Pregnancy 12 weeks development. Eleventh week of pregnancy: baby development and woman’s feelings

At the twelfth week of pregnancy, the condition of many expectant mothers begins to change. The second trimester is approaching - only one week left. The hormonal storm in a woman’s body gradually subsides. The symptoms, many of which have already become quite boring, are subsiding.

The belly begins to grow, and now it is becoming increasingly difficult to hide it from relatives, friends, and colleagues. It is at week 12 that many expectant mothers finally decide to reveal their secret to others. Time to accept congratulations!

Signs and symptoms of 12 weeks pregnant

One of the most common symptoms that worries many expectant mothers in the first trimester of pregnancy - morning sickness - is finally starting to subside. But it may be replaced by other disorders, such as headaches and dizziness.

If nothing bothered you in the previous weeks of pregnancy, you are part of the happy minority of expectant mothers. In most cases, these or other symptoms occur:

· Dizziness. Often they begin to bother you precisely in the twelfth week of pregnancy. They are caused by the expansion of the lumen of blood vessels under the influence of hormones and a decrease in blood pressure. Frequent snacks and drinking enough fluids will help reduce symptoms. If you feel dizzy, you need to lie down or sit down and lower your head.

· Large amount of saliva. This symptom will most likely disappear in the second trimester of pregnancy.

· Bloating and increased gas production. For many expectant mothers, the hormone progesterone continues to relax the intestinal wall at 12 weeks. Food stays in it longer, and the body has time to get the maximum of valuable substances from it. This is good for the growing fetus, but you will have to be patient.

· Increased fatigue, weakness. If you are still experiencing these symptoms, it will not last long: at the beginning of the second trimester, you will feel that you have more and more energy.

· Spasms. Many expectant mothers at the 12th week of pregnancy complain of acute pain in the groin. Most often, nothing terrible happens: the uterus simply grows and rises, its ligaments stretch. But if the pain is severe, it is better to consult a doctor.

· Skin pigmentation. The nipples and surrounding skin areas (areolas) darken, pigment spots appear on the face (“mask of pregnancy”), and a dark line that descends vertically from the navel. Perhaps you think that all this does not look very nice. But there is no reason to panic: after childbirth, all these spots and stripes will disappear.

The emotional state of the expectant mother at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Chances are that in the previous weeks, frequent mood swings have been your constant companion. Now it's starting to level out. You worry and become depressed less often, and become more and more calm. There are more and more reasons to rejoice. There really is no reason to worry: you have almost stepped into the second trimester, which means that the likelihood of miscarriage, which was relatively high in the previous weeks, is now very low.

However, some things can still shake you out of your calm state and bring you to tears. Try to avoid such situations. Avoid watching movies and television programs that make you feel unwanted emotions.

Pregnancy at 12 weeks with twins

If you have undergone an ultrasound screening, you already know that there are two babies growing in your tummy. They are approximately 3.5–4 cm long and weigh 13 grams. Their growth rate is approximately the same as during a singleton pregnancy, but in later stages they will begin to lag slightly behind. Women who are pregnant with twins usually experience more severe pregnancy symptoms, but this is not necessary.

How long is the twelfth week of pregnancy?

Gestational age can be calculated in two different ways:

· Embryonic or gestational period, is counted from the moment of fertilization of the egg.

· Obstetric term is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. It begins about two weeks earlier than the embryonic stage.

The embryonic period is, in fact, the true period of pregnancy, but it is inconvenient to use, because not a single woman can say exactly on what day her egg was fertilized by a sperm. But you can remember exactly what day your last period began. Therefore, among obstetricians and gynecologists it is customary to focus on the obstetric period.

Twelve weeks of obstetric period correspond to 10 weeks of gestational age. Twelve weeks gestational age - 14 weeks obstetric.

When the twelfth week comes to an end, you will be pregnant for approximately 3 months.
Calculate how long the pregnancy is in weeks and calculate the due date based on the last menstruation

What happens to the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal body reaches approximately the size of a plum. Its length is 5 cm, weight – 13–14 grams. It has doubled in the last week. He has all the main organs - they appeared during embryonic period. The proportions of the body gradually level out, as the body grows faster than the head. Now, during the months remaining before birth, the fetus’s body will grow and mature very quickly.

The brain of the unborn child develops especially intensively in the twelfth week of pregnancy. New nerve cells appear, connections are formed between them - synapses. Begins to produce hormones pituitary- an important endocrine gland located at the base of the brain. The baby can already bend and straighten his fingers and clench his hands into fists. The thumbs on the hands are opposed to the rest. The muscles located around the eyes contract, and the muscles of the mouth make sucking movements. If you stroke the belly, the baby will respond by making more active movements, but you won’t feel them because he is still too small.
The movements of the fetus are reflexive in nature, but the brain already sends signals to the muscles and causes them to contract.

The face of the unborn child looks almost like that of a newborn. The eyes, which were previously on the sides of the head, take their usual places. Red bone marrow begins to produce white blood cells ( leukocytes), which in the future will provide protection to the body from pathogens and other foreign agents.

The muscles in the wall of the digestive tract are actively developing. The first contractions occur in them; after birth, this will ensure the movement of food through the intestines.

The kidneys begin to produce urine. It is released directly into the amniotic fluid.

Nails continue to form on the fingers and toes. The skeleton becomes more and more durable. The fetus may suck its thumb. His eyes are still closed with eyelids. The nose, ears and lips are fully formed.

Some scientists claim that already at this stage it is possible to determine the character of the unborn child, to find out whether he will be calm or very active.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Is it possible to determine the sex of the baby during an ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy?? At this stage, the fetal genitalia are very poorly developed, so it is impossible to distinguish a boy from a girl. Ultrasound helps determine gender starting at 20 weeks. If you don’t want to wait, you can undergo a non-invasive prenatal DNA test (DNA diagnosis of the fetus using the mother’s blood).

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

Now the uterus has enlarged so much that its upper edge rises above the pelvic bones, and the doctor can feel it during the examination. For many women, the tummy begins to become noticeable at 12 weeks. The expectant mother begins to notice that her waist is disappearing, and the clothes that she wore before no longer meet at the waist. This suggests that it is time to think about purchasing special clothing for pregnant women.

How much weight should an expectant mother gain?

Normal weight gain by the twelfth week is from 1.8 to 3.6 kg. All expectant mothers gain weight differently. It depends on how much the woman weighed before pregnancy, what kind of physique she has, whether she is pregnant with one fetus or twins, how good her appetite and nutrition are (and this, in turn, depends on the severity of pregnancy symptoms: nausea and vomiting, aversions to certain types of food).

Don't worry if you haven't gained any weight or even lost a little during the first trimester. This is normal; you will gain more weight during the second trimester. If changes in your body weight seem unusual to you, consult your doctor.

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy threatens gestational diabetes, complications during childbirth, high blood pressure, and more pronounced stretch marks on the skin. Excessively low weight leads to several pregnancy complications, premature birth and the birth of a low birth weight baby.
Calculate mother's weight gain during pregnancy by week

How to eat properly?

In order for the expectant mother to have normal weight gain, and for the unborn child’s body to receive all the necessary substances, you need to eat right. The claim that a pregnant woman “must now eat for two” is a myth. Nutrition should be healthy and balanced.

You don't need to consume twice as many calories in the first trimester of pregnancy. Most likely, your body does not need additional calories at all right now. Once the second trimester arrives, you will need to consume 300 extra calories daily, and in the third trimester, 500 calories.

The amount of food also does not need to be increased. Just eat foods that contain many nutrients and can give your body extra energy.

If you have a fast metabolism or are very physically active, you will gain weight more slowly.

TOP 10 healthy foods during pregnancy:

1. Meat. This is a valuable source of protein - the main building material needed by the fetal body. In addition, meat and liver contain iron.

2. Lentils. Contains folic acid, which is necessary for the normal formation of the child’s nervous system and the prevention of developmental defects. In addition, lentils are rich in vitamin B6 and iron.

3. Yoghurts. They contain calcium, a mineral necessary for the formation of a child's bones. The daily dose of calcium for an expectant mother is 1200 mg. In addition, yogurt will provide you and your baby with folic acid and protein. And if it contains cultures of beneficial bacteria, it will help normalize digestion and prevent yeast infections.

4. Salmon. Contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the normal development of the child's nervous system and eyes.

5. Avocado. Not everyone likes the taste of these fruits, but they are very healthy as they contain vitamin C, B6, potassium, and folic acid.

6. Oats. Source of fiber, iron, B vitamins and some minerals. You can eat oatmeal, and also add oats to the dough for pancakes and baked goods.

7. Nuts. They contain many useful substances: calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin E.

8. Carrots and sweet red peppers. They are powerful sources of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. In addition, they contain fiber, vitamin C, and B6.

9. Mango. Can be a source of vitamin A and C for you.

10. Water. It's not exactly a food product, but drinking enough fluid is very important during pregnancy. Water is needed for the normal functioning of all metabolic processes, replenishing blood volume, and removing toxins from the body. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps relieve constipation.

Physical activity

An expectant mother needs physical activity at any stage of pregnancy. It helps reduce the risk of complications, improve well-being, cope with increased fatigue, stress and frequent changes in emotions.

There are many different types of physical activity that are suitable for pregnant women: swimming, cycling, yoga, Pilates, aerobics, dancing, brisk walking and even running. Strength, contact, and extreme sports are contraindicated. Riding a bicycle is not advisable, as a pregnant woman (especially if she is experiencing dizziness) can easily lose her balance and fall. If you want to engage in any particular sport during pregnancy and are unsure how safe it is, it is best to consult your doctor.

Any physical activity is considered sport. Cleaning the house, a walk in the park, working in the garden - all this can be equated to working out in the gym.

How to motivate yourself to exercise during pregnancy?

Increased fatigue, drowsiness, bad mood, headaches and dizziness are frequent companions of pregnancy. When you feel unwell, of course, you should rest a little and lie down. But sometimes, it seems, you feel normal, but there is no motivation. What to do in such cases?

Here are some useful tips:

· Remind yourself of how beneficial exercise is for you now. Stand in front of the mirror and say to yourself the mantra several times: “if I go to do the exercises now, I definitely won’t regret it.”

· Feeling sleepy and tired? Think about how spending half an hour in the pool or gym will give you a boost of energy.

· Focus on your successes. After your next workout, think about how well you did today and how good you feel now. Remind yourself of this before your next workout.

· Find a type of physical activity that you enjoy. Exercise in an environment that you enjoy and motivates. Some women like to go to the gym, where they have a lot of friends with whom they can chat, others prefer to walk or jog in the park alone, and still others like to swim in the pool.

· Try something new that you haven't tried before. An excellent choice would be a swimming pool or a yoga group.

· Wear comfortable clothes while exercising. The bra should provide good support for your breasts. The fabric should be breathable and should not be tight anywhere. Perhaps the sportswear you wore before pregnancy no longer fits. If you don't feel comfortable in it, buy a new one.

· Train with other people. If you do a yoga group with other expectant mothers, this will motivate you not to miss classes. You can do physical exercises at home with your friends and relatives. It's much more fun and interesting than doing it alone.

Is it possible to have sex?

If the doctor has not found any contraindications, you can have sex at any stage of pregnancy. It will not harm the fetus. On the vaginal side, it is reliably protected by the cervix, and the amniotic fluid surrounding it perfectly softens the tremors. Don't be afraid, the baby won't spy on what you're doing: his eyes won't open until the seventh month.

Another question is whether you want to have sex. Due to the symptoms of the first trimester of pregnancy, it may not be time for this at all. But by the beginning of the second trimester, most expectant mothers have an increase in libido, and their partner begins to seem much more attractive. Blood flow to the genitals increases, intimacy begins to bring more pleasure. We have estrogen hormones to thank for this.

· Do you feel odors too keenly and some of them make you sick? Open windows and ventilate rooms more often. Keep a slice of lemon nearby and smell it, put it on your tongue when you feel an unpleasant aroma. The smell of citrus fruits helps reduce nausea.

· Avoid activities that reduce the oxygen supply to your unborn baby. Scuba diving and traveling to the mountains are definitely not for you right now.

· There is a wonderful tradition among American mothers: during pregnancy, they write a letter to their baby. The child will receive this message when he grows up and learns to read. Maybe you also want to write down a wish or parting message for your future son or daughter? Just imagine how great it will be to read it in a few years!

· If you haven't had your first prenatal screening yet, now is the time to do so.

· If you haven't yet shared the news of your pregnancy with your family, friends and colleagues, perhaps it's time.

· Plan your activities for the second trimester. This is the most favorable time to go shopping, buy clothes, furniture and other things for the child, and start decorating the children's room. You can even take a short trip, your health will allow it.

· Tobacco and alcohol are strictly contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. But now they are especially dangerous because at 12 weeks a critical period begins in the development of the fetal brain. It will last until 18 weeks.

How to choose the right bra for a pregnant woman?

Often, choosing a bra for an expectant mother is a difficult task. The size of the breasts is constantly changing, in addition, they become sensitive, and contact with the cups can be painful.

Some pregnant women prefer to simply buy a larger bra. When the mammary glands enlarge again, it is time to go to the lingerie store and select a new suitable size. A more convenient and practical solution is a special bra for nursing mothers. It is adjustable and adjusts to your breast size.

A nursing bra differs from a regular bra in that it has more hooks for resizing. If your breasts grow so large that they are not enough, you can buy special extenders. In addition, it is wider, due to which it better supports the mammary glands. These bras are most often made of cotton, as this material allows the skin to breathe and dries quickly. But nowadays there are also high-quality synthetic fabrics.

It is important to choose the right bra. It is difficult to do this on your own, so it is better to buy underwear in a specialized store where professional consultants work. Currently, many expectant mothers prefer to make purchases in online stores. It’s convenient; there’s always a large selection on the Internet. But there is a risk of making a mistake with the size and buying the wrong model.

Do you know how to put on a bra correctly?? Experts advise doing this by bending forward a little and as if lifting the mammary glands with cups. Once straightened, adjust your breasts, making sure that your nipples are level and symmetrical. Have someone adjust the belt so that it fits snugly against your back without pressing.

What research needs to be done?

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

· Headaches that suddenly became very severe and their character changed.

· Heavy bleeding from the vagina, as during menstruation.

This is the final stage of the first trimester and the beginning of the second.

Most likely, the problem of toxicosis is a thing of the past, and now you happily consume huge portions of food.

be careful!

If you gain too much weight, you may experience complications during childbirth.

By the way, with the first trimester, a rather dangerous period ended, during which miscarriages often occur.

Signs and sensations at the 12th week of pregnancy

Now you can relax a little and enjoy your condition.

The tummy has increased slightly in size, and you can gently stroke it with your palm. If you place your hand on your lower abdomen and listen carefully to your sensations, you can even feel the rhythmic beating of a tiny heart. Is it true, according to statistics

, the number of spontaneous abortions after 12 weeks is significantly less.

The mammary glands are extremely painful. The chest is significantly enlarged.

Your appearance became calm, you began to move more slowly and carefully. Emotional tantrums have calmed down.
The fetus is actively developing and you need the right diet for pregnant women, which includes all the necessary vitamins and microelements. There is a constant lack of calcium.

Teeth may begin to deteriorate.

Most people continue to gain their own weight at 12 weeks of pregnancy, not counting the fetus and amniotic fluid.

The child constantly needs to replenish nutrients, therefore, your body also wants to make a certain reserve.

The belly is not too big yet, but quite noticeable to others.
The uterus constantly puts pressure on the bladder, which is why you started going to the toilet so often.
Chloasma is clearly visible.

This is a vertical stripe of darkish color that indicates skin pigmentation. Over time after childbirth, it practically disappears.
Having filled the entire space of the small pelvis, the uterus smoothly begins to rise and grow up the abdomen. Now its dimensions are approximately 10 x 10 cm.

Most likely, you have already done an ultrasound and know the sex of the child. If not, then you have a chance now.

Now the doctor determines how much uterine tone there is, and whether there is any pathology in the course of pregnancy.

Using ultrasound diagnostics and the necessary tests, doctors determine possible abnormalities in the functioning of the child’s brain and the likelihood of pathological diseases, in particular Down syndrome.

Determine the correct functioning of the heart, the presence and functioning of all internal organs.

The 12th week of pregnancy is no exception to this, but you should constantly monitor them.
There should not be a lot of discharge, bloody ones are especially dangerous. In such cases, call a doctor immediately. And there should not be a strong smell. The presence of specific odors (similar to acetone, etc.) indicates an infectious disease such as Thrush, Chlamydia and a number of others.

In most cases, the placenta tightly protects against infections from the outside, therefore, it can most likely get from the husband. Therefore, both partners must adhere to basic hygiene rules.

Red discharge may also appear, indicating cervical erosion.

Be sure to constantly consult your doctor. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, sexual relations are allowed, but after consulting a doctor.

Viruses and colds, how to treat them?

Anything can happen and you are not immune from viral diseases or colds, especially if pregnancy occurs during a period of increased likelihood of infections.

Undoubtedly, this is early spring and autumn. In cold winters, as a rule, in addition to the common cold, viral infections are less common.

Treatment during pregnancy is quite complicated. Most drugs are contraindicated, since the tiny fetus does not yet have its own immunity and uses the mother’s, and a significant overdose of a pregnant woman’s body affects the development of the brain, the functioning of the heart and all other organs.

Preference is given to folk and natural remedies, tea with raspberries to relieve fever, rose hips and a number of other infusions, honey. Compresses are also used.

But still, a temperature above 38-39 degrees causes hypoxia in a child.
This is very dangerous pathology associated with brain function.
After 2-3 years, similar symptoms appear in the absence or poorly developed speech. The child is mentally behind his peers, reacts poorly to objects, and does not always hear his parents.

Therefore, if at 12 weeks of pregnancy your body temperature is above 38 degrees, call a doctor immediately. Most likely, he will prescribe medication with approved drugs for your situation.

What happens to the fetus at 12 weeks of pregnancy?

The baby continues to gradually develop, and the size of his body fluctuates within 6 cm.
His brain is almost completely formed and is very similar to the brain tissue of an adult. Microscopic nails appear on the fingers, and the body is covered with tiny hairs.

The child’s thyroid gland functions well, which is responsible for metabolism, produces the necessary hormones and monitors the formation of muscles and tissues. The baby gradually accumulates bone substance, which will later turn into a skeleton.

The 12th week of pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • The baby clearly distinguishes between night and day, reacts to sunlight and heat.
  • Feels cold, while being inside the placenta with eyes closed.
  • This is why it is not surprising when some older people demonstrate phenomenal abilities. They just brought back their feelings from the past.
  • Let's move on, the face, eyes, lips, nose are quite well formed.
  • Now my favorite pastime is thumb sucking.
  • The arms bend and straighten freely in the hands. The baby can already clench his fists.
  • He learned to drink amniotic fluid and knows how to close his mouth if necessary.
  • Even earlier, the baby’s urinary system is fully developed.

While the fruit is small in size, it moves freely, but soon it will begin to take a stable, correct position. But we will talk about this in the next weeks of pregnancy. At this stage, gender is easily determined using ultrasound diagnostics.

One of the methods for determining brain pathologies and the presence of extra chromosomes is called screening. You shouldn't give it up. This painless procedure.

Also, do not skip all routine tests. Monitoring the course of pregnancy is very important, and the main thing is to detect and prevent deviations from the norm in time.

Alcohol and tobacco negatively affect the fetus and will definitely affect the child after 2-3 years. Refrain from doing this. Nowadays, most megacities do not meet global environmental standards and an extra smoked cigarette will have an extremely negative impact on a child.

Drinking alcohol can subsequently provoke decreased immunity or allergic reactions. Fetal development is very slow. The child will constantly be sick with complications from a simple cold.

Mother's nutrition at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The expectant mother should be very attentive to her diet during the 12th week of gestation.

If during this period the baby does not have enough nutrients, then all the reserves will go to the brain, where a very important process occurs - the formation of neurons.

For this reason, there may be a risk of improper development of the baby’s body and head, and a risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, that is, the cardiovascular system.

In order for the child’s nervous system to develop normally, the mother’s diet must contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin C, zinc and other elements that are contained in foods rich in fatty acids, as well as carbohydrates, rich in proteins.

Eat dairy products, cereals, meat products, fish, vegetables and fruits. Give preference to baked or steamed foods; eat vegetables and fruits fresh.

It is also worth paying attention to vitamin A, it is responsible for the process of formation of visual pigments.

Vitamin A can be found in fish oil, cottage cheese, milk, cheese, butter, egg yolk, beef liver, vegetables, berries, orange-red fruits. It is found in greens: watercress, dill, parsley.

The first trimester has come to an end. The 12th week of pregnancy is also called the “golden time”, because... manifestations of toxicosis are reduced, or even disappear completely, and emotions are normalized. Unfortunately, this does not apply to those expectant mothers who are expecting more than one child. Favorable changes are associated with a decrease in the activity of the corpus luteum, which produces progesterone, and the dominant role of the placenta in ensuring the vital functions of the fetus.

Nervous system at 12 weeks of pregnancy

As the manifestations of toxicosis decrease, causeless irritability, drowsiness, and weakness will also decrease. But this does not mean that the dream will be perfect. During this period, many women note that they began to wake up more often and even have disturbing dreams. If such manifestations bother you, then you should pay attention to the rhythm of life, make it more measured, without unnecessary fussiness, and drink a cup of herbal soothing tea in the evening. And under no circumstances should you watch TV programs that excite your nervous system. Remember that your condition is passed on to your unborn baby.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems at 12 weeks of pregnancy

  1. The heartbeat speeds up somewhat, because... blood circulation increases.
  2. The pressure of the growing uterus on the venous vessels increases, so the woman will notice dilated saphenous veins of the legs. Elastic tights or tight bandaging will help with this. Varicose veins should not be ignored, because... there is a high risk of blood clots. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take minimal doses of acetylsalicylic acid, and to strengthen the vascular wall itself - vitamins C, P and phlebotonics. You should definitely consult your doctor about taking the latter, because... not all of them are indicated during pregnancy.

Urinary system at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Frequent urination, which was a concern before this period, becomes less frequent because the uterus begins to rise from the small pelvis and no longer puts almost any pressure on the bladder.

Digestive system at 12 weeks of pregnancy

  1. There is a high probability of constipation and increased gas formation due to decreased intestinal motility. This again occurs due to an increase in the size of the uterus. This problem can be easily dealt with if you normalize your diet and take herbal laxatives that are not absorbed into the blood.
  2. Episodic heartburn. As a result of hormonal changes, the sphincter that separates the stomach and esophagus is weakened, and the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus from time to time, causing discomfort. By 13-14 weeks, the symptoms will decrease, only to reappear at a later date due to the high position of the uterus. Eating smaller meals, eliminating spicy foods from your diet, and drinking milk in small sips throughout the day will help reduce the symptoms of heartburn. For recommendations on the use of antacid (anti-heartburn) medications, you should consult your doctor. Do not self-medicate.

Breasts and skin at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The mammary glands are actively preparing for lactation, becoming somewhat painful, and increasing in volume. In addition, itchy skin may bother you, and not only on the chest, but also on the stomach and thighs. This is due to the skin stretching. It is possible that a woman has a predisposition to the appearance of stretch marks, then it is better to take care of their prevention in advance. Also, pigment spots and spider veins may appear on the skin, and a dark stripe on the midline of the abdomen. These manifestations are temporary, and after childbirth everything returns to normal.

Reproductive system at 12 weeks of pregnancy

In a healthy woman, discharge that is uniform in consistency, light milky in color, moderate in quantity, with a slightly sour odor will be considered normal. An infection can be suspected by purulent discharge from the genital tract with copious mucus. If there is an infection, then at the 12th week is the time to start treatment, because... During this period, there are much fewer threats to the unborn baby than in earlier stages of pregnancy. Most often, pregnant women are diagnosed with candidiasis infection, or, in other words, thrush. It is caused by yeast-like fungi Candida, and is manifested by a burning sensation in the vagina, curdled discharge and itching. There is a possibility that the manifestations of such a “simple” infection may hide trichomoniasis, chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections. You should immediately see a gynecologist and undergo specialized treatment.

Also, a prerequisite for immediate consultation with a doctor should be the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. There is a high probability of pregnancy failure, especially if there is abdominal pain. Bloody discharge that occurs after sexual intercourse or medical manipulation, not accompanied by abdominal pain, is more likely to indicate erosion of the cervix. And in this case, going to the doctor should not be postponed in order to be examined as quickly as possible and begin appropriate treatment.

Belly size at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the 12th week, in the case of the first pregnancy, the abdominal circumference may not change compared to the state before pregnancy, and the woman feels comfortable in her usual clothes. If this is a repeat pregnancy, the belly may increase in size and become noticeable to others. In any case, the woman herself feels changes in the “roundness” and can independently feel the enlarged uterus.

Weight change at 12 weeks of pregnancy

Normal weight gain in the 12th week is considered to be 0.9-2 kg. This spread depends on the body mass index, which is determined by the formula: initial weight (kg) / height squared (cm). If the body mass index is less than 19.8, then the woman falls into the thin category. We can speak of a normal physique with an index of 19.8-26, and overweight with an index of more than 26. Thus, a thinner woman during pregnancy needs to gain more than a woman with normal body weight, and even more so an overweight one.

Pain syndrome at 12 weeks of pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy, mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen may occur. Doctors explain this by tension in the ligaments of the continuously growing uterus. More often, right-sided nagging pain occurs, because It is in this direction that the fetus stretches the uterus. It’s easy to verify that it is a sprained ligament that caused the pain - just sit down and relax, and the discomfort should leave you.

Lumbar pain, according to doctors, is associated with a change in the center of gravity due to an expanding abdomen. And because the discs and paravertebral ligaments soften somewhat under the influence of progesterone. However, you should be vigilant; lumbar pain can also manifest itself as a urinary infection. Therefore, a visit to the doctor would still be useful.

12th week of pregnancy: fetal development

During this period, active development of the brain continues. In its structure, it is already similar to the brain of an adult, but, of course, it is still very small. The differentiation of the cerebral cortex has begun: its main nuclei are laid, blood vessels and the pituitary gland are intensively developing. The latter has a major influence on the growth of the body, reproductive function and metabolic processes.

At week 12, the unborn baby already begins to develop reflexes - if you could touch him, you would see how he would react by opening his mouth, squinting, and wiggling his fingers.

The future baby reaches 6-9 cm in length and weighs approximately 14 g, i.e. it is approximately the size of a chicken egg. The face is becoming more distinct, the eyes have shifted from the sides to the front of the face, and fluff is noticeable in place of the eyelashes. The inner part of the ear is being formed.

The intestines have taken their rightful place in the abdominal cavity and are capable of contraction. The liver produces bile, and the kidneys are actively functioning. The muscular system is strengthened, the vocal cords develop, the bony palate is formed and baby teeth are formed, and nails begin to grow on the fingers. In addition to red blood cells, the baby’s blood also contains leukocytes. And the heart has already become four-chambered, with full two atria and two ventricles, and contracts to 160 beats per minute.

By this time, the placenta is already fully formed and actively functioning, providing everything the little person needs. The genitals are formed, and with an ultrasound it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child.

Ultrasound at the 12th obstetric week

The time has come for the first scheduled ultrasound. The study can be performed either using a sensor inserted into the vagina (transvaginal method) or by placing the sensor on the abdominal wall (abdominal method).

The most important research parameters are:

  1. Fetal size: body length (6-9 cm), body weight (10-14 g), head size (21 mm), thigh length (9 mm).
  2. The symmetry of both hemispheres of the brain - normally the image should have the appearance of a “butterfly”. The presence of asymmetry indicates a chromosomal disorder, triploidy (instead of the required 46 chromosomes, there are 69); Most fetuses with this set die before the 8th week of pregnancy.
  3. Exclusion of heart defects.
  4. Heart rate: 150-170 beats per minute.
  5. Correct location of internal organs.
  6. The thickness of the collar zone: normally it is 1.6-2.5 mm. A significant deviation from normal values ​​indicates Down syndrome.
  7. Umbilical cord analysis. There should be two arteries and one vein running through it. The presence of only one artery indicates Edwards syndrome (a chromosomal disorder with multiple malformations).
  8. Place of attachment of the fetus to the placenta. This information is important for predicting labor management tactics.
  9. Clarification of the gestational age.
  10. Condition of the cervix and its walls (the length of the cervix should be less than 30 mm).
  11. Determining the sex of the fetus at the request of the parents. At this stage of pregnancy, mistakes are common, because... A girl’s genitals may be enlarged during this period, while a boy’s are still underdeveloped. More accurately, the sex of the unborn child can be determined using three-dimensional ultrasound (3D).
  12. Sex determination should be mandatory and as early as possible in case of hereditary diseases linked to sex (paternal or maternal).

If you detect a slight deviation of the obtained indicators from the norm, you should not immediately panic, because each pregnancy is individual, and a slight acceleration or deceleration in the development of the fetus does not pose any danger. And even more so, you should not try to interpret the received data yourself - entrust this to a specialist, because only in combination with all the indicators is it possible to draw the right conclusions.

Screening study at 12 weeks of pregnancy

The most informative method in studying fetal development and the course of pregnancy is screening. It includes not only an ultrasound, but also an additional blood test. It must be carried out in the following cases:

  • pregnant woman over 35 years old;
  • previous births ended in stillbirth;
  • intrauterine infection during a previous pregnancy;
  • birth of children with chromosomal disorders;
  • chromosomal diseases in the family.

The blood test determines the level of two important hormones - free β-hCG (free beta human chorionic gonadotropin) and PAPPA-A (pregnancy-associated protein A).

HCG is produced throughout pregnancy, and abnormal levels may indicate the presence of certain chromosomal abnormalities. Protein A is produced by the placenta, and its level in the blood increases in proportion to the duration of pregnancy, reaching a peak before childbirth. Inconsistency of its indicators during the study may also indicate chromosomal diseases.

These markers are assessed by a geneticist and only in combination. If questionable results are obtained, the screening test is performed again, but at a later date.

Screening at the 12th week of pregnancy will also help rule out a neural tube defect in the fetus. For this, ACE (specific fetal α-globulin) indicators are taken into account. This is a protein that is produced by the fetal liver. Its deviation from the norm may indicate a possible neural tube defect.

Necessary laboratory tests at 12 weeks of pregnancy

When a woman registers with the antenatal clinic, the gynecologist prescribes routine tests for her. But it is not uncommon for a woman to realize late that she is pregnant, which means she is registered later than expected.

At the 12th week of pregnancy the following tests should be taken:

  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis (RW);
  • blood type and Rh factor (in case of Rh conflict between the fetus and mother, a special approach to pregnancy management is required);
  • blood sugar test (blood glucose level is determined);
  • general and biochemical blood tests (to identify possible chronic diseases or other abnormalities in the woman’s condition);
  • a general urine test (it is carried out not only at registration, but also at each subsequent visit to the doctor, since frequent aching pain in the lower back in a pregnant woman may hide kidney disease);
  • vaginal smear (to assess microbial flora and exclude infection); in the presence of a urogenital infection, the doctor prescribes additional highly targeted tests.

In addition, a general examination of the pregnant woman is carried out, the abdominal circumference is measured, and the weight is determined. All data is entered into the pregnant woman’s exchange card. It displays in detail all procedures and examinations completed, as well as the presence of diseases that may affect the course of pregnancy and, subsequently, childbirth. In addition, the pregnant woman’s card gives her the right to give birth in any state maternity hospital. In its absence, childbirth will only be possible in the infectious diseases department.

Timely detection of deviations in the health of a pregnant woman will allow treatment to begin as early as possible. Thus, the health of the unborn baby will be out of danger.

Alcohol and pregnancy

Both in the early stages and at the end of the first trimester, these two things are incompatible. It is worth recalling that the baby’s brain continues to intensively form, and no specialist can predict how alcohol consumption by the expectant mother will affect it. But it is clear that the changes will not be for the better. Moreover, alcohol can also affect the formation of the musculoskeletal system, which will subsequently lead to physical deformities. It would not be superfluous to mention that the frequency of early miscarriages directly depends on the intake of alcoholic beverages.

If a pregnant woman regularly drinks alcohol, there is a high probability of developing the so-called “fetal alcohol syndrome.” It is expressed in intrauterine growth retardation, heart defects, mental retardation, and disturbances in the structure of the skull.

For a woman who is expecting the birth of a healthy and intelligent baby, the solution to the dilemma “to drink or not to drink” is obvious.

12th week of pregnancy: colds

Doctors strongly recommend diligently avoiding colds during the 12th week of pregnancy. The danger lies in the fact that a cold can have serious consequences. One of them is fetoplacental insufficiency (“feto” means fetus), i.e. disruption of the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. The consequence of this pathology may be a miscarriage. A cold can also cause fetal malformations. Another difficulty is that treatment with “classical” medications during this borderline period is difficult. Again, because there is a risk of negative effects on fetal development.

It remains to pay more attention to preventive measures:

  • avoid drafts and hypothermia;
  • do not quench your thirst with soft drinks;
  • take vitamin complexes after the recommendation of your gynecologist;
  • daily walks in the fresh air in the green area;
  • Avoid large crowds of people, especially during the height of the cold season. If this is not possible, you should use a medical mask, which must be changed every 4 hours; in addition, you can lubricate the nasal mucosa with 0.25% Oxolinic ointment, the effect of which is aimed at destroying influenza viruses and the like;
  • maintain a sleep-wake schedule;
  • eat foods containing phytoncides. These are plant substances with anti-inflammatory and antibiotic-like effects. Phytoncides contain onions, garlic, radishes;
  • hardening. If you have never used hardening procedures before pregnancy, you can limit yourself to alternately pouring warm and cool water over your legs up to your knees. If the body is already familiar with hardening, then a contrast shower for 5 minutes daily will be an excellent measure to prevent colds;
  • Ventilate the room daily, especially before bedtime.

These simple steps will help you strengthen your immune system and stay healthy. If you still cannot avoid a cold, be sure to consult a doctor and consult with him about the use of certain treatments. At the same time, the following must be observed:

  • rest and bed rest - a weakened body does not need additional stress;
  • at temperatures above 38 degrees - wiping with a weak solution of vinegar;
  • plenty of warm drinks - rosehip decoction, tea with raspberries or with a small amount of honey, berry fruit drinks made from lingonberries, currants, cranberries. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey and a teaspoon of butter;
  • Follow your diet – you shouldn’t “overload” the liver during this period. Eat plant-based and dairy foods, oatmeal. If you can’t resist meat dishes, then give preference to steamed recipes;
  • for a runny nose, use drops containing saline solution;
  • for discomfort in the throat, gargling with decoctions of sage or chamomile will help;
  • when coughing, herbal decoctions will again come to the rescue, only now in the form of inhalations.

If symptoms of a cold do not disappear within 3-4 days, you should consult a doctor again. And it is better to avoid a visit to the clinic and call a doctor at home.

12th week of pregnancy: nutritional highlights

The baby’s body, developing inside a woman, requires more and more useful nutrients. This need can only be met by a complete and balanced diet for the expectant mother.

It's no secret that the main source of vitamins are vegetables and fruits. And they are especially necessary at the end of the first trimester. It is better to eat them raw, without heat treatment, because... Most vitamins are destroyed at high temperatures. Also, eating vegetables raw will help prevent constipation.

It is also necessary to include seafood in the diet, as they are rich in iodine, which is vital for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

During this period, it is important to consume foods containing vitamins C and E, because with sufficient content in the body, the risk of placental rupture is significantly reduced. There is a lot of vitamin C in rose hips, black currants, and cabbage. Vegetable oils, leafy greens, spinach, and Brussels sprouts are rich in vitamin E.

Folic acid is one of the main vitamins for women in the 12th week of pregnancy. Scientists have proven the protective effect of this acid against the occurrence of defects in the neural tube of the fetus, which is the rudiment of the entire human nervous system. The largest amount is found in spinach, green salad, parsley and asparagus. Vegetables include beets, carrots, pumpkin and cucumbers. Among fruits, the leaders in folic acid content are bananas, melons and apricots. As for products of animal origin, the first place will be salmon fish, liver of animals and birds, eggs and dairy products. When creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account that heat treatment destroys up to 90% of all folic acid contained in raw foods. Therefore, if processing is necessary, then try to cook quickly and with the lid closed.

Meals should be frequent, but in small portions. This way you can not only avoid overeating, but also get rid of the heartburn that is often present during this period. Breakfast should be complete, try to always eat soup for lunch, and lighten up dinner. If you are very hungry shortly before bed, it is better to eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir.

And finally, try to eat natural products, pay attention to the composition, quality, expiration date and storage rules.

Ultrasound at 12 weeks. Photo

12th week of pregnancy. Video

The child is small, but he already has all the main organs. At the end of the 1st trimester, a pregnant woman can breathe easy and not worry. All worries are unnecessary when 12 weeks of pregnancy have already passed, fetal development is proceeding as usual, and there are almost no threats.

Baby development

How is the fetus doing? If we could see through the placenta, what would we see?

  • the child already has arms and thin legs;
  • the chest begins to rise during a training inhalation;
  • ears are just beginning to form;
  • if you are interested in gender, then you can already ask your doctor about it Read an article on the topic: Determining the gender of a child at 12 weeks >>>;
  • the child is actively moving and may already be grimacing;
  • eyebrows appear in the form of a thin fluff;
  • fingers and nail plates on them develop.

The end of the first trimester is marked by the completion of the construction of the body and internal organs of the fetus. As you can see, all that the fetus needs at this time is the supply of necessary microelements for the growth of already formed tissues and organs.

  1. The size of the fetus at the 12th week of pregnancy is from 6 to 10 cm;
  2. It weighs about 14 grams.

Changes occur during this period of pregnancy:

  • The first swallowing tests begin. The child swallows amniotic fluid for exercise;
  • From this week the intestines begin to function. The first test contractions occur in it;
  • The thyroid gland produces the first reserves of iodine. From this time the thymus gland begins to function;
  • The fetal pituitary gland can already produce some hormones;
  • The cerebellum is actively developing;
  • The kidneys are already functioning. And all waste goes through the placenta;
  • A breathing reflex appears. This is necessary so that the lungs are trained and there are no problems with independent breathing after birth;
  • This week the rudiments of teeth are formed;
  • Bones are strengthened;
  • The muscles are developing, so the baby moves his legs and arms, although this is not audible yet. Basically, he reacts with movements to loud sounds or pressure on the stomach;
  • New blood cells (in addition to red blood cells) - leukocytes - are gradually formed. These are the cells that are responsible for personal immunity;
  • The liver is already “trying” to produce blood cells on its own. Bile begins to be produced;
  • Already at week 12, the formation of the rudiments of the genital organs will end;
  • Active formation of nerve cells is underway.

So, we looked at what happens to the baby at 12 weeks. Next we will find out what is “going on” in the mother’s body.

The condition of the fetus directly depends on the mood and health of the woman. Of course, doctors will monitor changes in height and weight, which increase literally every week. But the mother has the main influence on the child, which means she simply must be happy and healthy during pregnancy.

Woman's condition

The most dangerous period is over; in the second trimester of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is minimal. Therefore, you can confidently tell your bosses at work, friends and colleagues about your pregnancy.

Your world has already changed, you feel it. But how big? After 12 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the mother?

  1. A pregnant woman most often does not experience any pain during this period;
  2. Sometimes it can pull the lower back due to the fact that the uterus grows, and the pressure on the ligaments that support it increases (read the article on the topic: Back pain during pregnancy >>>);
  3. The size of the uterus at week 12 is 10x10 cm;
  4. It no longer fits in the pelvis, and begins to emerge into the peritoneal cavity itself;
  5. It is this week that constipation may begin. It is possible that constipation will last until the end of pregnancy. Read more about constipation during pregnancy >>>

Sometimes some pregnant women feel itching on the stomach and chest area (interesting article on the topic: Itchy belly during pregnancy >>>). But there should not be any sharp pain. Sharp pain may indicate a problem such as a bladder infection. It is extremely undesirable to catch any infection during pregnancy. Since it is completely unknown how inflammation will affect the fetus.

At this stage, all the mother’s systems work in increased mode. The kidneys are much more active than before pregnancy. And if they are sick or weakened, then it is better to take care of them.

Discharge and bleeding

Discharge at 12 weeks of pregnancy is normal. They are present constantly, throughout the entire period.

  • The normal development of pregnancy involves a small amount of clear or whitish vaginal discharge. Other shades of discharge are a sign of possible early complications. And this is one of the signs that it is time to undergo additional examination by a doctor;
  • Discharge with an odor is characteristic of some infectious diseases, such as thrush (article on the topic: Thrush during pregnancy >>>). But changes in the color of the discharge to bloody red may indicate a disease - uterine erosion;
  • An even more serious disorder during pregnancy is bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to call a doctor to provide qualified medical care. Bleeding, which is accompanied by pain and possibly contractions, is a sign of a miscarriage.

General health

But there is also good news for a pregnant woman:

  1. Early toxicosis usually goes away by the last week of the first trimester, or 1 week of the second (you will find a lot of useful information about this period in the article 2nd trimester of pregnancy >>>);
  2. The constant urge to run and urinate disappears;
  3. Your body already recognizes the fetus;
  4. Emotions no longer rage over the edge.

It is believed that the beginning of the 2nd trimester is the most pleasant time. And it must be carried out with full awareness of responsibility for the health of the child.

There are some features of the mother’s condition, which we will describe in detail:

  • The blood circulation of the expectant mother is accelerated. Blood must already provide 2 life systems. Metabolism also works “for two,” so try to stick to a special diet during pregnancy (read more about this in the book Secrets of Proper Nutrition for an Expectant Mother >>>);
  • The woman’s breasts are already filling up. Preparations for lactation are underway, and there may even be the first discharge of colostrum. But the pain in this area is already passing;
  • Sometimes after long walks your legs swell;
  • Pregnant women at this stage have a tendency to develop heartburn. The sphincter of the stomach stops closing tightly as acid digests food. As a result, the woman feels an unpleasant burning sensation in the esophagus. And the constantly growing fetus, which presses on the stomach from below, only intensifies this feeling. It is at this time that heartburn may first make itself felt;
  • During this period, many women “say goodbye” to toxicosis;
  • If you have chronic heart problems, they will worsen from this week. This occurs because the heart muscle pulsates much more frequently.

If your stomach feels tight at 12 weeks of pregnancy, this may be a simple sign that your stomach is growing, but there may also be pathologies. You can learn more about this on an ultrasound. By this time, the pregnancy should already be observed by a gynecologist.

What to do with acute respiratory infections during pregnancy?

  1. A very dangerous consequence of a cold or acute respiratory infection during pregnancy is fetal hypoxia. Lack of air due to a runny nose or too high a temperature causes irreversible changes in the fetus's immature brain tissue. Read the article on the topic of fetal hypoxia during pregnancy >>>;
  2. The use of well-known drugs also brings with it pathologies. A pregnant woman should not take any chemical cough medicines or, especially, antibiotics.
  • All treatment is carried out strictly under supervision, and only with natural medicines that nature has given us;
  • You can drink teas with raspberries, rosehip or linden infusions (for more information about what herbs can be consumed, read the article Herbal tea during pregnancy >>>);
  • Every day you need to take good cover and ventilate the room. Only such treatment methods are available during pregnancy at any stage.
  1. A slightly elevated temperature is quite natural during pregnancy at 12 weeks. A woman’s body temperature should be in the range from 37 to 37.6°C. But if the temperature is already more than 38, 39C°, it is important to apply more effective treatment. Then you need to call a doctor who will recommend medications that are safe for your situation (at this particular time) and will help reduce this dangerous temperature;
  2. Also, a doctor should be called if there is no fever, but a runny nose or cough from a cold persists during pregnancy for more than 4 days. This can already cause hypoxia in a barely mature fetus and measures must be taken immediately. Find out from the article how to treat dry cough during pregnancy >>>.

Sex and pregnancy

Today, doctors come to a general conclusion on this issue. Sex at 12 weeks of pregnancy is not dangerous unless there are medical contraindications. A woman should feel that her husband still loves her. And don’t doubt it for a single moment.

It is useful to know that there is a danger to the fetus under the following circumstances:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • there is a sexually transmitted infection in both partners;
  • the placenta is not located correctly (very low);
  • For some reason there is not enough amniotic fluid.

In addition, if you have not yet stopped feeling sick in the morning, it is better to postpone the resumption of intimacy for another month. Otherwise, sex at 12 weeks is absolutely safe.

But you need to quit alcohol and smoking as soon as you find out about pregnancy. For a child, alcohol is an intolerable poison that invariably leads to pathology in the development of the nervous system. Toxins formed after the breakdown of alcohol often lead to the development of physical disorders in the fetus. Therefore, it is better not to drink at all during this period, even champagne.

The expectant mother at 12 weeks of pregnancy, in most cases, feels great and is completely satisfied with her situation. Its main task is to monitor your health and register at the local clinic at this time, the importance of which we will tell you later.

Ultrasound screening. What do you need to know?

In addition to the usual ultrasound examination and various tests during pregnancy, you also need to undergo screenings. Screening is a double examination of all vital signs of the fetus. A biochemical blood test and a routine ultrasound are performed simultaneously at the 12th week of pregnancy.

This is the first of 3 examinations that women at risk undergo to make sure that there are no genetic disorders in the fetus.

Frequent ultrasound examinations are not recommended. There are still concerns about the consequences of such exposure. But there are no other ways to find out whether all the organs of the fetus are working.

Tests are carried out from 11 to 13 weeks of pregnancy, and the most accurate data is given precisely at 12 weeks. Ultrasound screening should be mandatory for those women who:

  1. the first child has already been born with developmental anomalies;
  2. there are genetic changes in relatives;
  3. the pregnant woman is over 35 years old;
  4. a serious infectious disease suffered during pregnancy;
  5. had one or two miscarriages;
  6. if the father and mother are related by blood.

During an ultrasound, the doctor must look at the size of the torso, the function of the heart and the diameter of the head. It also analyzes how evenly the right and left hemispheres of the fetal brain develop in the corresponding week of development, and whether there are any deviations in the development of internal organs.

You definitely need to find out if the fetus has an umbilical hernia, when the organs are not located inside the body, but in a kind of “skin bag” in the navel area. Such indicators as CTE, the presence of a nasal bone, and other indicators are checked.

If the doctor suspects something unusual for this stage of pregnancy, there is a reason to refer the woman for additional tests.

If you are not at risk, you still need to undergo an ultrasound at 12 weeks of pregnancy. You will have a clear understanding of the child's development. And any parents want to see their baby and know that everything is really okay with him.

If, due to increased anxiety for your baby, you have already signed up for screening, then it will be useful to find out some information about screening standards for your term.

When screening, the doctor focuses on the following indicators:

  • The coccygeal-parietal size of the baby is from 51 to 59 mm;
  • The next important screening marker is the collar zone. Its thickness at this time is 1.6-2.5 mm;
  • Next indicator. The fetus at the 12th pregnancy should already “have a nose,” that is, the rudiment of a nasal bone measuring at least 3 mm;
  • The heart rate of an unborn child is significantly higher than that of an adult. For the screening period of 12 weeks, the normal number of contractions is 150-170 beats of a small heart per minute;
  • The last indicator is the biparietal size (BDS) of the fetal head. This index is measured by determining the distance between the inner and outer contour of the parietal bones of the head. This index is 20 mm. within this period.

This is only introductory data on screening standards at 12 weeks of pregnancy, so that the mother knows what, in essence, is being checked. If the pregnancy is multiple, the data will be different. And the size of the uterus is correspondingly different.

The doctor usually asks the pregnant woman about her marital status and diseases that her relatives had. Then an ultrasound is performed directly. And in the laboratory they take some blood from a vein. And the results of the biochemical analysis are given to parents in a couple of weeks.

What is included in the concept of biochemical analysis? It is carried out to establish the presence and quantity of 2 proteins in the blood of a pregnant woman: free b-hCG, as well as PAPP-A. Deviations in the values ​​in this analysis may indicate the development of either Edwards or Down syndrome in the fetus. Of course, the data is approximate. And doctors will not give any conclusions on this analysis until the woman is checked by a genetic specialist.

General tips and advice on nutrition and other issues in preparation for childbirth

For your pregnancy to go well, the care of the future father alone is not enough. You need to make sure that all vitamins and elements are supplied in sufficient quantities:

  1. It is especially important that folic acid, potassium, calcium, iodine and magnesium are present in the body;
  2. If there is not enough potassium, the growing fetus will receive it from existing reserves in the bones and teeth;
  3. In addition, the baby teeth of the fetus are formed in the gums at 12 weeks;
  4. By 12-13 weeks, you should definitely visit the dentist’s office and check the condition of your teeth. If there is not enough calcium, teeth begin to decay

How to eat properly during this period?

  • Many women do not have enough hemoglobin during this period. This is a common problem, the solution to which lies in proper nutrition. Week 12 has arrived, and now your food should contain as many vitamins, minerals, fiber and iron as possible;
  • It is important to take note of this point. As the mother's blood volume increases, iron reserves for blood cells - red blood cells - must be constantly replenished. Doctors recommend consuming a lot of foods, both animal and plant origin, containing hemoglobin;
  • In addition, all dairy and fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants (vitamins C and E) are beneficial during pregnancy (read the article on the topic Fruits during pregnancy >>>);
  • It is a myth that a mother is now obliged to eat for two. Of course, more energy and microelements are required. But you shouldn’t double the calories, otherwise the fetus will gain a lot of weight, which is also unfavorable;
  • You should not eat fried, spicy foods, of course, a woman at 12 weeks may have special preferences, but try to take care of proper nutrition, avoid processed foods and hamburgers. It is better to generally replace meat with fish in a pregnant woman’s diet, since it takes a long time to digest and increases heartburn;
  • Pregnancy is also difficult because the weight constantly increases. You need to monitor your weight gain. Normally, weight increases by 500 grams. every week. But if it’s for a larger number of grams, then you need to worry about reducing calories.
  1. To make pregnancy less tiring, do not limit yourself in everything at once. You can't sit in the apartment all the time. We need to move more now, go to the park for a walk;
  2. It is advisable to take up some kind of sport, even if sport has never been part of your area of ​​interest. It is important for the child that the body receives enough air, and that the mother is in “shape” by the end of pregnancy, when the baby will require constant care;
  3. It's good to go to the pool while your belly is not too big. Go to yoga or fitness class for pregnant women. A few weeks of yoga will be enough for you to feel better;
  4. If possible, and it’s summer, go to the sea with your husband. Iodized sea air is very beneficial. Moreover, you need to stock up on the strength and energy of nature before giving birth;
  5. Drink enough water to replenish amniotic fluid;
  6. If you are working, you need to avoid stress during this period;
  7. And if you decide to spend your pregnancy at home, then you don’t need to sleep more than expected. 8-9 hours is enough for full recovery.

The life of a pregnant woman should be smooth and measured, no matter the week, because you are responsible for the new life inside.

At the 12th week of gestation, the first trimester of pregnancy ends. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief, because the placenta is currently maturing functionally and morphologically. One of the main tasks of the placenta now becomes the production of pregnancy hormones, which until this moment were produced by the corpus luteum.

Such a symptom as early poisoning occurs due to the hormonal activity of the corpus luteum before the 12th week of gestation. After this, in most patients these symptoms appear less frequently or disappear altogether. They do not go away only during the first, complicated and multiple pregnancy.

What does an embryo look like at 12 weeks?

At the 12th week, the embryo is already a miniature man. Basic organs (brain and spinal cord, heart, a small number of vessels, intestinal tube) and systems have already been formed, the kidneys and liver are already working, urine and bile are beginning to be produced. At the same time, the musculoskeletal system, cartilage, and skin are formed. The embryo begins to make involuntary movements - moves its head and arms, sucks its fingers, and can even do somersaults.

As for the nervous system, it continues to form, but the brain is already a smaller copy of the adult brain. An embryo at 12 weeks is the size of an average chicken egg. The growth of the embryo is approximately 6-9 cm. The weight ranges from 0.01 to 0.015 kg.

The thickness of the embryonic nuchal space (hereinafter referred to as TVS) at the 12th week is one of the indicators for diagnosing chromosomal abnormalities. Normal TVP is about 0.3 cm. If the value exceeds the norm, it is recommended to perform a biopsy of the villous membrane to diagnose chromosomal abnormalities, including Down's disease. But it often happened that completely healthy babies were born with TVP exceeding 0.5 cm.

Measuring the anatomy of the embryo (fetometry) at the 12th week is required in order to establish a more accurate gestation period, monitor the development of the baby, and record visible disturbances in its development.

The biparietal size of the embryo's head (hereinafter referred to as BPR) at the 12th week should be equal to 2.1 cm and above, abdominal circumference (AC) - from 2.6 cm, coccygeal-parietal size (CPR) - from 6 cm, length hips (DB) - from 0.9 cm, chest diameter (CHD) - from 2.4 cm.

How should an expectant mother behave at 12 weeks?

The embryo at 12-13 weeks becomes very active, vigorously swallowing amniotic fluid, moving its arms and legs, nails are barely visible on the arms, and the intestines begin to contract. Regarding the patient, the size of her uterus is increasing. It rises above the small pelvis, but you still don’t have to wear maternity clothes. It is worth considering that the outfit should be loose, not tight-fitting.

As the uterus increases in size, more and more pressure is placed on the intestines and there is a considerable likelihood of constipation. Therefore, you should diversify your diet with foods that contain a lot of fiber (various fresh vegetables, buckwheat, oat and wheat cereals). At the same time, it is necessary to limit the consumption of white rice, since it is fixative and does not contain enough vitamins in its refined form.

At the same time, doctors advise reducing the consumption of meat, which may be poorly cooked (barbecue, shish kebab, grilled meat). Consume more stewed or boiled meat, as this reduces the likelihood of toxoplasmosis, to which the embryo is very sensitive, especially at this stage of development.

Naturally, you should also not overcool and try not to catch respiratory infections, since at the moment the nervous system is being formed and therefore it is still unstable.

In addition, the expectant mother should walk in the fresh air and move more often, since the child’s skeleton and muscles develop, which increases the flow of oxygen to his organs.

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