Beautiful make-up at home. Step-by-step instructions on how to do makeup - photos for beginners and professionals

An important event is coming up, but you don’t have time to make an appointment with a makeup artist. Or spending on a beauty salon is not included in the budget for this month. It's okay - any woman can do her own evening makeup without leaving home. This requires patience, high-quality cosmetics and professional advice.

Before you start applying eye shadow, blush and other products, you need to carefully consider the image, technique and color scheme. Key tips to follow:

  1. Evening makeup involves many techniques: classic, oriental, smoky, cat-like. The choice depends on the outfit. For a romantic look, timeless classics or smokey eyes in pastel colors are suitable. And fatal beauties should do brighter makeup, such as cat eyes or spectacular arrows.
  2. Girls with blond hair should not use dark shadows even for evening makeup. While brunettes have a wider range of possibilities.
  3. Don't forget to style your hair beautifully. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain and you will look sloppy.
  4. To learn how to make up beautifully, give preference to high-quality cosmetics. It does not contain harmful ingredients and lasts longer on the face.
  5. Cleanse your skin before applying makeup with special products. This will allow you to maintain your makeup throughout the event.
  6. Apply cosmetics in the lighting that will be in the evening.

Paint your eyes yourself

Before moving on to the eyes, you need to learn how to shape your eyebrows, as shown in the photo:

To do this, use a special pencil or correction kit, which contains wax, shadows and brushes for applying them. Comb the hairs upward and fill in all the gaps between them, fix them with wax and apply light shadows or highlighter under the outer edge.

Now you can paint your eyes. Fortunately, today the Internet is replete with many photos with step-by-step descriptions of makeup techniques. With their help, you can make a simple and effective option.

We have selected only a few options that every girl can do:

How to Apply Foundation to Yourself

First, you should hide minor imperfections with a corrector and apply it to the corners of the eyes, the wings of the nose and wrinkles on the forehead. Then apply the foundation on the face and neck with soft cotton pads or a sponge. The finishing touch will be highlighting the cheekbones with blush.

How to paint lips

If your lips are too thin or the upper ones are much narrower than the lower ones, the easiest way is to correct the shape with a pencil and then use a matching lipstick. To increase volume, apply light lipstick or pearlescent gloss to the middle of your lips, or use 3D glosses that create a visual effect.

To make your lipstick last, apply foundation or powder on your lips before applying makeup. When finished applying makeup, blot off excess with a napkin and paint over another layer. The same can be done with glitter.

Common mistakes when applying makeup to yourself

Try to avoid mistakes if you do your makeup yourself:

  • choosing a foundation darker or lighter than your skin tone;
  • unkempt skin;
  • excess decorative cosmetics;
  • sticky eyelashes with lumps of mascara;
  • the use of blue shades of shadows - they suit few people;
  • thin eyebrows;
  • lip pencil darker than lipstick color;
  • too much blush.

Master class on applying your own makeup

Beauty bloggers from the World Wide Web come to the aid of inexperienced women. They will not only show you, but also tell you step by step about all the secrets, and you will have no questions left on how to learn how to do makeup:

Now you can do yourself a simple but beautiful evening makeup and not waste money and time on visiting a makeup artist.

Every woman and girl must know the simple rules of applying makeup. They will always help you look beautiful and well-groomed without harming your skin.

Where does the great sacrament begin and what is the sequence? What important secrets do makeup artists know?

Properly applied makeup can beautifully highlight your strengths and hide all your flaws. Just 5 years ago, only professional makeup artists knew this secret. Today, every girl has access to a sea of ​​information on how to become beautiful with the help of cosmetics. The best makeup artists in the world have been openly talking about their secrets for a long time.

Basic rules for good makeup

When starting to apply makeup, remember that the most important thing in any makeup:

  1. ideal face tone;
  2. neat well-groomed eyebrows.

What do we mean when we say " perfect tone"? The color of the foundation should match the complexion, and the use of a colored corrective concealer in the presence of problem areas (bruises, pimples, scars, dark circles under the eyes) is mandatory.

Just a couple of years ago we didn’t pay so much attention eyebrows. Today, a large number of products specifically for them have appeared in the decorative cosmetics store. What happened? The thing is that makeup artists have realized how important beautiful eyebrows are in makeup in general. Sloppy eyebrows can ruin even the most perfect makeup. Too thin plucked or, conversely, very thick massive ones - this is what you should avoid. The ideal option is a natural form.

And finally, I would like to say that it is very important do not overload your face with cosmetics. Today, ladies are more and more often guilty of this, so professionals say that it is better to “under” than “over”.

Analyzing the features of your face

Applying foundation

We apply foundation or BB cream that matches the color perfectly. Choose those toning products that have a light yellow pigment. They are ideal for European women. Apply with a slightly damp beauty blender or a special synthetic bristle brush.

Setting tone with powder

We use loose powder in makeup to set the tone. It is preferable to fix only the T-zone, which quickly becomes shiny due to sebum secretion.

You can use transparent or white transparency. The main thing to remember is that powder is an auxiliary product that mattifies and sets the foundation. It is applied with a large fluffy brush in small quantities. During the day, you can lightly powder the T-zone with compact powder or blot with mattifying wipes.

Face correction with dry correctors

We shape the face, because after creating the ideal tone, it turns into a blank page without natural shadows and highlights.

  1. Blackout: Using a soft natural bristle brush, pick up some dry brown corrector (Mac “Harmony” is ideal), rub it in on your hand and apply it with light movements under the cheekbone (starting from the middle of the cheek, we go “no” towards the cheekbones), along the hairline, side side of the nose, under the chin, slightly under the lip.
  2. Highlighting. Use a highlighter to highlight the back of the nose, the tick above the upper lip, the chin, the protruding part of the cheekbone, under the eyebrow, the inner corner of the eye, and the middle of the forehead.

Blend everything thoroughly!

Eyebrow drawing

Comb with a special brush, directing the hairs upward. Using a pale pink or white pencil, draw a line under the eyebrows and shade it slightly. For correction, use an angled hard brush and matte shadows or a special hard eyebrow pencil.

If desired, you can fix it with a special transparent or brown gel (today there is a huge selection in stores for both blondes and brunettes).

Step by step eye makeup

At this stage, you can adjust the shape of the eyes, but we will consider the average light daytime makeup.

Stage 1 of eye makeup. Apply a base under the shadows (the primer makes the shadows more durable, helps them adhere better and shades well).

Stage 2 eye makeup. Apply dark matte shadows to the outer corner of the eye and the crease of the upper eyelid, and light ones to the inner corner. Shade the border. You can add a little brown matte shadow to the outer corner of the lower eyelid along the lash line, reaching the middle of the eye (shade).

Stage 3 of makeup. Highlight your eyes with black pencil or eyeliner. You can simply walk along the lash line or make a soft arrow on the upper eyelid and shade it going beyond the edges of the eye and lifting it up (this will make the eye much larger).

4 Eye makeup stage (optional). Paint over the mucous membranes of the eyes with a light pink or beige pencil.

Stage 5 eye makeup. Apply makeup to your eyelashes, curling them slightly and focusing on the roots at the base (many people like to paint only the ends of their eyelashes, but over time they droop from the weight and we don’t get big eyes, but the completely opposite effect).

Applying blush

Take pink (peach or coral can be) blush and apply it to the apples of the cheeks, which form when we smile. Lightly blend towards the temples. Lightly brush along the tip of the nose and around the perimeter of the face to create color harmony in your makeup!

Lip makeup

We moisturize the lips with balm and stain with your favorite lipstick. If you want to create a more lasting effect, fill your lips completely with a pencil, the same shade as the lipstick, and only then apply lipstick.

Fixing makeup

Spray thermal water or makeup fixative(not a mandatory step, but desirable for evening makeup).

How to choose the right cosmetics

The choice of cosmetics is one of the most important issues, since good cosmetics are inexpensive, and cheap ones do not always please with their quality.

Foundation should suit your skin type and meet your needs:

  • light texture and color;
  • rich color and high covering power;
  • durability;
  • additional hydration or mattifying ability.

How to choose the right foundation color? When choosing a shade, do not make the main mistake that absolutely everyone makes - testing the product on the wrist. The shade of the hands and face is very different. Apply a small amount of product to the area under your eyes and blend across your cheek. When you go outside, look at yourself in daylight. Stores often make the mistake of turning on yellow lamps, which neutralize redness. This is why when we come home, we are often disappointed with our purchase.

It is best to apply the product to your face and live with it all day. A good store will not deny you the opportunity to test the foundation correctly. You must understand whether you are comfortable or not and whether this product can withstand your rhythm of life.

U lipstick the main thing is color and texture. Apply a little lipstick to your hand and decide if the texture is pleasant to you. Next, apply it to your lips and take a closer look at the color. Do not test the color on your hand as this will also distort the color. You can apply a little on the inside of your fingers as it is almost the same color as your lips.

The only universal lipstick color that will suit absolutely everyone is a cool-toned red (if you rub it on your hand, it should fade to pink).

It is advisable to buy loose powder, and use pressed powder only to throw in your handbags and touch up throughout the day. The crumbly one lays down in a thin light layer, while the pressed one tends to layer.

Blush It’s better to choose cream ones, so they look as natural as possible. The color can be cold or warm pink, peach.

Mascara choosing is not that difficult. Just decide what you need: make your eyelashes longer or thicker.

Concealer should be a little denser than the tone and one tone lighter, but no more.

Eyebrow pencil or shadow must be brown or gray-brown without “red.” It is best to choose a shade that is a shade lighter than your eyebrows.

Eyeliner We choose according to the principle of shading. Draw a small line on your hand, wait a little and rub it. If the line is practically not smeared, we take it.

What can you save on?

We all know that the more expensive the cosmetics, the better the quality. But there are ways you can save money.

  1. . Natural brushes are very expensive, while good synthetic brushes cope with this function just as well. Plus, you shouldn’t overpay for the brand. Brushes of an unknown brand are no worse than branded ones. Just touch the bristles, preferring soft brushes.
  2. Mascara for eyes. Good mascara can be bought in any supermarket for literally pennies. Sometimes they are not inferior in quality even to premium products.
  3. Pencil. A hard, non-greasy black pencil will draw an arrow no worse than expensive analogues.

And also, which are great for home use.

What should you not save on?

Foundation It must be expensive and good, since we apply it to our faces and live with it all day long. But the most important thing is that the quality of makeup depends only on it. You can have an expensive foundation, but all other products are very cheap and no one will notice. A cheap foundation will be stained, will be too “red” or even look like a mask.

Pomade natural pink color is what you need for every day. It will last you a long time, so don’t waste your money.

Shadows cheap ones can become stained and simply blend out poorly. Buy just one palette of natural shades and it will last you a very long time.

Loose powder- This is a good investment in your appearance. A jar of this product will last you for 3-4 years, provided that you use it every day. But the whole secret is that it lies down as beautifully and naturally as possible.

Video lesson

A visual aid for those who want to learn how to paint quickly and beautifully. But remember that the main thing in this matter is practice. Practice constantly, make mistakes, correct yourself, and after some time you will learn how to create beauty in 5 minutes.

Light makeup for every day

Arm yourself with all your makeup and start experimenting. Only if you devote at least 10 minutes to makeup every day can you become a good makeup artist for yourself.

Simple budget make-up

Not every girl can afford expensive premium cosmetics, but everyone should know how to look expensive for little money.

Evening makeup for going out

Beautiful makeup from a professional makeup artist is very expensive, so we must learn how to apply beauty ourselves.

This topic is of interest to many girls who have recently become interested in the world of cosmetics and are just learning the art of transformation with the help of decorative products. Changes in the world of the beauty industry should be constantly monitored, because every season dictates new trends and directions.

To learn how to paint beautifully, you don’t have to sign up for expensive courses. We have prepared for you answers to the most frequently asked questions: how to properly prepare your face, how to do makeup depending on eye color, how to draw perfect arrows, how to do good makeup at home. With our tips, you will achieve excellent results, even if you have never tried makeup before.

How to apply makeup correctly

Before applying decorative products, the skin should be prepared: clean with tonic or lotion, moisturize with cream. After the product is completely absorbed - about 10 minutes, you can proceed to the next step. Don't ignore preparation. Thus, you not only protect your skin from the negative effects of cosmetics, but also prevent foundation and eye shadow from rolling and peeling.

Makeup for every day for beginners

The foundation is also selected depending on the skin type, since an incorrectly selected cream can roll off and dry out the dermis, which makes the face sloppy. The foundation should be applied evenly in a thin layer so as not to create a mask effect.

The foundation should match your tone as closely as possible. Thanks to the right product, the dermis will acquire a smooth, well-groomed and neat appearance. Cosmetics containing silicone and wax are considered more durable.

Apply a few drops of foundation to your forehead, chin, cheeks and nose. Then blend it with a brush or sponge using gentle movements. If too much cream is applied, remove the excess with a paper napkin.

Using a corrector you can hide minor imperfections. Apply it to the problem area. Dark circles are easily masked with a concealer color that is 1-2 shades lighter than the skin. The principle of applying makeup is demonstrated step by step in the photo.

After the above activities, the makeup is set with powder. The crumbly variation of the product gives the coating a velvety texture and makes it more matte. When choosing a tone, choose shades that are one level lighter than your skin tone.

The powder is applied to the face with light movements with a special brush, carefully moving from the forehead to the neck and décolleté, which should be the same shade as the face. Do not overdo it with application, as the product clogs pores, which contributes to the appearance of rashes, acne, and blackheads. Foundation and powder are the best helpers in correcting the shape of the face: with dark shades you can visually reduce a certain area, and with light shades you can increase it.

When choosing cosmetics, give preference to products that have a light texture, without shine or too bright colors. You should be especially careful when choosing cosmetics for natural daytime makeup, which contains only natural shades.

Blush, which is usually applied to the cheeks and cheekbones, adds expressiveness to the face. The color of blush is usually a couple of shades darker than the skin. For those with triangular face types, it is recommended to focus on the upper part of the cheekbones, and for elongated faces, on the middle part of the cheek, shading towards the cheekbones. For girls with round types, blush should be applied from the middle of the cheeks to the temples, following the shape of a triangle.

Lately, eyebrow fashion has changed too often, but you should never lose sight of them when creating the perfect makeup. Correctly shaped eyebrows make facial features more expressive and harmonious. Today, many manufacturers of decorative cosmetics offer a lot of eyebrow products: combs, pencils, shadows, fixatives.

To shape your eyebrows, all you need is a pencil and shadows that match your hair color. Give it a neat shape with a pencil, shade and shade. Additionally, apply eyeshadow in the same color as the pencil to your eyebrows.

Finally, apply mascara to your eyelashes; if necessary, you can curl them with a special device. To create the effect of a doll's look, mascara is applied in two layers with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

When applying lipstick, remember that the emphasis should be placed either on the eyes or on the lips. If your eyes are decorated using the smoky eye technique, then you should give preference to lip gloss or lipstick in neutral shades.

Applying shadows

Eye design is considered the most difficult part of makeup. First you need to choose the right shadows and decide on the technique for applying them. Products are classified based on pigment and consistency.

Depending on the consistency there are:

  • Baked. This is the most popular type among users; they are distinguished by a dense texture, compactness, a pleasant sheen and a rich range of colors. High-quality products do not clump and stay on the eyelid for a long time.
  • Powdery. Loose shadows can be of different grinds; often several colors are mixed in one package, which in combination produce unique shades. When choosing powder variations, give preference to a premium manufacturer. Poor quality products can damage delicate eyelids. “The First Moscow Customs Goods Store” offers high-quality goods from famous brands at the best prices.
  • Creamy and liquid. They come in the form of a pencil or a small bottle with a cap (like lip gloss). Apply only to prepared eyelids over a special base. Thanks to the creamy texture, the same shade plays different colors.

The easiest method for applying eye shadow is:

  1. Darken the upper eyelid near the hollow.
  2. Lighten the rest.

Thanks to this simple technique, the eye becomes more open and expressive. To create daytime makeup, you can use two shades; for evening and holiday options there are no restrictions, the main thing is that the combination is harmonious.

Creating makeup based on eye color

If the technique of performing the process can be developed with practice, then the correct combination of color palette has long been developed by specialists in the field of beauty. The color of the shadows does not suit every eye color type. We invite you to learn more about the features of selecting products for different shades of the iris.


To create the perfect makeup, green-eyed girls should follow simple rules:

  1. Choose a foundation and powder that matches your natural skin color.
  2. The color of the shadows should emphasize natural beauty, so choose discreet pastel colors. Brown shades look ideal.
  3. Eyeliner in the same color as the eye shadow.
  4. Mascara. The classic option is black, which always looks good. As an experiment, you can use brown or emerald.
  5. Lips in combination with a brown palette can be covered with coral or cream lipstick. In other cases, discreet and natural shades will be a win-win. If you want to apply gloss, outline the contours of your lips with a pencil so that the gloss does not “run away”.


They are very expressive by nature, so it is very easy to go overboard with makeup for this color. To do light makeup at home, owners of brown eyes will need:

  1. Foundation and powder to match your skin color.
  2. Shadows of warm shades of brown, purple, gray, plum, gray tones. You should not take shades that are too light, as they do not contrast well with often dark skin.
  3. Brown or black mascara.
  4. Cover your lips with gloss or lipstick in light transparent colors.


Girls with blue shades most often have light skin and hair, and therefore are associated with tenderness and defenselessness. Since naturalness is now in trend, it is advisable to preserve the image of a fragile girl.

Blue-eyed beauties will benefit from:

  1. Light-colored foundation, which is applied in a thin layer to the face, powder.
  2. Shadows from a light palette of blue and gray.
  3. Black mascara that will make your look more expressive.
  4. For lips, a soft pink lipstick or gloss is ideal, which will highlight the light look.


They have an amazing property - they change color depending on the lighting. It is thanks to this feature that it is difficult to make advantageous makeup using:

  1. Foundation and powder to match your natural skin color.
  2. Shades of light blue, turquoise, silver, gold, lilac. At the same time, apply the lightest shade in the corner, and the darkest one at the edge. Be sure to shade the colors so that there is no too clear transition.
  3. Light pink or clear lip gloss.
  4. Black or brown mascara.

Secrets for visually enlarging your eyes

Not every girl has been blessed with big eyes, but everyone dreams of an expressive, deep look. Knowing several ways, you can easily eliminate this drawback. We share effective methods on how to do the right beautiful makeup that will help achieve the “open look” effect:

  • White pencil. If you draw a water line with white, the eyes will appear much larger. You should be extremely careful with this method, because white color by its nature is very catchy. Try not to overdo it, otherwise your makeup will look weird.
  • Skin cream for the eyelid area. Be sure to nourish this area, especially if you are over 25 years old. By moisturizing the dermis, you will rid yourself of bags and swelling.
  • Corrector. Experts recommend using a pink-orange corrector. It can be used to disguise dark circles from sleepless nights.
  • Eyelash curler. With the help of special tweezers, the eyelashes become more curved, which allows you to open your eyes. To enhance the effect, simply apply two layers of black mascara to your eyelashes. To prevent eyelashes from sticking together, separate them with a brush.

  • Makeup made taking into account the characteristics of the eyelid. You can enlarge your eyes by playing with the saturation of shadow shades. If you apply a dark color to the crease and a light color to the center, your eyes will instantly appear larger.
  • Eyebrow care. The natural, well-groomed shape of the eyebrows ultimately shapes the shape of the face. Remember that thin eyebrows have not been in fashion for a long time. The color of the eyebrows should be combined with the color of the hair and skin of their owner.
  • Arrows. They have become classics in the art of makeup. To enhance the shape, apply a thin line of brown eyeliner along the lashes, thickening towards the outer corner.

How to do makeup correctly: video

You can learn how to do beautiful makeup at home without attending expensive training. Many experts post their master classes and lessons in the public domain. To understand the technology, watch several training videos that tell you in detail about the features of applying cosmetics, taking into account the particular color of your skin, eyes and face shape.

And you can find quality products at an affordable price on the online store website. “The First Moscow Customs Goods Store” offers a wide range of cosmetics, so every girl can find something for herself.

Properly applied makeup not only enhances beauty, but also hides hidden imperfections on the skin of the face.

Any makeup, daytime, evening or everyday, has rules for its application and stages.

What should you use first?

In order to properly learn how to do makeup at home, you don’t need a lot of effort, just know the step-by-step instructions.

In the step-by-step chain of applying makeup, the first point is “base”. A properly selected makeup base allows you to keep makeup on your face for a long time without any changes.


First of all, it is necessary to completely clean the remnants and traces of previous makeup on the face.

Tonics and cleansers will help with this, which will not only remove all the “dirt”, but will give the skin a healthy look, without an oily sheen.

The next step is hydration.

After the toner has dried on your face, the next step is to apply moisturizer to your face.

The moisturizer is selected individually for each person, as it matters what kind of skin you have: oily, combination or dry. It is worth applying the cream in minimal quantities, especially when applying daytime makeup.

Stylists recommend moisturizers that contain sun filters for daytime makeup. This cream will not only protect your facial skin from sun rays, but will also prevent foundation from filling your pores.

After application, you should wait until the moisturizer dries completely on your face. The photo of the step-by-step instructions for facial makeup shows how beautiful and neat it should turn out.

Applying foundation to the face and some nuances

The main secret of a beautiful tone on the face is that before applying foundation you need to hide all imperfections with a corrector.

Before you apply makeup step by step, namely, foundation on your face, you should pay attention: if there are pimples or redness on your face, then you need to disguise them with a concealer.

The next step is choosing the right foundation. As a rule, for daytime makeup, use one tone lighter than your skin, and for evening makeup, use half a tone darker. To ensure that the foundation is applied neatly and evenly to the face, stylists recommend using a sponge.

In order to avoid the appearance of wrinkles, or if you want to prevent their appearance, you should apply foundation using the correct movements: from the center of the face to the sides, from top to bottom.

It is important to know that cream cannot be rubbed into porous skin; it must be applied with cotton swabs.

The sponge can be moistened, as this will make it easier to apply foundation.

Under no circumstances should you apply foundation in a thick layer, as this will look unimpressive, vulgar, and unnatural makeup will be noticeable.

Eyebrow shaping

Eyebrows, which can be beautifully plucked at home, give your face a beautiful and neat look. First of all, excess hair is removed, giving the eyebrows a shape.

The next step is to comb the eyebrows and color them. You can use a regular pencil for coloring.

Eye makeup design

Let's look at makeup lessons - step-by-step instructions.

First of all, apply the contour using a pencil or eyeliner. The direction of the line should be from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

The second step is to apply shadow, usually using a lighter shade on the inner corner and a darker shade on the outer corner. For daytime makeup use light shades, and for evening makeup use dark shades.

Rule for applying mascara

As a rule, black or dark mascara is used. It is applied in two layers.

In evening makeup, you can use brighter shades, for example, blue or purple, as well as false eyelashes.

Applying lipstick

The secret to keeping lipstick on your lips for a long time is to apply a little powder over the lipstick.

The lip pencil should be half a shade darker than the shade of the lipstick itself, and to make them appear plump, you need to use a transparent gloss over the lipstick.

Photo instructions on how to apply makeup at home

High-quality and beautiful makeup can transform any girl - not only externally, but also internally. Makeup gives you confidence. The hands of professional makeup artists work wonders. But, unfortunately, there is often neither time nor opportunity to constantly go to beauty salons. Therefore, modern girls often wonder how to do makeup at home, so that it is practically no different from professional makeup.

Anyone can learn how to do flawless makeup at home. The main thing is effort and practice. However, an equally important factor is the quality of cosmetics. You certainly can’t skimp on this. It is the quality of cosmetic products that determines how your makeup looks and how long it will last.

For makeup at home you will need:

  • brushes of different sizes and different cuts;
  • cotton swabs and disks;
  • foundation and foundation;
  • pencils for eyes, lips and eyebrows;
  • mascara;
  • shadows;
  • lipstick, gloss;
  • powder;
  • blush.

Basic rules for applying cosmetics

In order to understand how to properly do makeup at home, you need to know some rules and tricks. Regardless of what it is (simple or complex, daytime or evening, holiday or everyday), you need to go through the same stages of applying cosmetics. This includes toning the skin and evening out the color, lining the eyebrows and eyes, applying blush and applying product to the lips. The order of stages may vary depending on the type of make-up and emphasis on the lips or eyes.

Preparing to apply cosmetics

Preparation for makeup occurs in two stages.

  1. Cleansing facial skin.

If your skin is peeling, you should use a facial scrub. If it is not problematic, you can simply wash your face with foam or soap.

  1. Hydration.

Use regular face cream or other moisturizers.

In order to do yourself excellent and high-quality makeup in the future, for the first time we recommend using the service of a stylist-makeup artist. The specialist will tell you what colors suit you, what to look for, and also recommend good cosmetics.

Eyebrow shaping

Before that or a pencil, you need to complete. Remove excess hairs, trim too long ones.

Eye makeup

The sequence of actions and the cosmetics used depend on the type of makeup. For makeup using eye shadow, it is very important to choose the right shade. Consider your skin color and eye color. Brown is considered a universal shade.

Rules for applying lipstick

  1. Along the contour of the lips - a pencil to match the lipstick or a little darker. This is necessary so that the lipstick or gloss does not run or smudge, but evens out the contours of the lips. Use a brush to blend the pencil a little.
  2. Apply gloss or lipstick to your lips. If warranted, you can apply lipstick first and then some gloss.

Step-by-step guide to daytime makeup at home

You can do beautiful makeup at home every day; it doesn’t require much effort. It is enough to follow the instructions exactly.

  1. Cleanse your face and décolleté area.
  2. Apply moisturizer to your face. Wait a few minutes until the cream is absorbed, and remove excess with a napkin.
  3. Apply makeup base to your face. Use concealer to even out your complexion. Then - foundation.
  4. A shadow base is placed on the upper eyelid. Use beige eyeshadow as a base.
  5. Apply light shadows from the inner corner of the eye. Blend.
  6. Apply brown eyeshadow from the outer corner of the eye. Rub in with a brush.
  7. Blend the transition well in the middle of the eyelid to make it smooth.
  8. Apply dark brown eyeshadow to the lower eyelid. Blend.
  9. On the upper eyelid, make a thin line with a brown pencil. Lift the end of the arrow up slightly.
  10. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  11. Eyebrows – brown shadows.
  12. Apply a light powder to your face.
  13. Use light blush to highlight the cheekbone area.
  14. Apply clear gloss to your lips.

How to do classic evening makeup at home?

  1. Cleanse your face with a scrub or foam.
  2. Apply moisturizer to décolleté and face. On the lips - a moisturizing balm. After a few minutes, remove any remaining moisturizer with a tissue.
  3. Apply foundation to your face. The concealer evens out the complexion, removes puffiness, redness and circles under the eyes.
  4. Using a special brush along the lines of the face. From the contours to the center of the face.
  5. Apply foundation (for example, beige shadow) to the upper eyelid. Next, on the part of the eyelid that is closer to the inner corner of the eye, apply white shadows and blend. Apply a dark eye shadow to the area near the outer corner of the eye. Paint the area near the eyebrows with white shadows. Then, shading, make smooth transitions.
  6. Place dark shadows on the lower part, blending thoroughly.
  7. Use liquid eyeliner to create a line on the upper eyelid. Extend the arrow and lift it slightly.
  8. Apply mascara to your eyelashes.
  9. Eyebrows - with a brown pencil, blend well with a brush and comb.
  10. Dust your face with light powder. If necessary, you can use a bronzer.
  11. Blush will help highlight your cheekbones well.
  12. Lightly blending, apply a pencil along the contour of your lips, and then lipstick.

10 common mistakes

Improperly applied foundation

The most common mistake is putting too thick a layer of foundation on your face. This leads to a heavier image, creating negligence and sloppiness. This error is most often made by those who have problem areas of skin (redness, pimples, dark skin). It is better to hide problem areas point by point using a corrector or pigment.

Poorly chosen foundation

The color of the foundation plays an extremely important role. An inappropriate shade visually creates a mask on the face. It is important to remember that in the summer, due to tanning, the skin changes color, so you need to purchase different foundations for the summer and winter periods. Often problems with choosing the right tone arise due to a yellowish tint on the face. In this case, you can add a little yellow pigment to the foundation. This will help create the desired color.

Applying foundation to areas that are flaking

If you have problems with peeling, you should initially use a facial scrub, then apply a moisturizer to the skin. Only after this can you start applying foundation.

Wrong blush or bronzer

Instead of blush, many girls use bronzer. However, brown blush does not exist in nature. Blush can be pink, red, coral. The ideal option is if their color matches the color of the lipstick.

Untidy eyebrows

Many people underestimate the importance of eyebrows in overall makeup. Remember: they should always be in perfect order, even if you are not wearing makeup. Ungroomed eyebrows are the first thing that catches your eye.

Glued eyelashes

Eyelashes stick together most often due to excessively applied mascara. It must have a comfortable brush. It is advisable to comb them with a special brush after applying mascara. A light and neat layer is better than a thickly painted and clumpy row of lashes.

Pale lips

To emphasize your eyes, you don’t have to paint your lips a very pale color or cover them with foundation. A natural lipstick color or a clear gloss would look ideal.

Apply liberally of powder

Powder is used to make makeup last, to set it, and not as a separate element.

Poorly chosen shadows

The choice of shadows must be approached very carefully. Not all shades are compatible with different skin types and eye colors.

Lip line too dark

The lip pencil should be the same color as the lipstick or one shade darker.

We are sure: learning how to do exceptional professional makeup on your own is not so difficult! The main thing is to have in your arsenal high-quality cosmetics that are ideally matched to your skin type, eyes, and hair. Next, it’s just a matter of small things: frequent practice will help you achieve brilliant success!