Black bottom white top what to wear with. Playing with contrast: dark bottom and light top of the kitchen

Many of us have understood from our school days that a white top and black bottom in clothing is a symbol of some kind of uniform or official style. Is it possible to change these colors the other way around, for example, for a man? That is, in reverse order: white bottom, black top? Will the perception of style change among others?

They greet you by their clothes...

Each of us has heard a very famous proverb since childhood, which dates back to ancient times. And it sounds like this: “They meet you by their clothes, but they see you off by your mind.” Nowadays, we are accustomed to interpreting its meaning in our own way: it doesn’t matter how a person is dressed, whether he is poor or rich. It is important what kind of heart, soul he has and what his attitude towards life is. But if you think about the meaning of the first words... Why do people greet you by their clothes? There is an explanation for everything. In ancient times, it was clothing that was the calling card of our great-great-grandfathers. She could tell everything about a person: what is his social status, social position, what is his material wealth, what area does he live in, is he married, and much more.

And “they escort you according to your mind.” Suddenly the man was a warrior, and he had clothes corresponding to his type of activity, and they accepted him as an honorary protector. But in fact, he is a useless warrior, and he cannot protect anyone...

Therefore, it is worth explaining to our offspring the meaning of this proverb. When meeting people based on clothes, they evaluate not its monetary value, but the meaning of the outfit of each individual person.

Look gorgeous...

How gorgeous you look! Agree, each of us would like to hear such a soul-warming compliment. But most of us have a firmly ingrained concept that looking chic means dressing in fashionable boutiques and emptying our wallets there. But this is fundamentally wrong. According to the rules of etiquette, following a few simple rules will help you look your best. Namely:

  • Clothing should fit well on the figure and fit the size, whatever it may be.
  • When choosing an outfit, you should consider your age - be wise.
  • Clothes should be worn taking into account seasonality - in winter we take warm clothes. In summer, we don’t wear models designed for cold weather.
  • When choosing clothes, the time of day is also taken into account - different models are worn in the morning than in the evening.
  • The attire should correspond to the nature of the event: for work we wear more formal clothes, for a party or holiday you can choose a brighter model.
  • The fabric from which the outfit is made is of great importance. Clothes of even the simplest cut will look good if they are made of high-quality fabric.
  • Things should always be clean, neat and ironed.

Notice that none of the points say “buy clothes at a super trendy store.” And why? Because fashion should be handled softly and delicately: to highlight its trends, it is enough to purchase a couple of elegant accessories or fabric in colors that are relevant today. And you will only emphasize your good manners and delicate taste.

Laws of style for business men

It doesn’t matter what color the jacket and trousers are: even if the “white bottom, black top” option is chosen, a business man must take into account the rules of wearing clothes. After all, they can leave an imprint on the attitude of colleagues and subordinates towards him, and even influence the conclusion of a profitable deal.

  • Do not wear the same clothes for 2 or more days to work or an event. If the suit is worn again, the shirt should be fresh and the tie should be a different color.
  • The tie should be literally a couple of centimeters below the trouser belt.
  • The lowest button on a jacket should never be buttoned.
  • The tie is always darker than the shirt.
  • A business man's shoes are only black.
  • Attention is also paid to the color of socks. If the shoes are black, wear socks of the same color. If the shoes are brown, then in this case the color of the socks matches the tone of the tie.
  • When selecting accessories, you need to take into account that the color of the belt buckle should match the color of the watch bracelet.
  • A businessman should not wear the same watch every time. This is considered a sign of bad taste. There are watches for offices, for leisure, for sports - this is a sign of good manners.
  • Respectable men wear coats that fall below their knees.
  • If gloves are worn, then a headdress should also be present in the wardrobe. It's worth remembering. Wearing gloves without a headdress is a violation of etiquette.
  • A change of shoes at work is welcome, as is a clean handkerchief in your jacket pocket.

Here are the basic rules of etiquette that determine how a man should dress properly in order to look respectable and dignified.

Work days

There is an opinion that a dull dress code is almost the main reason for depression among office workers. Let's try to find a way out of the situation. In order not to fall into despondency and depression from the boring look of corporate outfits, you should learn to dress both fashionably and beautifully.

Dress code is required at work. Well, judge for yourself what kind of atmosphere will prevail in the office if employees come in evening dresses or Will business partners be able to take seriously a director who comes to sign a contract in a colorful shirt, beach shorts and sandals? So what should men wear to work?

To begin with, let us clarify that there are several types of dress code.

  • Business formal. This type is usually used by senior managers and directors. He is required to wear a strict business suit in muted tones. In this case, the jacket and trousers must be cut from the same fabric and completely match in color.
  • Business general. This is a common business style widely used by senior and mid-level office workers. For this option, some combinations of clothing are acceptable.
  • Business casual. The most democratic version of business style. It allows for loose clothing. By choosing this dress code, in addition to a formal business suit, you can also afford “white bottom, black top.” Like this? For example, wear white trousers and

What can you wear with white trousers?

If in the hot southern countries men wear light-colored trousers with pleasure and everywhere, then in the northern latitudes the strong half of humanity treats the color white with extreme caution, for fear of looking ridiculous in them. And in vain. White trousers (for men) will look beautiful and even sexy on their owner if you manage to successfully fit them into your wardrobe. And socks and shoes should be combined with this item of clothing.

White trousers are considered summer wear. Therefore, in most cases they can be worn without socks. But if white trousers (for men) are strictly cut with creases, then you can’t do without them here. In this case, socks should be combined with any clothing accessory - a tie, a handkerchief. And no black tones.

You can wear shoes of any color with white trousers. Models in brown, blue and burgundy shades are very appropriate. It's probably not worth the risk with red. But blue suede shoes will look very impressive with white trousers. Black color is best avoided. But if the set includes white jeans, a black T-shirt and a jacket, then dark shoes are quite appropriate.

White trousers should fit a man perfectly. They can be either narrow or wide, but the lines must be kept clean without unnecessary folds and creases.

black color?

A black jacket is a very demanding and capricious item in a man's wardrobe. He does not tolerate mistakes and unsuccessful combinations. And with a skillful approach, it can give a man status and allows him to win several quite stylish looks.

It can be worn not only with classic trousers. For example, a black summer blazer goes well with polo shirts, jeans, chinos and even shorts. Formal shoes will go well with such non-classical clothing combinations. But sneakers or moccasins can ruin the look. For those who prefer sports shoes, we can recommend a black velor jacket. Together they look great. Blazers and jackets in dark colors can be worn anywhere - at work, leisure or business meetings. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Choosing a tie

A tie is a very important and significant accessory in a man's wardrobe. Therefore, you should follow some rules. For a dark suit and shirt, choose a tie that is always one tone lighter than the suit. It's not hard to remember. If the suit is light and the shirt is dark, the tie should be light. One more rule. A light tie is chosen in the case of a light suit and shirt.


A little experimentation and creativity - and you will look stylish and attractive. Now you know in which cases the “white bottom, black top” option is appropriate. And by applying the rules of etiquette in choosing onions, you can always look your best.

I am an ordinary private practicing lawyer. Most of the time I work, I wear a classic men's business suit: jacket and trousers. I love very black suits and very white shirts. I rarely wear a tie, depending on my mood. I'm pretty fed up with business suit sellers.

Buying a black suit made of plain fabric is a whole quest. There are no such suits for sale. There are any: gray, green, brown, red with a black tint, blue with green, gray with blue, pistachio with mango, cream with chocolate, peach with pineapple. The texture of the fabric is no less amazing than the colors. The fabric can be speckled, striped, checkered, diamond-patterned, circled, triangular, curliculate, or whatever.

What is most pleasing is the reaction of the sellers. When you ask for a black suit made of plain fabric in a store, the eyes of the “sales floor managers” widen to the size of a fitting room mirror. Depending on the upbringing of the sellers, they either give me a gentle hint or smack the truth to my forehead: black suits made of plain fabric are not worn now even by the last backward retrograde collective farmers. This, you see, is not fashionable. And everyone wears this multi-colored something that hangs here and is for sale. The look of the saleswomen expresses a whole range of feelings: bewilderment, pity, sympathy, contempt, superiority.

We will prudently omit the question of “fashionable - not fashionable”. I frankly admit: I have no idea what is fashionable and where. I won’t even ask where and what concept of fashion an average lady might have, working as a salesperson in a clothing store in a rather provincial town, dressed in Chinese consumer goods, with completely lost hair and a face painted to look like a matryoshka doll. I don't care about any of this. I just want a black suit.

I should note that I am not some kind of costume orthodox. It's good to have a choice. It’s good to have a lot of styles and colors. Those who like all these strange colored things, due to some misunderstanding, sewn in the form of suits, should wear them to their health. But I want black. If you have a trendy store, just say that there are no black people. I don’t need to give lectures about fashion, and then persistently try to sell something gray-brown-shiny, which is called a suit on the price tag due to some obvious misunderstanding.

Hurray, the quest is completed! In the fifth or sixth store, something is discovered that can with a high degree of certainty be considered a black suit made of almost plain fabric. My size, my height, my style. Let's take it!

After two months, the fabric begins to fray, the seams are creeping, the buttons are falling off, the lining and pockets are torn.

I don't sleep in a suit or play basketball in it. I wear it alternating with others. Jackets are frayed on the left shoulder and chest on the left side due to the seat belt; the collar and lapels of jackets are damaged by coats. The trousers are rubbed exactly where you would think, as well as in the area of ​​the pockets - I have a habit of keeping my hands in my pockets. Two months - and go get a new suit.

I make good money and don’t expect one suit to last me five years in a row. But I think it’s too much to pay 300-400 euros for something that is embarrassing to wear after two months.

Not everyone likes plain light kitchens: they can seem boring. Color combinations expand design possibilities. By choosing the right colors, you can create a dynamic, energetic design and zone the space. Aggressive contrasts often look impressive, but can be annoying, so it is better to use soft combinations and color transitions to optically change the proportions of the room. We offer photos of kitchens with a light bottom and a dark top.

Pastel colors are best for tight spaces. This is a good choice for rooms with asymmetrical shapes. It also makes sense to design a kitchen in pastel colors if the windows face north and there is not enough natural light. The dim, monochromatic design is universal and hides design flaws. The main thing is to select all the interior elements in a single style.

Photo of a kitchen with white bottom, dark top

Light and dark colors in the interior are not always just a contrasting white and black palette. There are many options, and it all depends on the personal preferences of the premises owners. However, there are some color rules that should be followed so that the design is not only aesthetic, but also psychologically comfortable:

Light tone in kitchen design

  • If a light tone prevails in the kitchen design, you need to focus on bright details. An option is to add elements that differ in color. This will add expressiveness to the interior and help highlight the necessary areas. We offer photos:

Light design with contrasting elements

  • If dark is chosen as the main color, then you should carefully consider the lighting of the room. Dark is suitable for a large kitchen with windows facing south. Thus, wood-like decoration in dark shades creates an atmosphere of stability, peace and even some conservatism. And yet, so that it does not seem gloomy, it is advisable to add 1-2 light surfaces.

Brown top and white bottom - combination options

  • Not only the color scheme is important, but also the proportions and shades. An excess of pastel colors “blurs” contours and boundaries, while dark colors visually narrow the space, making the room seem cramped.

Photo of a minimalist interior: graphite top, milky bottom

  • There are practically no restrictions in the selection of colors. Any color scheme can look great if you choose the right combinations. Traditionally, the top is light and the bottom is dark, but there is always room for variety: the reverse combination has its advantages and looks no less impressive.

Spectacular combinations - bright top and neutral bottom

  • White and black in the interior get along well with each other. You can use only these two colors, or you can add a third. All options are good if the accents are carefully thought out.

Photo of a small black and white kitchen

Techniques for creating a kitchen in light colors

The influence of color on a person’s mood has been known for a long time. Psychologists even recommend using chromotherapy to regulate the internal state - calming, activating thinking or feeling a surge of vital energy. When decorating a room, you can choose classic shades and dilute them with elements of suitable tones.

White, beige, shades of coffee with milk, ivory go well with any colors. You can focus attention on individual areas and achieve the effect of chromotherapy using other tones.

So, burgundy will look elegant and increase tone, improve appetite, and speed up metabolism. Orange will set you in an optimistic mood and help in creative activities. Yellow calms and activates intellectual potential. Blue and green help control emotions, and purple helps to tune in to learning and thinking.

Photo of a red and white headset on a light background

To achieve the desired effect, you should adhere to several rules for decorating a light kitchen:

  • Wall decoration. Walls in pastel colors are an excellent option for those who want to hide the shortcomings of the room. To avoid monotony, you can add dark or bright details - an apron, pieces of furniture, accessories.
  • Furniture. In a bright kitchen, sets with a top row of cabinets made in burgundy, yellow, orange, blue, green, gray and even black will look luxurious.
  • Appliances. If household appliances will be in plain sight, then it is better to choose gray or black appliances with a metallic sheen. Bright accents are appropriate.

Light wall decoration plus brown and bright details

Black and white contrast in the interior

Black and white design is a win-win option for lovers of the classics. White symbolizes purity, openness, freshness, and novelty. It has a positive effect on mood and well-being, and promotes the development of creative potential. Black is the color of restraint, reflection, relaxation, but its excess can cause blues, depression and even depression. It is important to distribute the colors correctly.

Determine the dominant color. If it is white, it will expand the space, add air and light. In this case, black details will help to delimit the room, divide it into functional zones, or simply create accents.

Decide what colors you will use for the ceiling, walls, splashback, countertops and fittings. Often, different fronts are chosen for the top and bottom rows of cabinets. Typically, wall cabinets are made white, and floor cabinets are made black, but no one forbids turning ideas about aesthetics upside down by swapping them.

Black wall cabinets and white cabinets - contrasting bottom and top

Our photos and simple rules will help you when developing a design project:

  • The main color for a small kitchen is white. It is best used to decorate ceilings, walls, and window openings. It is very risky to make a white floor. This can create unusual effects, but given the dirtiness of the coatings, it is better to choose a finish that is either black or light, but of a different shade.

  • The black set with glossy surfaces against the background of a light floor looks luxurious. The design can be complemented with a glass table, white chairs, and patterned textile elements. Decor would be appropriate - vases, paintings, flowers, as in the photo below.

  • A white set and a black apron are what is needed for people seeking to individualize their interior within the framework of the classical tradition. You can complement the look with black household appliances and chairs. To prevent the set from visually blending with the floor finish, you should choose a dark, but not black, floor covering. A good option is under the tree.

  • The opposite option - a black set and a white apron in a light kitchen - also looks good. You can complement the design with wood-look elements. An example is in the photo.

  • A “checkerboard” on the floor is a common design technique, but its popularity does not make it any less relevant. This is an excellent option if the set is completely made in white. Black elements in furniture are acceptable, but there should not be too many of them. The photo below suggests a risky option that is not suitable for every room.

  • The dominant black color would be appropriate in a spacious room with good lighting. However, completely painting the walls black is dangerous: you can create the effect of a closed, too cramped and gloomy space. But dark gray is a good solution. Look how it looks in the photo.

Gray walls, black and white furniture

  • White top and black bottom - sophisticated, elegant and... banal. Why not experiment with combinations? This will help make the interior less conservative, but still sophisticated.

Bright accents for a light background

In a light kitchen, dark and bright details are appropriate. They help to place accents and avoid the effect of a hospital room. The ceiling and walls can be made in white, milky, or beige. This will optically enlarge the kitchen and make it more comfortable.

Photo of a kitchen with dark and translucent details

Bright wall decoration looks impressive in combination with a snow-white set, light bottom and black household appliances. Red, white, black are in perfect harmony with each other, and the interior as a whole looks beautiful and elegant. For the floor, it is better to choose a wood-look covering. We offer photos of a successful design.

Red top and light bottom

If pastel shades are chosen for the walls and ceiling, you should carefully consider the lighting and dilute the interior with other colors. This could be household appliances, metal-look furniture fittings, and decorative elements. This kitchen design with large windows will create a feeling of limitless space, peace, and spiritual comfort. The main thing is to avoid oversaturating the interior with contrasting details.

Bright accents for a bright kitchen

A snow-white kitchen with contrasting details can be a source of inspiration for fans of unusual combinations. You can achieve the effect of a “technological” interior by using illumination of work surfaces, accessories, and color accents. The bottom should be made “warmer”. The wood tones of the floor finish are a little “grounding” and calming. A marble countertop will add a sense of stability. You can see what it looks like in the photo.

Photo of the design of a bright kitchen

If the walls, floor, splashback, and floor cabinets are made in pastel colors, it makes sense to make the top of the set dark and add one, but expressive, contrasting accent. Decorating part of the wall with wallpaper with black stripes looks gorgeous, and the facades of wall cabinets can be decorated with a light pattern. The interior will seem strict but harmonious.

Bright detail on a black and white background

A bright kitchen looks great, the top of which is made in bright colors. This effect is achieved by using different colors for wall decoration. The wall above the set and the kitchen apron are made bright, and the rest of the details are white. Dark elements are appropriate in this design. An example is in the photo.

Contrasting wall - darker top

A dark top and a light bottom are relevant for interiors made in the “Russian style”. The white facades of the set will optically expand the walls of a cramped kitchen, and dark surfaces will balance the space and add dynamism. The top can be complemented with a bright Gzhel pattern, and the bottom can be left light, as in the photo.

Small kitchen in “Russian style”

Classic kitchens in light colors

Classic in interior design is a rather vague concept, but if you wish, you can always design a linear or corner kitchen in a classic style, in which the gloss of plastic and glass will be organically combined with the sophisticated pattern of natural wood. There aren't many restrictions.

Dark top and light bottom: ceiling decor

People committed to family values ​​gravitate toward classic interiors. This is an excellent option for balanced people seeking stability and peace. Depending on personal preference, you can always add elements of other styles. The main thing is to avoid sharp contrasts and flashy shades.

Classic with Mediterranean elements: solid dark blue bottom and weightless snow-white top

Basic principles for creating a design project for a room in a classic style:

  • Materials. Classics are automatically associated with wood, stone, and heavy textiles. All this looks luxurious, but is too expensive. To reduce the cost of kitchen design, you can choose composite and synthetic materials that imitate natural ones. The main thing is a presentable appearance.

  • Basic color scheme. Classic tones include white, black, beige, burgundy, and dark green. But this does not mean that the owner of the premises is limited in choice. You can use any discreet shades. It is important to observe the measure so that the top and bottom of the kitchen seem balanced.

  • Companion colors. Plain interiors need to be diluted with colored details. For a white classic kitchen, elements of golden, bronze, and silver colors are well suited. Gilding looks too pretentious, so it is best to use it sparingly. But for bronze there are no restrictions. It is used to decorate plumbing fixtures, furniture, and lamps.

Companion colors: silver top

  • Decor. Wood carving, stucco molding and artistic forging are always in fashion. But every year the prices for elaborate handmade decor are only growing, so here, too, imitation will save the situation. You can complement the design with curtains and textiles with stylized embroidery and decorative tassels and fringe.

Classic kitchen: white bottom and darker top

Kitchen furniture in shades of white

White is the color most often associated with freshly fallen snow. However, blinding sterile whiteness is far from the only option. There are many shades:

  • porcelain – slightly grayish with a glossy sheen;
  • frosty - the color of ice with a bluish tint;
  • snowy - close to frosty, but lighter;
  • opal – matte white color;
  • ivory - light with a slight yellowness;
  • “lunar” - slightly lighter than ivory;
  • milky - with a slightly noticeable beige tint;
  • white chocolate is a darker shade of milk;
  • coconut – matte shade reminiscent of the inner surface of a coconut fruit;
  • alabaster – grayish;
  • floury - with a slight grayish tint.

Cream set with dark top and light bottom

To decorate your kitchen, you can choose any soft shade, as long as it looks harmonious against the background of the floor, ceiling and walls. The whiteness of the furniture is well emphasized by a darker top - a chandelier, stucco molding, hood or decoration of part of the wall. You can also highlight the bottom by laying contrasting flooring or laying tiles.

Light top and dark bottom

In addition to aesthetic preferences, there are several other reasons to choose a shade of white for kitchen furniture:

  • Expansion of space. This is the best choice for elongated narrow kitchens and rooms with low ceilings.
  • Stylistic versatility. There is no style that white cannot fit into.
  • Practicality. It’s a fact that light-colored surfaces get dirty quickly, but furniture fronts already have to be washed frequently. The white top is even more convenient than the glossy dark one, because... There are no fingerprints left on it and stains are less visible.
  • Cheapness. White furniture and decorations are usually cheaper than colored ones.
  • Flawless fundamental tone. Any bright details will fit into this design.

The classic combination of colors in clothes seems boring and mediocre to some. Our fashion expert, fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, disagrees with this and tells how to make the classics not boring.

White top and black bottom are a classic that never goes out of style. There is a strict sophistication and elegance in this combination. And both colors - black and white - are basic. Black emphasizes the individuality of its “carrier”, and at the same time allows you to hide from unnecessary attention. White is the color of purity and innocence, the personification of perfection and aristocracy. White and black items are a must have in your wardrobe! In black and white tones you can choose budget evening dresses, a formal office wardrobe, or sportswear. Universal solution!

In contrast

In modern fashion there is a huge variety of options where black and white are correctly combined. It can be a print in stripes, checks, diamonds, rings, polka dots, or houndstooth. There may be separate items in black and white: white blouse, black skirt (pants). There are other options for contrasting combinations, for example, when a black dress is decorated with white decorative trim or vice versa.

A small print - white on black or black on white - will look great on curvy women. In the latter case, the pattern should fill the surface of the fabric quite tightly.

Did you know that black has shades? Yes, yes, don't be surprised! The difference in fabric textures in the case of a black and white ensemble plays a key role. The fact is that on a variety of materials the black color looks different, acquiring either a deep, or bluish, or silver or even blue tint. Black silk fabric looks very different from black elastane, jersey or leather. This must be kept in mind when creating black and white images.

How to experiment?

A black skirt, white shirt, black coat, white trousers, black shoes and snow-white jewelry are things for all times and beyond changing trends, but this is not all that the black and white duo is capable of. Every season, designers show us new unusual images using only monochrome colors, and we continue to be convinced that you can experiment endlessly with black and white. And both with clothes and accessories.

Wear a white blouse with a high collar and a shiny party skirt - this is not a new solution, but it is truly successful, because in contrast these things give a great effect.

Polka dots and plaid

Polka dots and black and white check remain the eternal print. Any black and white versions of popular prints are always a classic. And it is in the drawings that these two basic colors clearly demonstrate their permanent quality - to make any thing more elegant. Imagine a dress with red polka dots - this is an imitation of a housecoat, and not a self-sufficient stylish outfit!

Don't forget that in the art of photography, black and white colors create stunning effects with the play of light and shadow. Likewise, in fashion, the tricky trick with visual modeling of the figure, which designers so adored in the early 2000s, works best with a black and white palette. Contrasting color combinations always attract attention, and white and black especially. I repeat once again that white top and dark bottom are the ABC of good taste. This is also why this combination is used in uniforms of employees in a variety of countries.

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As much as we love the versatile black and gray, sometimes we want to add more pop of color to our everyday looks. And although white is considered a basic and background color, we rarely wear it in everyday life.

website decided to prove that any woman can wear white and look like a queen. And here are some simple techniques that will help you with this.

Choose the right underwear

Perhaps this is the most important rule for white clothes. Choose nude-colored underwear, as white can be very see-through. But if lingerie is part of the look, then it is better to choose tops and bralettes.

Combine different textures

To create an interesting total white look, which involves using only white items, combine fabrics of different textures and densities. Let delicate lace be next to heavy velvet, shiny silk with thick suiting fabric, and simple cotton with flowing chiffon.

Choose thick fabrics

White things made of thin fabric can highlight all the flaws and visually add unnecessary pounds. But there is a way to avoid this: give preference to things made of thick fabric that will not show through, and feel free to wear white.

Wear white not only in summer

We are used to thinking of white as a summer color. And in vain - such things can refresh any, even the simplest autumn or winter outfit. And although the weather does not always allow you to wear light clothes, on fine days a white coat, jeans or at least a scarf will become the highlight of your look.

Combine with metallic

To prevent a white shirt or blouse from looking too office-y, try pairing it with metallic-colored items. Even the most ordinary white T-shirt, blouse or top combined with a skirt or trousers will turn into a festive look.

Add a bright accent

Colored details will help diversify your look: bag, shoes or accessories. You don't have to choose bright colors - even black and brown next to all-white clothes will attract attention.

Replace an evening or cocktail dress with a white suit

Hollywood divas have long adopted this technique and proved that a white, perfectly fitting suit looks much more impressive on the red carpet than a luxurious dress. Unlike a black suit, a white one looks quite festive and evening-like.