How to correctly draw cheekbones on an oval face. Awakening the makeup artist in us: learning to “draw” cheekbones

The question of how to highlight cheekbones has not lost its relevance over many seasons. The procedure for highlighting the cheekbones is done using cosmetics or beauty injections. Correcting the face using makeup is called contouring.

Where are the cheekbones?

Before you start adjusting your face, you need to strongly retract your cheeks. This exercise is called the “fish”, it is the most common and simplest for determining the cheekbone line. With retracted cheeks, the cheekbones become much more noticeable, making them easier to recognize and highlight.

There is another easy exercise for which you need to place your index finger between your lips and ear. This must be done at a right angle. When performing this exercise, you can feel your cheekbone right under your finger. It will be much easier to navigate while doing makeup, but still the first method is more suitable for beginners.

Some people have high cheekbones and sunken cheeks. In such cases, no additional exercises are required to detect the zygomatic line. But pronounced adjustments should also be abandoned so that the face does not end up looking painful.

Tips for every face shape

Ideal contouring can be done based on your own initial data. Many girls and women blindly follow the advice of fashion magazines and draw cheekbones that are completely inappropriate for them.

Face shapes: 1. Oblong, 2. Triangular, 3. Pear-shaped, 4. Oval, 5. Round, 6. Pro-angular

Basic tips for different face types:

  1. Round. On a round face, contouring should be as invisible as possible. A prominent dark line will look dirty and will highlight large cheeks. Chubby girls need to correct their entire face using light and dark shades. Cool brownish or gray colors are additionally applied to the wings of the nose, jawline and temples. Milky or white cosmetic products are applied under the eyes, on the center of the chin and forehead.
  2. Oval. An oval face also needs a natural effect. This can be achieved by carefully blending cosmetic products. The dark sculptor should be applied to the tip of the chin and to the sides of the forehead. Light powder or highlighter should be distributed under the eyes, in the center of the forehead.
  3. Square. Dark shades should be applied to the sides of the forehead (near the hairline). To visually make your face smaller and give it a more rounded shape, you need to darken not only your cheekbones, but also the area underneath them. Thus, the dark line should be wider than with standard contouring. With light shades you need to draw large highlights in the very center of the forehead and on the chin.
  4. Triangular. The sculptor should darken the entire hairline and jawline. You should also use a dark shade to work on the very tip of the chin and the sides of the nose. After this, you will need to apply white powder or highlighter under the eyes, on the bridge of the nose and in the center of the chin.
  5. Elongated. In this case, you will need to darken the tip of the chin and the hairline. You can walk a little with dark sculptors from the tips of the ears to the chin (along the face line). After this, you will need to lighten the bridge of the nose, the center of the forehead, and the middle of the chin.

You can draw expressive and perfect female cheekbones using the simplest cosmetic products. The most important thing is to know exactly your shortcomings and be able to correct them: an elongated face should be reduced (by darkening the chin and hairline), a wide face should be narrowed (by darkening the sides of the face).

How to emphasize cheekbones in makeup

1. Cheekbone corrector, 2. Bronzer, 3. Concealer, 4. Powder, 5. Blush

Cosmetics used by makeup artists:

  • cheekbone corrector (usually in a stick);
  • bronzer (for clients with a light tan);
  • concealer (with reflective particles);
  • powder (transparent);
  • blush (pale pink or pale apricot shade).

All these cosmetic products help specialists color clients with different skin types and shades. With the help of such cosmetics you can draw wide and sharp (model) as well as low cheekbones.

Not every woman has so many makeup products in her makeup bag. What to do? You can use regular shadows. You will need 3 shades: 2 matte (taupe and white), 1 shimmer (pinkish or peach). Ideally, you will also need a concealer that can be used instead of highlighter. Similar concealers with reflective particles are available in a range of budget brands (Eveline, Vivienne Sabo).

How to get expressive cheekbones

How to emphasize cheekbones on your face if there are none? Correct, but at the same time pronounced and beautiful cheekbone lines can be done at home. You will need to stock up on cleaning wipes and patience, as some parts may not work out initially.

Girls and women have a habit of drawing the brightest lines on their faces and passing them off as contouring. This error is considered the most severe, since the contour should be as natural as possible.

A medium-sized angled blending brush will help you create noble cheekbones. It is recommended to look at photos of similar brushes in advance so as not to make a mistake with your choice when purchasing.

With makeup

Contouring cheekbones with makeup

A kind of master class on contouring, consisting of a few simple steps:

  1. Preparing the face. Under no circumstances should corrective products be applied to bare skin. Preparation consists of applying moisturizer and foundation.
  2. Highlighting the cheekbones. Made using eye shadow or bronzer. The cosmetic product should differ from the skin color by 2-3 tones, but no more. Ideal contouring cosmetics create only a light translucent shadow. The dark shade should be applied directly to the cheekbone, the greatest intensity of the color should be in the center.
  3. Highlighting. For this purpose, you should take white powder or eye shadow of the same shade. Light shimmer is welcome, but products that are too shiny will look out of place. Highlighting is performed in the following areas: the center of the forehead and chin, the back of the nose. You can add a little highlighter just above the cheeks.
  4. Consolidation. All makeup is set with transparent powder.

Applying blush is optional. The worst mistakes you can make during the contouring process:

  • using a dark foundation instead of a sculptor;
  • applying glitter shadows to areas that need darkening;
  • bright highlighting of the cheeks.

Another fact: no man likes fussy contouring. To males, bright markings on women's faces look like dirt.

Other ways to highlight cheekbones

Cheekbones can be highlighted with injections

How to make your face fit and thin without makeup? Cheekbones can be highlighted with one beauty injection. Of course, it is better not to use this method at a young age, since cosmetic injections are a radical and unsafe solution. Injections are made using hyaluronic acid (fillers). This product is a kind of biogel. Hyaluronic acid can smooth the face, making it more youthful and toned.

Exercises for cheekbones

Facial gymnastics can transform the appearance of your face if done correctly. The three most common exercises are:

  1. Careful and long pronunciation of the letters “O”, “U”, “I”. The exercise takes 5-10 minutes and should be done daily.
  2. Frequent yawning. You need to imitate yawning for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Smile. You should smile as widely as possible, while squinting your eyes.

Exercises must be performed as a complex. They are simple and do not take much time.

What is the best way to highlight cheekbones? Without a doubt - makeup. It can be combined with facial gymnastics. Cosmetics can help make your face not only fit, but also rested.

If you are going to be a portrait painter, even for yourself, you will have to learn how to draw a face. Schemes often indicate the correct location of the eyes, displaying the drawing of the nose, lips and folds near them. But the question “how to draw cheekbones” should be given a separate topic.

The main advantage of working with a pencil is the ease of creating shadows. The quality of the lead plays a vital role in this process. Especially when it is necessary to highlight the contour and details that create the originality of the appearance of the face.

Conditions and sequence of drawing

To draw cheekbones correctly, you should understand that anatomically a man’s face is rougher than a woman’s. Therefore, drawing both special features and darkening certain areas, including drawing cheekbones, requires individual proportions if you draw from life or photographs. Provided that the character being drawn is fictional, then general rules should be followed, especially facial anatomy according to gender differences.

No matter how pretentious it may sound, it is the cheekbones (in addition to thin lips, a massive nose, protruding brow ridges, a wide jaw and a pronounced Adam’s apple) that make a macho face truly masculine. Cheekbones add sexuality to a woman's face. Especially if you apply the makeup correctly in reality and accurately draw it if you are planning to draw it.

It is especially important when you need to draw cheekbones with a pencil:

  • when drawing all the main features, eyes, nose, lips, features of the jaw, they move on to drawing the cheekbones;
  • their artists draw where a depression is formed if the cheeks are drawn in, applying thin strokes along a mental line from the ear to the corners of the mouth, bringing them exclusively to the middle of the cheek;
  • use pencils with MM rods - especially soft, in order to apply diagonal strokes without clearly defined contours;
  • Just as when applying makeup for a lady, corrector is applied under the cheekbones, so with a pencil you should make the high points lighter, and the conditional “hollows” under them darker.

If you are planning to draw a woman’s cheekbones, take a photo of Angelina Jolie as a basis. Here the makeup artists did their best. And if you need the basics of facial image, then feel free to sign up for

Cheekbones emphasized with makeup make the face more expressive. The topic of sculpting, popular among girls, could not go unnoticed by cosmetic brands, so the beauty market offers a huge number of products to help create the ideal facial contour.


The easiest way to highlight your cheekbones is with dark brown concealers - both dry and cream. A more natural effect can be achieved using bronzer. Less obvious means to achieve the same result are eye shadow, as well as blush in two shades. Read more about all the nuances of cheekbone makeup further in our article.

How to get beautiful cheekbones with makeup

How to highlight cheekbones with blush

The most natural way to highlight your cheekbones and at the same time create the effect of a fresh and youthful face is to use blush. It is necessary to take light and dark shades in the same color scheme. For example, pink and dusty red.

Apply a light shade of blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend diagonally upward towards your temples.

Apply dark blush under your cheekbones and blend towards the corner of your lips on each side. Softly blend the borders between the two shades. This correction with dry blush can be conveniently done using a natural brush with a beveled edge.

  • Despite the fact that this correction does not create the “shadow effect” that a brown tint usually gives, the face still looks thinner and the cheekbones are noticeably emphasized.

Correction of cheekbones with bronzer

It's easy to highlight your cheekbones and at the same time achieve a rested look with the help of a corrective product such as bronzer.

Apply it by moving the brush from the area under the cheekbone (closer to the earlobe) to the corner of the mouth. But don't reach the lips; stop at a distance approximately equal to the thickness of two fingers.

To prevent the correction from looking too obvious, be sure to add bronzer to the areas where tanning usually appears most quickly: on the forehead along the hairline, temples, perimeter of the face, chin, middle of the nose.

  • The result will be natural and organic if you use a large natural brush with soft bristles - it distributes the product over the face as easily as possible.

How to highlight cheekbones with shadows and powder

If you don’t have any blush, corrector, or bronzer on hand, and you urgently need “perfect cheekbones,” take brown eye shadow and face powder. Choose shadows with a matte texture and a cool undertone - greenish-brown, grayish, slightly dusty.

First, apply foundation, then go over it with face powder - this way the shadows will not stain the tone and will be easier to shade. Using a fluffy natural brush, apply the brown shade under your cheekbones. Try not to apply too much product or press too hard on the brush. Softly blend the borders.

Then take a powder brush and brush a powder that matches your skin color over the “shadow” to further blur the lines of the correction.

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  • This method is the most intense of all due to the high pigmentation of the shadows. With this correction you can literally draw new facial features. In photographs and videos, everything will look very realistic, but in makeup for life there is a chance of overdoing it, so be careful and don’t get carried away.

Full sculpting

The most common method among both professional makeup artists and amateurs is the use of specialized correctors.

Dry correctors need to be distributed over powdered skin, then they shade better and look more natural. Cream ones, on the contrary, apply on top of foundation, and powder at the end of makeup.

The cream corrector can be immediately applied over the foundation using a round artificial brush using soft tapping movements. To simplify the process, it is convenient to draw strips in the desired areas - under the cheekbone, in the temporal cavity, and also along the wings of the nose (if you require such a correction).

Then use circular movements of the brush to blend the borders.

Examine your face in reflection from all sides (preferably in natural light) and make sure that there are no clear lines left anywhere. This method of correction does not look too obvious, but at the same time noticeably emphasizes the cheekbones and makes the face more sculpted.

For more detailed instructions, see our video.

How to make expressive cheekbones taking into account your face type

If you want to achieve a natural result, you should take into account the anatomical features of the face. There is no single contouring scheme, so it is important to correctly determine the shape of your face in order to understand which areas need to be darkened and which, on the contrary, to highlight.


Chubby girls need to visually narrow their faces. Apply contouring product to the sides of the forehead and around the entire perimeter of the face, and to create sharper cheekbones, smoothly draw the number 3 from the forehead to the chin on each side with the same contouring product. Apply highlighter to the middle of the forehead and chin.


Girls with oval faces have fairly clearly defined cheekbones, so they only need to highlight them slightly. To do this, apply the sculptor under the cheekbones and blend well. Apply highlighter to your temples and chin.


For girls with a square face, makeup artists advise applying the sculptor to the side areas of the forehead to visually make it narrower. Use the same contouring product to outline your cheekbones, blending it diagonally from your ears to the middle of your cheeks. Use highlighter to highlight the areas under the eyes (closer to the nose) and the middle of the chin.

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If you're new to contouring, use different shades of foundation. To create shadows, choose a foundation that is one shade darker than your usual one. Take a closer look at the area under your eyes - this is the perfect shade for you. As a highlighter, take a foundation a couple of shades lighter. Using familiar textures, you can easily contour and shade all edges efficiently.

To “create” cheekbones, choose matte textures. Always follow the rule: everything that needs to be darkened and hidden is matte, and everything that needs to be highlighted is shiny.

To shade the borders, it is most convenient to use a sponge. Use gentle circular movements to work each area. You can use a moisturizing spray or apply a moisturizer on it - this will easily blend the contouring products and create an airbrushed effect.

Don’t forget to fix the result with setting powder; it will not only extend the durability of the entire makeup, but will also additionally erase the contour lines.

Tools Overview

Capricious fashion dictates its own rules. Once upon a time, pale-faced beauties were in trend; at another time, plump, rosy cheeks were considered the main sign of female beauty. Today, a face with pronounced, beautiful cheekbones is recognized as elegant and sophisticated. But not all girls can boast of a sculpted appearance, so little stylist tricks come to the rescue. Today we will learn how to beautifully shape your cheekbones using makeup. You will see that plastic surgery is not necessary at all!

How to highlight cheekbones with blush

The easiest way to “draw” cheekbones on your face is to use blush. Cover the part of the cheek that should be as convex as possible with a light pearlescent shade of blush or powder. If you have a cold color type of appearance, it is better to use pinkish shades; for warm color types, peach tones and. After you've covered your cheekbones with blush, take a darker shade and apply it underneath. If you use powder makeup, you will need a large brush with an angled edge. Gel blush can be applied with your fingers. Movements should be smooth, apply light blush from the wings of the nose and towards the temples, and dark ones from the chin to the temples.

When you finish shaping your cheekbones, carefully blend the edges of the shades. To do this, take a large round brush and make several light, sweeping movements in the direction up and away from the center of the face. Choosing cosmetics and answering the question “How to highlight cheekbones?” depends on the purpose for which the makeup is performed. If you have a photo shoot or going on stage, use rich colors. For daytime or more natural makeup, choose shades that are as close to your skin color as possible. Instead of bright blush, you can use bronzers; they will not be noticeable on the face and will create the appearance of natural relief. Remember that bronzers are applied only to a prepared face - on top of foundation and foundation, otherwise you will experience “dirty” spots on your cheeks.

Emphasized cheekbones will instantly give your face aristocratic features, and your overall image - femininity and seductiveness. But don’t forget about the basic rules for applying makeup; cheekbones are not the only thing we highlight on our face. Start by thoroughly cleansing your face and applying makeup base. This base will allow cosmetics to stay on your face longer, and the foundation will go on smoother. Apply foundation or mousse to your face, carefully blending the product, then proceed to decorate your cheekbones with blush or bronzer. If you are just experimenting, instead of light blush you can use powder or, and instead of dark ones, which are applied under the cheekbone, matte shadows of the corresponding shade. Be sure to set the result with loose powder using a large round brush.

Pay attention to the shape of your face. On a round face, draw the cheekbones with a more vertical line, and on a narrow, elongated face, on the contrary, draw a more horizontal line, from the nose to the temple. A square face will be decorated with a smooth, rounded line of blush. If you have a wide forehead and narrow chin, move their natural line a little higher. If you have a thin face, apply a little light blush under your dark cheekbones.

It is important that eye and lip makeup does not spoil the picture. To make your cheekbones appear even more defined, do dark eye makeup, for example, using the technique. If you have a naturally thin face with pronounced cheekbones and pale skin, you should, on the contrary, avoid such makeup, otherwise you will look unhealthy. Pay special attention to your eyebrows, shape them and tint them with a pencil or shadow to match your hair. It is best to paint your lips with light lipstick - soft pink, light lilac, caramel, nude, or you can even get by with a transparent gloss.

How to create the right cheekbones

Not only plastic surgery can help in modeling facial features. If you regularly perform special gymnastics, you can get the right cheekbones and expressive appearance.

  1. Tilt your head back and pull your chin forward as much as possible. Hold this position for about two seconds, repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Now puff out your cheeks and begin to slowly release air, as if you were blowing on a candle, so that the flame flutters but does not go out. This exercise also needs to be repeated about 15 times.
  3. Pull your lips forward and make circular movements with them - half a minute clockwise and the same amount in the opposite direction.
  4. Place the pencil between your nose and upper lip and hold it there for as long as you can.

Cheekbones play a very important role in determining the shape of your face. After your eyes and lips, your cheekbones are the most distinctive feature of your face and should be highlighted with corrective blush for a beautifully sculpted look. It is very important to understand how to highlight cheekbones correctly, so as not to add extra age to you and correct excessive fullness of the face.

The fastest and most practical way to get perfect cheekbones, without surgery or implants, is to sculpt your face using dark and light foundations or corrective blush. Simply put, facial sculpting is a type of facial sculpting that helps to “pull out” certain areas of the face, such as cheekbones, and darken and soften the contour of the face to visually bring it closer to an oval. Such makeup can completely change and give a new shape to your face, and it is beneficial to emphasize the advantages.

How to correctly determine the cheekbone area?

To understand correctly, you need to accurately determine the area, more precisely the area of ​​the cheekbone itself. Since your cheeks make up the majority of your face, it can be difficult to find the starting area for cheekbone correction. To find this spot, simply place the tip of your index finger on the tragus of your ear. Or you can try making a fish face and sucking in your cheeks.

You can also place your index finger at a 45° angle between your lips and ear, directly into the hollow of your cheek. When you hold your finger at this angle, you can feel your cheekbones above your finger. This is the area that should have dark contours and be well shaded.

What can you use to highlight your cheekbones?

While most people use a variety of cosmetics to define their cheekbones, there are a few cosmetics that will definitely come in handy. Let's start with the fact that you will need a good quality foundation, a concealer 1-2 shades darker than the base shade, blush, bronzer, and a translucent powder that suits your skin tone to set your makeup. Along with this, you will need strong makeup brushes, you can buy them in the online store, there you will also find everything you need to correct your face.

Shades of brown powder work better on most cheeks. Once you have chosen your shade of correcting powder, you need to use a good quality angled brush to apply the correction. Next, place the brush opposite the highest part of the cheek, where your finger was previously located, at the tragus.

Keeping in mind the 45° angle you determined earlier, draw your brush upward in a straight line. Make sure that The brush movements are smooth and the color just glides onto the cheeks. Continue making upward strokes to the tip of the eyebrow. Take the same brush and make circular movements over the line that you drew. With this method, the darkest shade of the color will lie at your eyes, and then become lighter as you move down.

However, if you think the color has become too dark, dust with translucent powder to lighten it. Another quick way to soften a dark shade is to take the sponge you used to apply the foundation (base tone) and gently “scrape” the dark area.


When you do this type of makeup, don't forget about the time of day and lighting. If this is daytime makeup, then the sculpting should be softer, and for evening makeup you can add a little relief and use a more obvious correction.

Most women powder their face and apply a little blush to the apples of their cheeks. This is what highlighting the cheekbones is all about for them. This makeup doesn't always stay in place throughout the day. While there is nothing wrong with contouring your cheeks this way, you should know that there are different types of cheekbones, and each type requires different contouring techniques.

Full cheeks

People with round faces tend to look plump. It is not always possible to correctly determine the cheekbone line. Truly round faces are known to have a rounded chin and a short, rather wide forehead. , it is necessary to emphasize the area under the eyes, only on the upper part of the cheekbones. This helps draw attention to the center of your face. Here, you can use contour shading on the cheeks and jawline with a bronze-toned powder or foundation that suits your skin tone.

Step 1: Use your finger to define your cheekbone line. The area directly below the cheekbones is the area that should be darkened or shaded.

Step 2: Take a fluffy, angled brush and apply a dark shade of powder, bronzer or concealer directly under your cheekbones.

Step 3: Wipe the brush on a clean cloth

Step 4: Finally, take the same brush and dip it into a light cream, beige or white eyeshadow color. Apply this color just above your natural cheekbones.

Here how to highlight cheekbones on a round face! By doing this, you will create the illusion that you have nice, accentuated cheekbones.

High cheekbones

As a rule, they have high cheekbones, a high forehead and a strong, sharp chin. Such women should never emphasize or highlight their cheekbones, as this will make their face look even longer. However, you can only apply the highlight color under the cheekbones. The goal is to visually reduce its length. Such women should do shading on their cheekbones, just a little dust of blush on the cheeks. This trick can help widen and shorten the face.

The goal is to soften high cheekbones to balance facial proportions. People with long face shapes are more likely to have high cheekbones.

Step 1: Take a brush and apply a darker shade of blush to the apples of your cheeks. A dark color will hide wide cheekbones.

Step 2: Wipe the brush with a tissue.

Step 3: Next, take the same brush and apply a light shadow color just under your cheekbones.

Wide cheeks

They have wide cheeks and a narrow forehead. In such cases, to create the illusion of a balanced face, it is necessary to highlight your forehead, the area under the eyes and the top of your cheekbones. Here, the jaw lines and cheekbones should be contoured in order to minimize and reduce their width. The goal here is to narrow the cheekbones and to achieve this, you need to apply blush or bronzer closer to the nose area.

Women with a square face shape also face the same problem and have wide cheeks. Therefore, these women should also follow this advice. The goal is to make the cheeks narrower than they actually are to bring good balance to the face.

Step 1: Take a brush and apply a light shade of powder to your forehead and also directly under your eyes.

Step 2: Wipe the brush with a tissue.

Step 3: Next, take the same brush and apply bronzer to your cheekbones.

You can also apply the same color to the sides of your jawline. This will help reduce their width.

Narrow face

The goal is to make your cheeks appear wider than they actually are.

Step 1: Take a brush and apply the highlight color directly above your cheekbones.

Step 2: Next, take the same brush and apply bronzer to your cheekbones, but a little closer to your nose. By doing this, the shade of bronzer will expand the cheeks and bring them into proper proportions.

Things to remember!

* Firstly, you should always buy a good high-quality decorative cosmetics. This is mandatory to achieve the desired result of facial correction. Because low-quality cosmetics often look different in the palette, and then how this is reflected on the face.

* Use a brush with natural bristles for dry correction. And for applying creamy textures with synthetic bristles.

* The secret to good cheekbone sculpting is to apply correctors in short strokes. When applying powder, make sure you don't apply too much product, that there isn't too much powder on your brush, it will be difficult to remove on your face without ruining your makeup. Apply your brush to your hand before applying powder to your face.

*No matter how you apply the powder, up or down, your strokes should be completely soft and smooth, the brush with color should glide across your cheeks giving them a natural glow. So we figured out how to highlight your cheekbones and improve your facial features. All the best to you and good luck!!!