At the time of conception, I took Omez. Can pregnant women take omez? Let's consider the side effects when carrying a child that can be caused by taking Omez

Omez during pregnancy can only be used in exceptional cases when it comes to the life and death of a woman. This drug, which is a highly effective antiulcer agent, has unfortunately not been sufficiently studied.

Is it possible to use Omez during pregnancy?

Pain in the epigastrium (“in the pit of the stomach”) that occurs on an empty or, conversely, full stomach, heartburn, nausea, and sometimes vomiting after eating - this is a short list of symptoms that suggest that you have an ulcer in the stomach or duodenum.

But the appearance of these symptoms does not mean that you need to immediately run to the pharmacy and demand Omez. During pregnancy, nausea and vomiting can be signs of gestosis. Pain in the epigastrium can accompany diseases of the pancreas, and heartburn itself can torment a pregnant woman, especially in the later stages. It is better to first go to the doctor and get tested to determine the causes of these symptoms.

Today, the most informative method for diagnosing gastric and duodenal ulcers is fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy, or FEGDS for short. This unpleasant procedure, however, allows one to reliably confirm or refute the diagnosis of an ulcer.

You should not avoid this manipulation, because an ulcer can sometimes cause serious complications - perforation, penetration, cicatricial stenosis of the organ in which it is localized. In such cases, surgery may be required, and sometimes it is performed as an emergency, for health reasons.

Omez is a drug that is used to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and speed up the scarring of ulcers. However, insufficient knowledge of its effect on the fetus and on the body of a pregnant woman limits its use during these 9 months. It should only be used in extreme cases when the risk of an ulcer outweighs the risk of treatment.

Omez during pregnancy, instructions

According to the instructions, Omez is not recommended for use during pregnancy. As stated above, only the serious condition of the woman and the ineffectiveness of alternative methods of treating peptic ulcer disease can force the doctor to take a risk and prescribe Omez to the expectant mother.

If Omez is prescribed during lactation, the baby should be transferred to artificial feeding.

Omez, indications and contraindications

In principle, the main indications and contraindications for Omez have already been listed. It remains to add that in addition to ulcers, the drug is used for reflux esophagitis (a disease caused by frequent reflux of acidic gastric contents into the esophagus), and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (the appearance of ulcers associated with the presence of a type of tumor in the pancreas).

The drug is also used for ulcers caused by long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, diclofenac, indomethacin). You should not take Omez during pregnancy, lactation, or if you are intolerant to omeprazole and other components of the drug.

Despite the fact that Omez belongs to the list of highly effective antiulcer drugs, the lack of research on its safety for the fetus and the mother’s body limits its use during pregnancy. Omez can be used only if any other acceptable method of treatment has proven ineffective and there is a high risk of developing life-threatening complications for the mother. And in any case, the decision whether to use this drug remains with the doctor.

Heartburn, nausea, increased stomach acidity are common complaints of women during pregnancy, especially if they suffer from chronic gastritis, gastroduodenitis or peptic ulcer. De-Nol is often prescribed for the treatment of these gastrointestinal pathologies, but is it possible to continue taking De-Nol during pregnancy?

De-Nol is a drug with antiulcer, astringent and antibacterial effects

The active ingredient of De-Nol is bismuth tripotassium dicitrate. According to the instructions, the drug is approved for use in adults and children over 4 years of age for the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and functional dyspepsia.

According to the chemical classification, bismuth belongs to the group of heavy metals. It is considered the least dangerous among representatives of this group, but still has toxic properties. The drug is capable of disrupting the stages of embryonic development, therefore its use during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding, is contraindicated.

When planning to conceive, take any medications in consultation with your doctor.

The use of bismuth preparations, including De-Nol, is not recommended for women at the stage of planning pregnancy. With prolonged use in high dosages, as well as in the presence of kidney disease, the metal accumulates in the organs of the central nervous system, intestines, and liver, causing pathological processes in them.

In the early stages

De-Nol is prescribed to reduce the acidity of gastric juice, accelerate regeneration and protect the gastric mucosa from negative factors. The medicine is used in the complex treatment of peptic ulcer caused by. If a woman consciously plans a pregnancy, then for treatment she will be prescribed other safe drugs that cannot cause harm to the health and full development of the fetus.

But sometimes circumstances are such that pregnancy occurs unplanned. What to do if a woman took De-Nol in the early stages, when she did not even suspect that she was expecting a child? First of all, you need to immediately consult a doctor.

De-Nol is available in the form of tablets containing 120 mg of bismuth tripotassium dicitrate

According to gastroenterologists, there is no particular cause for concern when taking De-Nol in the early stages. The active substance of the drug exerts its therapeutic effect locally (in the stomach), and is absorbed into the systemic circulation in small quantities (no more than 1.5% of the dose taken).

The negative impact of De-Nol on the embryo and fetus was confirmed only in animals, and the frequency of birth of offspring with developmental anomalies was 25%. Naturally, such experiments have not been carried out on humans, and the ban on the drug during pregnancy is due only to a lack of information about possible adverse effects.

Important! If a woman took De-Nol in the early stages of pregnancy, she should consult a geneticist about this and undergo additional examinations.

In the later stages

Taking De-Nol poses a potential danger to the fetus for periods of more than 5 weeks. From this period, the formation and development of all organs and systems of the unborn child begins. Serious complications may include an aggressive effect on the child’s nervous system.

De-Nol is capable of provoking:

  • the appearance of defects in the neural tube of the embryo (the rudiment of the nervous system);
  • improper formation of the brain and spinal cord;
  • birth defects;
  • genetic mutations and anomalies.

As a result, a woman may experience spontaneous miscarriage and early termination of pregnancy.

Taking De-Nol by a pregnant woman is dangerous for the fetus

The use of De-Nol is contraindicated throughout the entire period of pregnancy, regardless of the period. The drug penetrates the placental barrier and can harm the health of the fetus even in the second and third trimester.

Important! It is unacceptable to use (Vikalin, Novobismol, Vis-Nol, Bismofalk) during breastfeeding, since in small quantities its active substance can penetrate into breast milk, and then into the body of an infant.

What can be replaced?

During pregnancy, gastritis often worsens in women, causing severe discomfort, pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and deterioration in quality of life. What drugs are allowed to be taken in this case instead of De-Nol to relieve symptoms?

Select products with a mild effect, mostly natural, that do not have a negative effect on the fetus, taking into account the patient’s complaints and general health:

  1. Gastrofarm. A preparation of natural origin containing dried viable cells of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, has an antacid, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, stimulates the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.
  2. Antacids Maalox, Gelusil, Phosphalugel, Almagel. Eliminates heartburn.
  3. Antispasmodics Papaverine, No-shpa. Help relieve pain.
  4. Motilium, normalizes motility of the digestive tract.
  5. Infusions and decoctions chamomile, mint, St. John's wort, celandine, which have anti-inflammatory, astringent, enveloping and adsorbing effects.

Advice: a safe method of treating gastritis in pregnant women is diet. To eliminate pain and discomfort, it is recommended to consume more milk and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, kefir).

De-Nol is an effective pharmaceutical drug widely used in gastroenterology for the treatment of peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome and other gastrointestinal diseases. However, its use during pregnancy is not recommended.

Is it possible to take Omez during pregnancy? Is there a risk for the baby? Is it dangerous or not?

For a woman's body, pregnancy is a serious shock. Due to weakened immunity, the course of chronic diseases often worsens. Gastritis is no exception. In 75% of women with a chronic form of the disease, gastritis worsens in an interesting situation. A concomitant process is almost always toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy, and it usually lasts longer - up to 17 weeks.

When symptoms appear and the need for treatment, women have questions about the possibility of taking a particular drug during an interesting situation and its effect on the baby. The treatment program for gastritis and peptic ulcers usually includes Omez, a drug with an antiulcer effect. Is it possible to take Omez during pregnancy?

1 Pharmacological action of the drug

There is also a secondary effect of Omez, in which the production of adenosine triphosphase decreases in the cells of the gastric mucosa and the volume of bicarbonates increases, which have a neutralizing effect on excessive amounts of hydrochloric acid. The combined action of these 2 processes creates the necessary environment for restoring the digestion process, healing erosions and regenerating damaged cells.

Omez is a common generic drug, where the active substance is omeprazole, the rest of the composition is auxiliary shell substances.

It has been proven that Omez, compared to other generics, effectively reduces the acid content in the stomach.

The release form of Omez is capsules, in order to avoid the conversion of the drug into sulfenamide, dissolving directly in the acidic environment of the stomach, where activation and absorption occur.

The effect of the drug begins within an hour after administration and lasts 24 hours. To effectively suppress the production of hydrochloric acid, 1 dose is enough. Metabolites of the drug are excreted by the kidneys along with urine.

2 Indications for use

Omez can be used as prescribed by a doctor if the following symptoms appear, which usually indicate progressive gastritis or ulcers:

  • heaviness in the stomach after eating;
  • nausea and heartburn;
  • gastralgia - pain in the stomach;
  • increased saliva production;
  • pain in the stomach, relieved by eating;
  • problems with stool with a predominance of constipation.

These symptoms during pregnancy do not always indicate disturbances in the processes in the gastrointestinal tract, so before taking Omez, you must consult your doctor. Heartburn during pregnancy is a completely typical phenomenon in the 2-3 trimester; nausea may well be a consequence of gestosis, and stomach pain is a sign of pancreatic disease. Therefore, in order to make a correct diagnosis, in addition to studying the external signs of the disease, studies (endoscopy, analysis of gastric juice) must be carried out.

Like many other medications, Omez is not recommended during pregnancy due to the risk of possible developmental pathology in the child. According to the classification of the Food and Drug Administration of the US Department of Health, the risk of taking Omez during pregnancy for the fetus is category C - animal testing revealed a negative effect of the drug on the fetus; no such experiments were conducted among pregnant women, but in case of excess benefits use of the drug over the possible risk to the fetus, use is justified.

Researchers have data according to which, when a woman took Omez at a dosage of 20 mg/day before conception, 2 pregnancies were terminated due to deformation of the child’s feet. However, in both cases, artificial insemination was carried out, in which the risk of congenital pathologies is already high enough to associate the anomalies with the use of Omez.

The currently available clinical trial results, on the contrary, suggest the relative safety of Omez. Analysis given in publications in the UK and Italy indicates that the risk of impaired embryonic development when taken was 0.9%.

According to the Swedish Medical Birth Register in 1995-1999. 1033 children in the womb were exposed to omeprazole: in the 1st trimester - 863, in the 2nd and 3rd - 131, throughout the entire pregnancy - 39. Of the total indicated number, 5 children were stillborn. Among all newborns, there was a slight increase in the incidence of congenital heart defects, but experts regard this as an accident.

In a targeted experiment of 113 women treated with omeprazole during pregnancy, the percentage of fetal abnormalities (4%) did not differ from groups receiving drugs that do not affect the development of birth defects and using H2-blockers (another type antisecretory agents). In all compared groups, the parameters of the child’s weight, complications during childbirth, and the number of premature births were similar.

Information about the practice of using omeprazole by individual women at the stage of conception and during pregnancy confirms the absence of severe side effects in relation to the mother and child.

In general, all substances that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach or smooth out its effect have an advantage over other groups of drugs: they are characterized by a favorable outcome of side effects and easy tolerability. The issue of 100% safety of their use during conception and gestation has not been completely resolved, however, analysis of the current data does not give reason to talk about a high risk of side effects of these drugs in relation to the impact on the course of pregnancy.

Omez can be taken during pregnancy only for vital indications, under the supervision of a doctor and strictly in the dosage prescribed by him. Most likely, even if the expectant mother is diagnosed with a peptic ulcer, the doctor, when forming a treatment regimen, will prescribe a drug that is gentler on the fetus.

3 Side effects

If it is unavoidable to take Omez during pregnancy, you need to remember the possibility of side effects and consult a doctor if they occur. They are as follows:

  • allergic reactions;
  • stool disorders;
  • nausea, vomiting, dry mouth;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • cardiopalmus.

Changes in hormonal levels that provoke an effect on the immune system during pregnancy increase the likelihood of allergies, and when taking Omez, the incidence of urticaria on the skin is 1-10%, so at the slightest suspicion you should stop taking the drug.

4 Treatment with alternative medications

If you experience stomach pain during pregnancy, and after a thorough examination a diagnosis of gastritis or gastric ulcer is established, a gastroenterologist, in consultation with a gynecologist, prescribes therapy with the least undesirable consequences for the fetus. Stomach coating drugs, such as Gaviscon, Maalox, Almagel, can effectively replace Omez. They reduce the effect of hydrochloric acid on the gastric mucosa and are harmless to a growing baby.

During pregnancy, you need to take care not only of yourself, but also of the small organism developing inside you, so if you encounter any health problems, be sure to consult a doctor without making independent decisions regarding further treatment.

Such an effective remedy against ulcer disease as Omez is prescribed during pregnancy in rare situations when it comes to the health of the expectant mother and her baby. This medicine has not been sufficiently studied and using it without consulting a doctor may be fraught with consequences.

So can expectant mothers take Omez?

Unpleasant sensations that occur in the part of the abdominal cavity below the sternum on an empty or full stomach, a feeling of nausea, heartburn, and vomiting are a small list of symptoms that indicate the development of a stomach ulcer.

But these symptoms bother pregnant women during gestosis, so there is no need to immediately fly to the pharmacy and buy Omez. Unpleasant feelings in the abdominal area may be caused by diseases of the pancreas, and heartburn can even bother a woman most severely in the later stages.

To begin with, a woman should consult with her doctor and undergo the necessary medical examination in order to identify the sources of the expectant mother’s poor health.

As mentioned earlier, Omez is a drug that has not been fully studied regarding its effect on the development of the fetus and on the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, this drug is not prescribed throughout pregnancy and lactation. Its use is intended only in exceptional situations and under the supervision of the attending physician, when the risk of an ulcer exceeds the risk of treatment.

If you look at the instructions for using Omez during pregnancy, you will notice that it is not recommended for pregnant women to use Omez. As mentioned above, only the critical well-being of the expectant mother and the ineffectiveness of other medications can cause the attending physician to take a risk and prescribe Omez to the pregnant woman. If Omez was prescribed during breastfeeding, then the child must be switched to artificial feeding.

In the early stages of pregnancy, this drug is strictly prohibited for the expectant mother, as the consequences can be dire. It can double the chance of having a baby with a heart defect.

Let's consider the side effects when carrying a child that can be caused by taking Omez

Since the drug enters the blood, symptoms can appear in any organ. Often this is a feeling of nausea, headaches, vomiting, pain in the joints and abdominal area, a feeling of fatigue, as well as emotional instability.

One of the important reasons to limit the use of the drug to pregnant women is the ability of Omez to increase the load on the kidneys. Since during pregnancy all metabolites are excreted through the kidneys, the load on them doubles. Consequently, when taking this drug, the kidneys will work hard, and this is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Summarize. Omez is a drug that should be taken only after consultation with your doctor and a full examination. If the expectant mother experiences any side effects, she should immediately consult a specialist. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

If we judge Omez from the reviews, then if the rules are followed correctly, the drug is tolerated quite well.