How much does an eyebrow brush cost? Rules for choosing brushes for eyebrow makeup

Every fashionista is a bit of an artist. Every morning a new image of beauty and perfection. In order for it to always be impeccable, you need to have a full “arsenal” of makeup products. And especially brushes that paint, apply, shade, highlight.


Ideal makeup requires its own brush for each action.

Cosmetic stores offer a large selection of brushes from various brands. How to understand this diversity? Large round and whisk brushes are designed for powder or mineral foundation. Tools with long handles and bristles of varying lengths will help you apply eyeshadow. Brushes with bristles cut at an angle will apply blush perfectly. The arrows are drawn with synthetic, pointed, stiff bristles. For lipstick, a brush in the shape of a cat's tongue was invented. For eyebrow makeup, a brush with hard artificial or natural bristles was invented. Using this tool, it is easy to apply gel or special paint to your eyebrows.

Which bristle is best for creating a straight eyebrow line? What is better and more reliable: synthetic or natural pile? What size brush should I choose? Let's try to put everything in its place.

Vors: pros and cons

When choosing a brush, you should pay attention to the composition of the cosmetics used.

If preference is given to bulk cosmetics, then the choice should be made on natural bristles, but for liquid ones, artificial bristles will be the best. Synthetic does not absorb liquid cosmetics.

With natural bristles

Eyebrow brushes, the photo of which is presented above, with natural bristles can be the following:

  • Squirrel ones. This bristle is very soft and smooth, created for ideal distribution of the composition over the skin.
  • Sables. The pile is golden brown. Very elastic and at the same time soft and silky.
  • Goats. The texture is wavy, the fibers are harsh. Ideally evenly applies bulk formulations of cosmetics.
  • Made from pony wool. Their pile is smooth and dense.

Size and stiffness: are they really important?

For eyebrow makeup, the brush should be selected according to size. The basic principle is that it lies comfortably and freely in the palm of your hand and the bristles do not damage the skin. Today there is a special trend for wide, smooth and thick eyebrows. Therefore, eyebrow brushes are an indispensable attribute of a fashionable cosmetic bag.

The right tool gets the job done in one precise movement. Therefore, it is important to approach the selection professionally. The brush you choose should apply special shadows or gels easily and confidently. At the same time, she lays the hairs in parallel. Correctly selected bristles can make working with eyebrows easier, giving them the desired shade and styling the hairs. Also adding thickness and beautiful shine to them.

This brush will take care of your eyebrows. It can be used to apply glitter (colorless) to them, and also to fix the chosen shape.

Which eyebrow brushes should you buy? What should you pay attention to?

For a long service life and the absence of an allergic reaction, you need to be able to choose the right brush. Let's reveal a few secrets.

  1. We run our fingers along the ends of the villi, pulling them out slightly. If they remain in your hands, the brush is unsuitable for purchase. When used, such a tool will “throw out” loose fibers. They will interfere with the beauty of your makeup. It is strictly forbidden to wash such eyebrow brushes.
  2. It is necessary to check the quality of the pile filling when purchasing. There are unscrupulous manufacturers who try to “save” on bristles. You need to collect it with your fingers and check the place where the border and pile are fixed. If there is even the slightest gap, you cannot buy it, because the rest of the hairs will fall out very quickly.
  3. Now the pen. It should connect securely to the lint ring. You have to try to loosen it. A ring that sits firmly on the handle is suitable for purchase.
  4. Price. Professional good - not a very cheap pleasure. But we must remember that inexpensive is not always high quality, and certainly always short-lived.

Professional makeup at home

To apply makeup at home, you will need brushes that will help you create a unique look and will be convenient at the same time. For example, a painting job requires a special kit that will include a ribbed or flat sticker brush, as well as other specialized tools.

The sticker is designed to cover the eyebrows with a coloring pigment, but most beauties do not like to use it. They usually use comfortable, hard brushes.

Paint brush

Eyebrow tinting is a task that requires special tools. That is, brushes. You can select and buy them in specialized stores. What kind of painting tool should you have?

  • An angled eyebrow brush will help you accurately and quickly cover the desired area with a special pigment. It should have artificial and hard bristles. This kind of pile is practically eternal. Proper care of it guarantees a long service life. The brush is easy to clean and even washable, and most importantly, it does not absorb the coloring composition. But she carefully paints every hair, which is a guarantee of attractiveness and beauty.
  • require special care and therefore special tools. In this case, your eyebrow care kit must include a flat brush with soft bristles and a rounded end. In addition, such eyebrow brushes are suitable for girls with particularly sensitive skin. Since they practically do not touch the area around the eyebrows. A flat brush easily copes with the application of lightening color pigments. The remains can be washed off with liquid soap or hair shampoo.
  • An angled eyebrow brush with short, soft bristles will help at the initial stage for girls who do not have much experience in applying makeup or paint. This tool does not smear the paint, but evenly and clearly distributes the coloring pigment or shadow over the hairs. These brushes can be chosen with either natural or artificial bristles. But it is better to give preference to artificial bristles. It easily copes with both liquid and solid compounds.

Special subtleties of choice

The first thing you need to do is check your eyebrow makeup brushes for comfort in your hand. They should lie comfortably without causing discomfort. It is advisable to choose a plastic or wooden handle. They wash well without leaving any traces of cosmetics. The wooden handle should be coated with clear varnish to increase service life.

If you have to choose a brush to correct the eyebrow line, you should give preference to synthetic bristles. It is resistant to the chemical components of paints, which means it will last a long time. Moreover, if the coloring composition is not natural, but is an aggressive synthetic mixture. You can try using pony hair brushes for such manipulations. It is resistant to external influences and quite tough.

Any brush should be practical

An angled brush is the most suitable option. It will easily highlight the growth line and create the ideal shape. Even a novice beauty can work with such a brush.

But we must not forget that perfect eyebrows are nothing if the eyelashes are forgotten. Sticky or unpainted eyelashes will negate all the beauty created.

Makeup is not only the quality of cosmetics, but also their professional application, the ability to comb and completely color the hairs with brushes specially created for this purpose. Manufacturers offer the ideal “two in one” option. Combined brush for eyebrows and eyelashes. On the one hand, it looks like a comb for separating stuck together hairs, and on the other, it looks like a flat brush. With a few precise movements, the eyebrow and eyelash brush will make your eyes expressive and open.

Every beauty should know

  • In your makeup kit you should have at least one brush for eyebrow shaping.
  • When buying tools, you need to take into account the composition of your favorite makeup products, the conditions in which it is applied and ease of use.
  • A must-have makeup brush set is a combination eyebrow and eyelash brush.
  • Careful care and clean use will increase the life of the instruments.
  • A brush with natural bristles is necessary for applying special shadows to the eyebrows. Synthetic must be purchased for liquid products.

Using brushes will help create an irresistible image. With them it will be easy to shade eyebrows, combine eyeshadow colors and ultimately get a modern, fashionable tattoo.

Customers' opinions on tools

There are several leaders in the production of eyebrow brushes. But are they all that good?

One of the popular brands is MAC, followed by Sigma and Shu Uemura. They are famous for their handmade brushes and high quality bristles. There are many other manufacturers. How do they monitor quality?

Girls write that they purchased a thin Chinese eyebrow brush, and they left only positive reviews about it. It turned out to be of high quality and comfortable in the hand. The fibers are of the required stiffness and do not come out.

The company DE.CO accessories produces double-sided brushes for eyebrows and eyelashes. They enjoy increased attention from girls. The brushes have proven to be excellent in use and easy to care for.

The famous website "Aliexpress" surprises every day. Recently a brush for eyebrow shadows appeared there at a price of 10 rubles apiece! Lovely angled brush. The pile is dense, artificial, of good quality, evenly trimmed and does not fall off on the face. It feels very pleasant to the touch. A little over ten centimeters long, it fits perfectly in a cosmetic bag, and is also convenient in front of a mirror (before this there was a long handle that always got in the way). He does all the work perfectly, especially eyebrow correction. Recommended by users to everyone!

TF Triumf HOME Professional: description and reviews

What eyebrow brushes does TF Triumf HOME Professional produce? First of all, each one is individually packaged. And this speaks of care and respect for customers. It contains instructions for use and information about the composition of the product. From it you can learn that the brush is ideal for giving expressiveness to the eyebrows; the beveled end of the bristles perfectly applies a variety of compositions. The bristles are of high quality, although they are synthetic. The brush is about 17 cm in size, one end is beveled, the other is for voluminous application of mascara. The quality is amazing. The bristles do not come out, do not bristle, and the washed brush dries quickly. She is also good at work. Easily picks up special blends gently.

Other brushes and opinions about them

The Art Deco Eyebrow Shadow Brush is very small. The reviews it receives are not very flattering. The pile is hard and uncomfortable in the hand. I don't want to recommend it for purchase. This is roughly what girls say about the instrument.

Bobbi Brown Eye Brow produces eyebrow shadows and brushes for them. As the girls say, the brush looks no different from many others. The first thing that upsets me is the rigidity. The brush is very hard. It is difficult to apply shadows with it. And it is generally impossible to shade, since it scratches the skin, shedding the applied shadows (the consumption almost doubles). The recommendations are negative.

The next most popular company in reviews is E.L.F. Brow Comband Brush. Comes with brushes in a case. The device itself has a comfortable wooden handle. Combi brush: brush plus comb. Excellent at work. Separates hair perfectly. Easily adds Helps to correct eyebrows when cutting and shades pencil and shadow with amazing gentleness.

Limoni Professional

Eyebrow brushes from Limoni Professional have recently appeared on our market. The flat brush with a cut corner No. 17 quickly gained popularity. Comfortable wooden handle. Has a brand image and number. The pile is nylon, beveled, not very hard. The villi are densely packed and elastic. Capable of drawing clear lines. She perfectly draws the line of eyebrows, both thin (at an oblique angle) and wide (with a wide part). Perfectly shades the transition from color to color. During long-term use (subject to careful care), it continues to look like new, does not lose its lint or original shape. There were no disadvantages in use. Recommendations are only positive.

A little conclusion

Now you know what types of eyebrow brushes there are and how to choose them correctly. We hope that our recommendations, as well as the opinions of the girls, will help you choose the right instrument for yourself.

Eyebrows give the face an expressive expression; with the help of them, a person can convey his emotions without words. Girls, only by raising a beautiful eyebrow, can make it clear that they are interested. By nature, not everyone’s brow ridges have a beautiful curve and color; this can be corrected by choosing the appropriate shadows and eyebrow brush.

Criteria for choosing a brush

Brow brushes often come with medium to short bristles to make it easier to shape the hairs into the desired shape. They are designed for applying pigmenting agents, such as eye shadow, and for shading them along the outlined contour. There are separate brushes for henna dyeing, they are somewhat different from the ones in question, and cannot replace them. The flat variety with a beveled tip is mainly used. By turning it on its side, you can create thin lines, and in its normal position, it can paint over the entire brow area.

Eyebrow brushes are selected taking into account the following parameters:

  • Types of pile. It can be either natural or artificial. To create the first option, sable, squirrel or goat hair is used, but in terms of coloring quality, such a brush is inferior to its synthetic counterpart. The latter lasts longer, does not crumble, demonstrates resistance to corrosive dyes, does not absorb components of coloring agents, and is also easy to clean. Synthetic brushes are especially important for people suffering from allergies.
  • Length and hardness of the pile. This indicator affects the purpose of the brush. A brush with short, hard bristles perfectly creates clear lines and ensures flawless color filling of the main part of the eyebrow. Due to the high rigidity of the pile, pigmenting agents are applied in a dense layer, while they align the hairs in one direction, preventing them from straying out of the total mass. Soft brushes help to blend makeup and create a light haze, without focusing on the intensity of the color.

  • Handle material. Basically, it does not play a special role; for some, plastic is pleasant to the hand; for others, they can only apply makeup with a brush with a wooden handle. But the diameter of the handle can affect the quality of painting, because not everyone can skillfully draw lines with a thick handle.
  • Brush width. It is chosen based on your eyebrows; if they are thin, then the size of the brush should be small. Ideally, this parameter should correspond to the width of the eyebrows.

If you haven’t bought an eyebrow brush yet, then an eyeliner brush can replace it, but you just need to show some skill to carefully paint over the contour of the brow ridges.

Types of professional brushes

They differ in the length and width of the hairs, as well as the shape of the tip. You can find different versions of such brushes on sale; the following types are most used for eyebrows:

  • A narrow brush with a semicircular end. It is used to apply shadows to the eyebrows. Using it, you can gently and evenly apply the coloring agent to all hairs. Narrow brushes are suitable for women with thin and very sensitive skin. It is better to choose an option made of synthetic bristles, then there will be no problems with washing the product, and the brush itself can last a long time.

  • An angled brush with hard bristles is suitable for quick and precise paint application. Its synthetic thick bristles guarantee excellent eyebrow coloring. Hard artificial pile never falls out and does not absorb dyes; it is easy to care for. This brush paints each hair separately. Using it, you can immediately get a rich color in one movement and outline any eyebrow contour.

  • Soft oblique brush will be able to draw perfect lines, even if a beginner uses it; due to the features of such a brush, he will get a clear outline, since the bristles will prevent the paint from spreading. With its help, the coloring composition is quickly applied to the hairs, and if several of its strokes fall out of the overall contour, they can be removed with an ordinary dry napkin. The pile on it can be natural or synthetic; it is better to choose the latter type, it will be able to cope with aggressive compositions of soft shadows and hard coloring agents.

Eyebrow coloring algorithm

After purchasing a brush, a logical question arises: how to use it. There is nothing complicated in the technique of painting the brow ridges with an beveled brush; you just need to follow several steps:

  1. Use a brush to comb the hairs on the eyebrows against their growth.
  2. Turning the brush sideways, create a soft contour, choosing a tone darker than desired.
  3. Fill the space inside the outline with the selected color, retouching it with the brush itself or using a sponge.
  4. If you didn’t get an even application the first time, then you should use an eyeshadow brush, only this is permissible if your eyebrows are wide.
  5. Comb the hairs in the direction of their growth.
  6. Take the oblique brush again and apply the coloring composition with strokes so that they resemble the pattern of natural hairs.
  7. Correct the resulting color by distributing it along the inside of the edges.
  8. Comb the hairs on the eyebrow arches with a brush and use a special eyebrow wax or hairspray to fix the result. When using the latter product, it is better to make a cardboard stencil along the contour of the eyebrows so that the product does not get into the eyes or hair.

In order for the coloring agent to remain on the eyebrows for as long as possible, it is necessary to apply a base underneath it; reviews of girls who used this trick say that the shadows do not crumble during the day, and the color does not fade.

After each use, the brushes must be cleaned; they should be washed in warm water with the addition of a small amount of shampoo. After washing, it is necessary to dry the brush in a horizontal position so that its head is suspended and the bristles on it do not fray.

Tips to help you understand the purpose of each makeup brush:

Top 3 Best Eyebrow Brushes

Having decided to purchase such a makeup product, you should not rush to cheap options; naturally, their cost can vary widely, it is influenced by the brand’s popularity and the quality of the materials used for its production. Among the tested brand brushes, the ones below compare favorably.

"Anastasia Beverly Hills"

This is the development of an American brand, its brush is double-sided and comes with the name “LargeDuo”. Thanks to the convenient brushes, you can apply all eyebrow tinting products without exception: powder, wax, cream, gel and others. On one side of the product there is a beveled flat brush with synthetic hard bristles, and on the other there is a special brush that helps to correctly model the shape of the eyebrows. To achieve delicate coloring, you need to change the position of the brush in your hand.


The product called “322/Browline” is sold together with a pencil case for easy storage. The pile on it is beveled, short in length and of medium hardness. The length of the brush reaches 17 cm, and its bristles reach 1 cm, so it can only be used for wide eyebrows.


A Russian brand that presents a comfortable beveled brush, which has not only a classic shape, but also a design. Its handle and pile are made in black. The length of the pile is medium, so it can be used to color eyebrows of any width. Comfortable use of the brush, ease of care and affordable price put this product on the same pedestal with popular brands.

When choosing between a synthetic and natural eyebrow brush, it is better to give preference to an angled artificial brush. It will be able to ensure uniform coloring of the hairs, and if necessary, clearly outline their boundaries. Having settled on natural bristle, it is preferable to buy it with ponies, where it is tougher and more practical for eyebrow makeup.

An eyebrow brush is a real must-have in the beauty arsenal of any modern fashionista. For several years now, leading designers, stylists and makeup artists have been focusing on thick, even, black eyebrows.

Why dye your eyebrows?

A high-quality tool is able to paint the desired area in one movement, and therefore correspond to the natural width of the “eye rim”. It is used for applying special shadows and dyes to hairs, as well as “styling” them.

It helps to give the eyebrows the necessary shade with the help of decorative cosmetics, smooth them out, or vice versa, harmoniously “ruffle” them, create the visual effect of shiny hairs with the help of colorless glitter.

Let's figure out how to choose the right device for makeup and eyebrow care, and which tool is best to choose when pursuing a particular goal.

Brushes for professional coloring

If you are used to performing temporary tattoos yourself, at home, you are guaranteed to find certain tools useful to make the job easier. How to apply eyebrow and eyelash dye?

A glass or plastic sticker with a flat or ribbed tip is included with any coloring pigment. It is intended for applying pigment to hairs. However, professional artists, and even ordinary women who know how to do coloring correctly, abandon the basic tool in favor of a brush.

Professional brushes for tinting eyebrows can be purchased in online stores or specialized boutiques for hairdressers and cosmetologists.

But how to choose it correctly?

  • An angled eyebrow brush with stiff synthetic bristles is designed for quick, precise, and most accurate application of pigment to the treated area. Due to the characteristics of its material, it lasts a long time and rarely fails at first. The artificial bristles do not fall out, and the instrument itself is easy to wash and clean. Everyone knows that for high-quality and attractive eyebrow coloring, you need to use literally every hair. And it is with this thing that this is real - in one fell swoop it covers all the vegetation above the eyes with a dense layer of coloring cream or paste;
  • Flat, soft brushes with a rounded tip are used to gently and evenly apply product to thin eyebrows. They are also suitable for use among women with thin and sensitive skin, since contact of the dye with the eyebrow areas is almost impossible. Brushes accurately and accurately apply paint, in particular lightening paint. They wash well with ordinary shampoos that you are used to using to care for your own hair. Synthetic material provides strength and durability to the product;
  • Soft, angled brushes with short bristles are ideal for those who are not particularly careful when applying makeup or paint. Even if your movements are not very precise, such a brush will prevent the paint from spreading to nearby areas of the skin. It will quickly and evenly apply color to the hairs in accordance with the desired shape. If the hair goes beyond the scope, you can quickly remove the paint from the brush using a dry cloth, and use it to remove excess cream from the skin under the eyebrows. A soft brush can be either natural or artificial. And it is better to opt for synthetics - it is tougher, stronger, and more suitable for using both aggressive compounds and solid shadows.

Secrets of the right choice

The best eyebrow brush that suits every girl simply does not exist! You should use your own comfort when choosing an instrument. Pay attention to the pen: if it is too thin or thick, it will be uncomfortable to hold in your hand, which means the quality of pigment application will decrease sharply.

The handle material can be plastic or wood, and here too it all depends on your personal preferences. But we cannot help but note that plastic products are much more practical, since you can easily and effortlessly remove the remnants of cosmetics and creams.

Wood actively absorbs coloring elements and reluctantly releases them when washed or another method of cleaning. If your choice falls on it, take care of its protection and apply a clear varnish to the wooden surface.

When professionally correcting eyebrows, it is better to use tools with synthetic bristles. Natural hair is sensitive to chemicals, which are sufficient in all hair dyes. Therefore, if you dye your hair not with henna, but with other compounds, it is better to give preference to synthetics. Squirrel fur will definitely not last long and will soon have to be replaced.

And pony hair, which is often used in the manufacture of paint brushes, is more resistant to irritants. But still, it is better to give preference to nylon or other artificial material.

Practicality comes first!

The best brush used in the practice of tinting eyebrows is an angled one. She is able to follow the contour of the eyebrow and quickly give it the desired shape. This tool is suitable even for amateurs in applying makeup.

High-quality makeup always pays attention to detail. These include not only eyebrows, but also eyelashes, which should not be forgotten in the pursuit of fashion. It is unlikely that sticky eyelashes, reminiscent of spider legs, can add mystery and magnetism to your image.

But it's not just about the choice of mascara. The edges of the eyes must be combed and painted deeply. That is why the optimal choice is a combination brush for applying cosmetics to eyebrows and eyelashes.

This tool includes a stiff, flat brush for distributing eyebrow hairs, and a plastic “comb” with frequent, fine teeth for neatly separating eyelashes. If you then apply a base of mascara to your eyes, and then paint your eyelashes with the latter, your look is guaranteed to become open and expressive!


  • There should be room in your cosmetic bag for at least one “eyebrow” brush;
  • A combo brush for eyebrows and eyelashes is another essential tool for lovers of decorative makeup;
  • You need to select tools based on your own convenience;
  • If the brush is intended for applying shadows and shading the pencil, it is better to buy a tool with natural bristles. If you plan to paint with a special cream, prefer synthetics;
  • The “ideal” handle should be plastic: it is easy to remove excess cosmetics and other contaminants from it;
  • It is necessary to carefully care for the products, periodically wash them with shampoo, and deep clean them after direct use;
  • Items last a long time, so don’t skimp on purchasing several options at once;
  • When choosing a tool, proceed from your own requirements for convenience.

By choosing a high-quality and comfortable brush, you will learn how to masterfully change the shades of eyebrows and their outlines, apply excellent makeup for everyday and special occasions, and make temporary tattoos using special paint. Be beautiful and unique every day!

Brushes for tinting eyelashes are one of the main attributes of the makeup bag of a makeup artist and just a girl who takes care of herself. More than 100 different brushes are used in professional makeup. A large number of tools are used for eye makeup to get the maximum effect.

Often little things change the appearance significantly for the better: clearly defined eyebrows, tinted eyelashes decorate the appearance and add zest.

The right brow and eyelash brushes can help achieve a fuller effect.

Using eyebrow brushes:

  • shaping;
  • combing;
  • hair plucking;
  • applying powder and paint.

Application of eyelash brushes:

  • combing;
  • against adhesion, the effect of “spider legs”;
  • against lumps, excess mascara;
  • careful painting.

Types of brushes and materials from which accessories are made

  • Types of eyebrow brushes:

With beveled pile

Used to correct the shape of eyebrows and tint them.

Suitable for precise application of powder and paint, filling hairs.

For combing

Used to comb eyebrows and shape them. The tool helps pluck hairs more efficiently. Use a brush to comb the eyebrows, remove excess hairs that are knocked out or spoil the shape.


Blends the powder along the entire length of the eyebrows, filling the space between the hairs. Helps shape the curve. It is used for plucking.

For applying powder and paint

Distributes powder and color along the entire length of the eyebrows easily and evenly.

  • Eyelash makeup brushes, their types:

Spiral brush

Separates lashes one from another before or after using mascara. Excellent coloring. It is used to apply mascara. Brushes with the following effects are selected:

  • sphere;

Looks like a ball. The brush is suitable for creating an open, expressive look. Helps paint hard-to-reach places.

  • curved;

Lengthens and curls eyelashes. Allows you to give the desired shape and bend.

  • flat comb;

Looks like a mini comb. Brush for separating eyelashes. Separates and perfectly colors each one, adding volume.

  • in the shape of a figure eight;

Helps to color the eye from the inner corner to the outer, making the look more open.

  • spiral;

Helps give volume, length, curl effect and colors eyelashes. The bristles, arranged in a spiral, pick up a sufficient amount of mascara and distribute it along the entire length, capturing them and securing it to the hairs.

  • conical;

Pulls out hairs and colors them. Suitable for those with long eyelashes. Paints thoroughly and gives maximum volume.

Comb brush

Brush for separating eyelashes. Separates, combs. Removes excess mascara and lumps. Removes the effect of spider legs. A metal comb is more effective than a plastic comb. The eyelashes are separated, as if by a needle, from one another.

Fan brush

Effectively colors the roots of eyelashes. Colors the ends less intensely. The gaze becomes open, wide open. The tool is suitable for fair-haired girls. It effectively colors the hairline and separates the eyelashes.

What are brushes made of?

Pile materials:

  • Synthetic

A brush made from this material is practically indistinguishable from a natural one; it is very soft. Suitable for people with allergies and sensitive skin. They are durable and inexpensive.

  • Natural

They are made from animal wool (squirrel, goat, pony, sable wool). The devices will last for several years and are more expensive than synthetic ones. Lush brushes are made from goat hair. Tools based on squirrel and pony bristles blend very softly. Sable wool brushes are expensive and are used in professional makeup.

What are brush handles made from?

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • tree;
  • metal.

The pile is collected either by hand, hair by hair, or collected in a bunch and cut.

Handmade brushes provide high quality shade, because... the hairs smoothly transition from one to another. Tools set in a bunch are suitable for drawing sharp lines.

Which set to choose for coloring


This brand produces products exclusively for coloring eyebrows and eyelashes. The brand's line offers a variety of colors. The products of this brand are of high quality; there is a separate line for sensitive and allergy-prone skin. Quite expensive. Dye and oxygenator are sold separately.

Schwarzkopf Igora Bonacrom

Durable and high quality set, well worth the price. It contains an oxygenator, a container for mixing paint, a spatula, and protective “petal strips” for the eyelids.

To color the hairs, select a set of brushes with beveled bristles for eyelashes.

Estel Enigma

Domestic brand. The palette contains 9 shades. The set contains a tube of paint, a developer, a container, a spatula and protective “petal strips” for the eyelids. There are instructions for use.

Estel Only Looks

Budget option, one of the most inexpensive. The packaging is designed to last a long time. The palette contains few shades compared to the previous version.

There are a large number of brushes and paints on the market. Experiment to achieve the desired result.