at the end of powder preparation, as thorough mixing can destroy the properties of the ingredients.
  5. Alginate mask:
    • Sodium alginate - 2 g.
    • Water or hydrolat - 50 g.
    • Moroccan clay - 6 g.
    • Pearl powder - 6 g.
    Do not rush to mix all the components, first you should soak the alginate in slightly warm water or hydrolat, after which the liquid will look like gelatin in lumps, but after 4-6 hours the mass will turn into a gel-like mixture. Mix clay and pearl powder with another part of the water, then combine both masses until a homogeneous thick product is obtained and quickly apply to the face. After half an hour, carefully remove the mask, taking it by the edges at the chin line, apply tonic and moisturizer.
  6. TOP 5 popular products with pearl powder

    If you want to experience the positive side of using pearl powder, but do not consider the option of making your own products, you can pay attention to such popular cosmetic products with pearl powder in the composition:
  • SPA Shimmering Body Cream "Caribbean Holidays", Avon A rich, floral, lightly scented moisturizer infused with Caribbean seaweed extract and shimmer particles. Volume - 200 ml, price - 269 rubles.
  • Hydrogel patch mask for the skin around the eyes, Misoli- key ingredients form camellia sinensis leaf extract, seaweed, citrus peel, aloe vera, rose, sodium hyaluronate, black pearl powder. The product moisturizes the delicate skin, helps to smooth out wrinkles, improve blood circulation and reduce blue under the eyes. Number of patches - 60 pieces, price - 2300 rubles.
  • Mattifying tonic "Unsurpassed cleansing and freshness", "Black pearl, Idilica"- suitable for normal and combination skin, cleanses the stratum corneum without leaving a sticky feeling. The manufacturer guarantees matte, hydrated and smooth skin with a healthy complexion. Volume - 170 ml, price - 139 rubles.
  • Cream-balm for hands "Brilliant Organic Neroli & Pearl", Organic Shop- a tool that nourishes and protects the skin of the hands, helping to strengthen the nails. Thanks to organic effective actives, the cream protects the stratum corneum from environmental influences. Apply a balm containing shea butter, acacia senegal extract, neroli oil, pearl powder and other components to cleansed skin with massaging movements. Volume - 75 ml, cost - 85 rubles.
  • Face mask based on pearl powder, Steblanc- whitening mask with such active ingredients as pearl powder, niacinamide, sodium hyaluronate, vitamin B5, chamomile extract, purslane, calendula, collagen, polysaccharides. Before using the mask, wash your face from dirt and makeup, apply a thick layer on the face and rinse after 10-15 minutes. Weight - 20 g, cost - 250 rubles.

There is no limit to Chinese wisdom, thousands of years ago the Chinese knew all the secrets of beauty and health. Thousands of years ago, pearl powder enjoyed its popularity first among the highest nobility and members of the imperial family, and today we can use this unusual product. The history of application dates back to the distant 320 AD. In those distant times, they drank it inside to relieve inflammation and remove toxins. It was also applied to the body, it was believed that it rejuvenates and stimulates skin regeneration, and of course whitens.

Powder is obtained from pearls, which are mined in rivers. It is carefully sorted and sorted. Pearls, which are larger, are used to create an incredible beauty of jewelry. Small beads of pearls go through the stage of disinfection by boiling and are sent to porcelain millstones, where they turn into the finest powder.

Powder is used both in traditional Chinese medicine and in cosmetology. The fact is that it contains 17 amino acids, 19 trace elements, minerals and vitamins that are extremely beneficial for the skin. Due to its rich composition, it is able to fight acne, stimulate the growth of collagen fibers, heal minor wounds, as well as burns. Bioptron can be purchased by clicking on the link.