Holidays and events on January 14. Church Orthodox holiday of January

The article examines both the famous Orthodox church holiday and all that exist on this day.

What is the holiday on July 14th in Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Tuscany, Paris, France, USA, in the world

In India, in the city of Ahmedabad, the International Kite Festival is held, which is considered the most colorful in the world and coincides with the Makar Sankranti (Uttarayan) festival, during which it is customary to glorify the Sun and celebrate the change of seasons.

The Day of the Creation of the Russian Pipeline Troops has been celebrated since 1951, when a corresponding decree was issued and signed by Stalin at the suggestion of Marshal Vasilevsky.

The Day of Defenders of the Motherland in Uzbekistan is held as a tribute to the date on which the republic’s own Armed Forces were created, which happened in 1993. It is customary to remember the outstanding commander Timur Tamerlane.

What holiday is January 14 according to the church calendar, what prayers should be read, what not to do, traditions, signs, rituals

The Circumcision of the Lord is celebrated as a remembrance of the procedure that took place on the 8th day from the birth of Christ. Also today, Christmastide is celebrated, and the Whole Week, which precedes baptism, is celebrated.

This is the Old New Year (Vasil's Day) on which the new calendar year begins. Traditionally, the whole family gathers at the festive table, exchanges gifts, and there are also folk festivities and fireworks. Important events of the past year are discussed and it is customary to prepare only the best dishes that the family had this year.

According to popular belief, the one who draws water from a well or river first in the morning receives health for the whole year.

Is January 14 a day off or not, is it possible to knit and work?

Alas, today is an ordinary working day, on which no one forbids knitting.

January 14 is the feast of St. Basil

The Day of St. Basil the Great, born in Caesarea in Cappadocia, is celebrated. His father was a lawyer and studied rhetoric, so he was able to give his son good knowledge and taught him to read and write, which helped him create many theological works and write books about Baptism and the Holy Spirit, as well as numerous sermons. Like Nicholas the Wonderworker, this saint is held in high esteem by Russian believers, and part of his relics were preserved in the Pochaev Lavra.

Stop waking up in a cold sweat and wondering if you missed some important event. Most likely, I missed it, because in the country, as throughout the world, every day is a holiday. For example, Kiss Day, Cat Day and so on. What holiday is January 14th? Of course, this date is no exception to the rule, first of all it is the old New Year. This is worth talking about in more detail.

Origin of the holiday

As mentioned earlier, the Old New Year is celebrated on the fourteenth of January. “What kind of event is this?” - you ask. The Old New Year is a holiday that arose as a result of the transition to another chronology, when the Julian calendar was replaced by the Gregorian calendar, that is, the one by which almost the entire globe lives. Thus, due to the 13-day discrepancy, people can once again celebrate the desired and beloved holiday on January 14th. What child would not be happy about such an opportunity! In addition, New Year's gifts can be given again.

By the way, this day is especially valuable for believers, since they can truly, with all the Russian scope, celebrate the New Year on January 14, when the Nativity Fast has already ended. Therefore, if you didn’t know why the neighbors make so much noise and the fireworks don’t subside for half the night, remember!

January 14 is an Orthodox holiday

What believer does not know that on this day Christians have been celebrating the Circumcision of the Lord since the 4th century? This event occurred exactly a week after the birth of Jesus Christ. The Apostle Luke wrote about this in his Gospel. Therefore, a week after Christmas, Christians celebrate the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord. It originates in the Jewish tradition, according to which everyone who has not undergone this procedure is considered a Gentile, not worthy of making a sacrifice to God and, therefore, turning to him. This ritual proved that the man belonged to God’s chosen people. It is believed that the circumcision ceremony in the Old Testament is a kind of prototype of the current Orthodox baptism.

Vasiliev's day

What church holiday is January 14th? Before the calendar reform, it was the Day of Basil of Caesarea (or, as he is also called, Basil the Great), who was the archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia in the 4th century. He is famous for defining the concept of the iconostasis, being a writer of sermons and a theologian. In Rus' he was known under the name Vasily Svinyatnik, in the positive meaning of this nickname. And he received it because he was considered the patron saint of pigs, since it was customary for Christians to make New Year dishes from pork. Now, if you are asked what church holiday is January 14, you can answer: “Vasil’s Day.”

By the way, from 7 to 14 it was customary to celebrate holy evenings, and already from January 15, “terrible” evenings began. On St. Basil of Caesarea Day, young girls actively wondered about their marriage, and the older guys in the family “sowed” the houses so that there would be a good harvest all year.

Pipeline Troops

Civil and Orthodox events have already been mentioned, but what holiday is January 14th in Russia? And in the Russian Federation, pipeline troops annually celebrate their professional day.

On November 22, 1951, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin signed a decree on the creation of a modernized pipeline. And just on January 14, 1952, based on the mentioned document, Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky, who was the USSR Minister of War at that time, signed a directive stating the creation of the First Separate Battalion for pumping fuel. As you can see, the day the directive was signed became the professional Day of Pipeline Troops in Russia.

What is the holiday on January 14th in India?

Oddly enough, the holidays don’t end there. For example, in India, Pongal is celebrated on this day, also known officially as the Harvest Festival. When does this happen? Just after the shortest day of the year in winter. The date of this event was not chosen by chance, but was determined based on the solar calendar. For Hindus, this holiday is of great importance. From year to year, on January 14, the sun moves into the constellation Capricorn and gradually moves north over the course of six months.

The major city of Ahmedabad hosts the International Kite Festival on 14 January every year. What other holiday can concentrate such a huge number of paper kites of various sizes and colors in one place! 1000 “birds” will fly into the clear blue sky, embodying one of the basic desires of man - to gain wings and fly up to the clouds. This festival celebrates the change of seasons and the movement of the sun in a northerly direction, signifying the end of winter time.

old New Year

This popular tradition, the Old Style New Year's holiday, is due to the divergence of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Almost all countries in the world live according to the Gregorian calendar. These discrepancies amount to thirteen days. This holiday is a rare historical phenomenon; it appeared due to a change in chronology. This is precisely the reason that people began to celebrate the New Year twice, the first time the New Year is celebrated in the new calendar, and the second in the old way. Therefore, everyone can extend the celebration of the New Year holidays until January 14. Many believers pay special attention to the Old New Year holiday, because it is then that the Nativity fast comes to an end, and people can fully “recoup” at the festive table. It should be noted that the gap between these two calendars increases in those years when the number of hundreds of years in a year is not a multiple of four. Accordingly, 1 day is accumulated, which means that since March 2100, the difference is fourteen days. And after twelve months, the date of Christmas and Old New Year celebrations moves forward by 1 day.

Birthday of the Russian Pipeline Troops

In 1951, Chairman of the Council of Ministers Stalin signed a decree on the production of a pipeline that represented a completely new generation. The Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Oil Industry were entrusted with carrying out joint testing of the pipeline. In January 1952, Marshal Vasilevsky signed a directive ordering the formation of the first battalion, which pumped flammable material. This date was chosen as a holiday for the appearance of the pipeline troops. After some time, units of the pipeline troops became part of the regular troops, and in the late 80s, the world's best field prefabricated main pipeline was installed. Currently, these troops are part of the Central Fuel Directorate. Several decades later, designers and workers developed and created various field trunk pipelines; they had no analogues throughout the world. Machines were developed that were engaged in installation and pumping. Pipeline troops worked actively during serious accidents, for example, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where they ensured the supply of huge amounts of water from reservoirs that were nearby. Thanks to this, the work of the concrete plant and many other facilities located on the territory of the nuclear power plant was supported. The pipeline troops made a very significant contribution to the process of eliminating the consequences and to organizing the activities of additional enterprises.

Day of Defenders of the Motherland in Uzbekistan

In 1992, on this day, the Parliament of Uzbekistan made a decision according to which all units and formations of military educational institutions and other military formations that were located on the territory of the country would come under the jurisdiction of Uzbekistan. Thanks to this, the creation of the country's Armed Forces began. It is in honor of this event that Uzbekistan celebrates the Day of Defenders of the Motherland. This holiday is dated January 14, according to the decision of the Supreme Council, which was adopted at the end of December in 1993. In Uzbekistan, this holiday is celebrated grandly and solemnly. On Independence Square, the national anthem is always played, a military band plays, military units march solemnly across the square. On this day, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces proclaims well-deserved congratulations addressed to the defenders of the Motherland.

International Kite Festival in India

Paper kites combine various dreams of people that are associated with flying into the endless sky. The technology behind making kites is amazing. There are many varieties of flying snakes, all of them look amazing and mesmerize with their beauty. Festivals are held in many countries, people from all over the world come to them, beginners and professionals take part in festivals. The paper kite festival is also held in India, in the city of Ahmedabad, because it is the largest state in the city of Gujarat. The day of this colorful festival coincides with Uttarayan, on this day the solar movement to the northern hemisphere region is glorified. This festival is held at the end of the winter season. It is on this day that many kites are launched into the endless cloudless sky, the air is filled with the natural smells of spring, they are carried by the wind far, far away, people watching this spectacle receive an unforgettable experience that remains in their memory until the next holiday.

At this festival you can meet real world-class kite makers. With their design, colors and sizes, these paper products simply amaze the human imagination. Along with young people, older people also take part in the festival. For this holiday, people come together with whole families or groups of friends. The number of visitors and local residents is huge, and not everyone can fit in the areas allocated for the festival, so people have to stay on the ground, on the roofs of houses and in other nearby areas. When kites float in the air, they look like very beautiful birds that plow the endless sky. On this day, kites are flown not only during the day, but also at night. This is truly a magnificent sight. Paper structures are illuminated from the inside and connected with one common thread, this thread lines them up in one line. Having seen all this unearthly beauty, people return to this city year after year and are charged with a positive insistence, which helps them look at the world with different eyes.

Circumcision of the Lord

This event is usually celebrated after Christmas on the ninth day. Christians have been celebrating this day since the fourth century. In the modern world, this holiday is celebrated as in ancient times. This event is considered an important event by the Orthodox Church. In ancient times, Jews believed that if one were circumcised, a person would become God’s chosen one. Uncircumcised people had no connection with God. These people were considered to be of other faiths, and they did not have the right to turn to God. Circumcision served as a prototype for Christian baptism. This ritual was performed immediately after the birth, when Mary brought Jesus to the temple. For Christians, this holiday has special meaning. On this day, it is customary to remember that Jesus’ parents were Jews who revered the Torah. The rite of circumcision is prescribed for Jews by the Torah. Circumcision is a sign; the people designated by it belong to a pious people. The rite of circumcision was performed by the first apostles and Christians who descended from Jews. For Christians, this holiday is also very important, without paying any attention to various heretical judgments that distort the earthly appearance of God, this day is a direct confirmation that Jesus belonged to the male sex, and Jewish rituals that were Jewish were performed with Jesus. That is why the Feast of the Circumcision is the greatest Orthodox event, which carries a much significant historical event.

January 14 in the folk calendar

Vasiliev's day

This day is celebrated in honor of Basil the Great. He was the archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia in the fourth century, he was famous as a theologian, Basil wrote many sermons and created ideas for the iconostasis. Basil the Great was popularly considered the patron saint of pigs. All the shepherds have great respect for this saint and are terribly afraid of somehow angering him. There is a tradition for the New Year to cook a pig and call it Kesaretz, this is due to the fact that Vasily was called Kesaretz.
On this evening, people traditionally cook pork legs. This evening the peasants go to their neighbors and collect pork legs and pies, saying sayings appropriate to this day.

On Vasiliev's Day, it is customary to cook porridge until the morning. According to tradition, the oldest woman in the house was supposed to go down to the barn at two o'clock in the morning and bring cereal, and the oldest man in the house was supposed to bring water from a river or well. At this time, the stove is lit, water and cereal are placed on the table while the stove is heating, and no one touches them with their hands, because this is considered a bad sign. When the time comes to mash the porridge, the whole family sits down at the table, and the eldest of the women, stirring the porridge, says ritual words. After this, everyone present gets up from the table, and the woman who stirred the porridge sends it to the stove. The whole family sits down at the table again and waits for the porridge to arrive.

On this day, there was another belief: grains were sowed. To do this, the children scattered grains of spring bread and made ritual speeches. Again, the eldest woman in the house had to collect all the scattered grains and store them until sowing. It was believed that on the evening of Vasily, the day increases by a hen's step. On this day, people paid attention to the weather: if the wind blew, there would be a rich harvest of nuts; severe frost means a rich harvest.

Historical events of January 14

In 1814, the first public library opened in St. Petersburg under the patronage of the Russian Imperial Court. Hundreds of people took part in the grand opening of the library, including famous literary scholars and public figures. The idea of ​​​​creating a national library has long been discussed in Russian society, but for all sorts of reasons it could not come true. The first monarch to really think about creating a public library was the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. It was she who first expressed the opinion that Russia needs a grandiose state library that all citizens hungry for knowledge could visit. In her dreams, the Great Empress wanted the national library to become a temple of Russian knowledge. The idea of ​​Great Catherine was implemented on January 14, 1814. With the opening of the library, a new chapter in the development of national science opened in the history of Russia. In the early years, up to a thousand people visited the library annually. Moreover, there were no restrictions on class origin when visiting the library. In the library one could meet an official, a merchant, a military man and many others. Famous poets and writers also visited the first reading room. Nowadays, the library is highly revered by all layers of Russian society. Now it is called the Russian National Library, and its collection is considered the largest in the world.

The predecessor of the Moscow region is considered to be the Moscow province created in 1708. In 1917, the Bolshevik revolution took place, and the so-called Soviet power was established in the province. At the end of the 1930s, the Soviet leadership decided to administratively streamline the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. So on January 14, the Moscow region was formed. Initially, this formation was called the Central Industrial Region. Initially, the region was divided into ten districts, which were divided into industrial and agricultural areas. Six months later, the Central Industrial Region was renamed Moscow. Despite the fact that the city of Moscow does not administratively belong to the Moscow region, the territories near Moscow were nevertheless named after the capital of the country. Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Moscow region is defined as a subject of the Russian Federation. The authorities of the Moscow region are traditionally located in Moscow. In 2006, eighty cities officially existed in the Moscow region. The population of the region reaches 7 million people. The largest cities in the region are Khimki, Podolsk and Balashikha. The ecology of the Moscow region has deteriorated significantly over the past decades. On the one hand, this is due to the processes of high urbanization of the city of Moscow and the adjacent territories, on the other hand, with the industrial and construction boom that swept both the capital itself and the Moscow region. The region contains important strategic airports and military airfields. In transport communications, the Moscow region is the most advanced in the country.

A pseudo-religious organization shrouded in a haze of mysticism. It is the largest sectarian organization in the world. However, studying and understanding the goals of this community is not so easy, because the Masonic organization leads a reclusive lifestyle. Based on historical data, the Masonic movement arose at the beginning of the 18th century in London. The Freemasons declared the creation in the world of brotherly love between peoples, equality of races and interstate mutual assistance to be the main principles of their activities. The organizational center of the movement is the so-called “lodge” or workshop. The association of "lodges" is called the "Grand Lodge". At the head of such a “Grand Lodge” is a Grand Master or Master, but among Masons he is called a Grand Master. Freemasonry first came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. The Masonic sect included prominent government and cultural figures: Emperors Paul I and Alexander I, military leaders. A. Suvorov and M. Kutuzov, writers and poets A. Pushkin and A. Griboyedov, as well as many other famous people. In Russia, Freemasonry was banned by Emperor Alexander I, who was a member of the Masonic lodge, but later decided that Freemasonry was harmful to the state. During Soviet times, the Masonic movement was strictly prohibited. After the collapse of the USSR, Freemasonry in Russia began to revive again, and on January 14, 1992, the Harmony Lodge was created in Moscow. The new democratic authorities of the Russian Federation did not interfere with the development of various spiritual and religious movements and societies. In 1995, a permanent “Grand Lodge” was founded in Russia, as well as the Supreme Council of Masons of Russia. At the moment there are more than 30 million Freemasons in the world.

Margrethe, the first monarch to break the Danish law of succession, which assumed the transfer of royal power only through the male line. However, Margrethe's father, King Frederick IX, only fathered daughters, so the issue of succession to the throne became especially acute when it became clear that the elderly king could no longer have children. In March 1953, by a special rescript of the Danish Parliament, it was allowed to transfer royal power through the female line. As a result, Princess Margrethe became crown royal and subsequently ascended to the Danish throne. In 1967, Princess Margrethe married a French nobleman, Count Henri Monpeza, who, on the occasion of his marriage to the Crown Princess, received the title Prince of Denmark. The couple had two sons. On January 14, 1972, King Frederik died, on the same day Crown Princess Margrethe was declared Queen of Denmark. Queen Margrethe II is a well-educated woman, she graduated from several universities, and is professionally versed in art, poetry and literary creativity. In addition, the Queen is fluent in a number of European languages. The Queen's public responsibilities include appointing the Prime Minister of Denmark, on the proposal of the parliamentary coalition, as well as approving cabinet ministers, on the proposal of the Prime Minister. Also, the Queen of Denmark is the Supreme Commander of the Danish Army.

Born on January 14

Anna Samokhina(1963-2010), outstanding Soviet and Russian actress

Anna Vladlenovna was born in January 1963 in the Kemerovo region. Soon the family left the mining region and moved to live in Cherepovets. From childhood, the girl was taught music; at the age of 7 she could already play the piano. Seeing Anya’s talent for music, her parents sent the girl to a music school. After graduating from school, Anya entered the Yaroslavl Theater School, after which she was assigned to the Rostov Youth Theater, where Anna worked as an actress for six years. However, it was not the theater, but the cinema that brought national fame and love to the actress. In 1987, Anna Samokhina acted in films for the first time. She gets the main role in the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If”; the role in the film opened the way for the actress to big cinema. Soon she is invited to the film “Thieves in Law”, where she plays one of the main roles. The film literally shocked the Soviet audience, after which filming offers rained down on the actress. The actress’s further work elevated her to the Olympus of fame, from which she never left until the end of her life. Anna Vladlenovna starred in the outstanding films “Don Cesar de Bazan” and “The Royal Hunt” (1990). A rapid film career allowed Samokhina to move to live and work in Leningrad. The peak of her acting fame came in the early 90s of the last century. Samokhina also played brilliantly in the films “Gangsters on the Ocean”, “Tartuffe”, “Hurt Me”, “Russian Transit”, “Train to Brooklyn”. In the historical context, the actress spent a short time on the screen, literally shone in the movies, but this brilliance will be remembered by the audience forever, because the talent of this outstanding actress cannot be measured by time.

Adam Czartoryski(1770-1861), Polish and Russian statesman

Born in Warsaw on January 14. He received an excellent education and in 1795 he and his brother left for St. Petersburg. In Russia, Adam becomes close to Prince Alexander Pavlovich, the future Russian emperor. Upon Alexander's accession to the throne, Adam enters the so-called inner circle of the emperor, where he serves as the emperor's adviser on reform matters. In 1803, Czartoryski was appointed mentor of the Vilna educational district. With his activities, Adam Czartoryski brings the university into its heyday. From 1804 to 1806, Czartoryski headed the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the Polish uprising in 1830, Czartoryski headed the administrative council and soon became the head of the provisional Polish government. After the failure of the Polish rebellion, Czartoryski emigrated to Paris, where he would live for the rest of his life. In France, Czartoryski was elected president of the literary and historical society. In exile he supported the Polish resistance and the desire of Polish patriots for independence from imperial Russia. Both in Russia and in Poland, the attitude towards Czartoryski is very contradictory; for some he is a hero, for others he is a traitor and apostate.

Albert Schweitzer(1875-1965), German physician, philosopher, humanist and musician

Albert Schweitzer was born in 1875 in Germany. The boy received his primary education in Münster and Mühlhausen. Since 1893, Albert has been studying at the University of Strasbourg at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, while simultaneously studying musicology. From 1898 to 1899, Albert stayed in Paris, where he studied at the Sorbonne University and prepared a dissertation on Kant. In his free time, he learns to play the organ and piano. In 1899, Schweitzer successfully defended his dissertation and was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy, and a little later the title of Doctor of Theology. In 1905, Schweitzer decided to devote the rest of his life to medical science and entered the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Strasbourg. In 1913, Schweitzer, along with his wife, headed to Africa. There, in the small village of Lambarene, Albert Schweitzer founded his own hospital. During the First World War, Schweitzer and his wife were captured by the French, but released a year later. In 1924, he returns to Africa and begins to rebuild the destroyed hospital. Three years later, the new hospital opened to all sufferers. Until the last days of his life, Albert Schweitzer continued to receive and treat patients.

Yukio Mishima(1925-1970) outstanding Japanese writer

The famous Japanese playwright was born in January 1925 in Tokyo, into a family of officials. The boy was raised by a strict, aristocratic grandmother. Mishima grew up as a weak and sickly child, did not like to communicate with peers, but loved to read books alone. In 1941, Mishima wrote his first story, which he called “Blooming Forest.” The story was permeated with mystical forebodings about the upcoming war. At this time, he comes up with a pseudonym for himself - Yukio Mishima. In 1947, Mishima successfully graduated from the University of Tokyo and acquired the profession of lawyer. After graduating from university, Mishima enters the service of the Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries. In 1949, Yukio published his first outstanding novel, Confession of a Mask. After the publication of the novel, Mishima's name becomes known far beyond Japan. The novel describes the life of a simple teenager, however, not entirely prosperous. The novel is filled with shocking facts from the lives of teenagers of that time. The publication of this novel brought Mishima to the ranks of the most sought-after and beloved writers in Japan. In 1954, Mishima visited Greece and, under the impressions of this country, he wrote the novel “The Sound of the Sea.” In 1956, Mishima's most outstanding novel, The Golden Temple, was published, which became a classic of Japanese literature. Mishima wrote a lot for theaters and films.

Name day January 14

Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Trofim, Bogdan, Fedot

The Gospel of Luke describes this event in detail. It is believed that the circumcision of the Lord took place on the eighth day after the Nativity of Christ. That is why the appropriate date for the holiday was chosen. For the ancient Jews, circumcision itself determined membership in the category of God's Chosen. If a person was undercircumcised, it was believed that he was unworthy to make sacrifices and turn to God with prayers. Therefore, Old Testament circumcision was considered a kind of prototype of Christian baptism

According to biblical sources, Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple for circumcision, where this ceremony was performed. In addition, the first Christians and apostles who followed the teachings of Christ also subjected themselves to circumcision

Why is the Feast of the Circumcision of the Lord so important to the Jews? Contrary to heresies that distort the earthly appearance of the Savior, he confirms that Jesus was a man and underwent rituals that are characteristic of the Jews.

In independent Uzbekistan, such a holiday is celebrated in honor of the creation of the armed forces belonging to the country. The holiday itself was established after a decision was made by the Supreme Council of the Republic on December 29, 1993.

This date is widely celebrated in Uzbekistan itself. Thus, the anthem of the Republic is played on the main Independence Square, and ceremonial marches are organized with the participation of local military units. Also, the commander-in-chief must pronounce congratulations for the defenders of the Motherland

Saint Basil the Great was born in Caesarea in Cappadocia in 330 into a Christian family. I received the appropriate education. After the death of his father, he went to study in Constantinople and Athens, where he studied a variety of sciences to perfection.

Vasily was especially good at philosophy and rhetoric, medicine, astronomy, and physics. In 357 he returned to Caesarea, where he later became presbyter by Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea. Despite the universal love of the parishioners, he has to leave the church and retire due to disagreements with another elder and envy on the part of the latter.

After the death of Emperor Constantine the Great, Basil the Great again became the head of the church. Along with Nicholas the Wonderworker, he enjoyed special honor among believers. It is known that today a particle of his relics is in the Pochaev Lavra, the venerable head is in the Lavra of St. Athanasius on Athos, and his right hand is in the altar of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem.

On January 14, 1824, the famous music critic, archaeologist, art historian and public figure Vladimir Stasov was born

On January 14, 1827, the famous Russian traveler, scientist, de facto leader of the Russian Geographical Society, Pyotr Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, was born. It is he who is known for having made a large expedition to the Tien Shan, after which he created his own fundamental description, for which he received the corresponding prefix to his surname.

One of the most famous directors of modern British theater, Trevor Nunn, was born on January 14, 1940.

They took shape in the Old Testament, then they merged with the holidays of the New Testament. A certain day of the year is marked by an event in the life of Jesus Christ and his mother the Virgin Mary, as well as the memory of saints. The Orthodox Church glorifies and honors those who belong to this day in its services.


The Church considered these holidays useful and necessary from the point of view of piety, therefore they were given a special, solemn character. An indispensable condition for the holiday was the fulfillment of the sacrament of communion of the Holy Mysteries. The lives of all Christians were organized in accordance with this ritual. They protected themselves from various labors and behaved decently: they did not make noise and did not hold feasts, but blessed gifts and gave to the benefit of the church and the poor.

Circumcision of the Lord

What holiday is January 14th? Orthodox! Church ministers and faithful parishioners celebrate the Circumcision of the Lord. This fact is described in detail in the Gospel of Luke. This ceremony was held on the 8th day of In memory of this event, it was decided to set the date of the holiday on January 14. What else is celebrated on this day, what great meaning does it represent?

The ancient Jews believed that the fact of performing a ritual in itself carries with it one’s belonging to the number of God’s Chosen Ones. It was believed that if a person is undercircumcised, he is unworthy and does not have the right to make sacrifices and address prayers and petitions to God.

The first followers and disciples of Christ, Christians and apostles, also subjected themselves to circumcision. According to ancient sources, Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus to the temple, where the sacrament of circumcision took place, on January 14. What holiday could be more important than the Circumcision of the Lord for all Jews? And why? He proves, contrary to all heresies that distort the earthly appearance of the Savior, that Jesus was a man and therefore underwent those rites that were accepted among the Jews.


Fulfilled on January 14th. Every holiday is celebrated solemnly and magnificently by the Orthodox Church. This significant day reminds all believers that the Infant of God was circumcised on the eighth day from his Nativity. During this ceremony, he was given the name that was predicted at the Annunciation to Mary, and also announced by the Angel to the holy and righteous Joseph the Betrothed - Jesus (Savior).

The naming of this name is a sign of the greatest service in human form of the Son of God. He was called to earth to save people from their sins. Old Testament circumcision is a prototype of the Baptism of the New Testament; it was established as a sign of the Covenant with the Lord and cleansing from original sin.

Jesus Christ is a "sinner"

The date that makes you think is January 14th. What Orthodox holiday calls us to humility? Circumcision of the Lord. This was not the complete and true cleansing that was established after Jesus took upon himself the sins of the world and shed his blood as a martyr on Calvary for its salvation. And it points to the first Old Testament warning about our disobedience to our first parents (“My mother was conceived in iniquity and gave birth to me in sin”).

Jesus is the Son of God and the True God, similar to people in everything except sin, he did not need any cleansing. But in his humility he accepted what was due to sinful people and on this occasion said that he came to fulfill the law, and not to break it. Later, Saint Demetrius of Rostov would write that in circumcision the Lord showed greater humility than at Christmas. When the Lord was born, he was transformed into a man, and in circumcision, enduring the pain due to sin, he took on the image of a sinner.

Covenant of the Lord

Remember the date January 14th. What church holiday serves as a reminder of the loyalty of peoples to the Creator? Abram was almost 100 years old when the Lord appeared before him and said: “I am God Almighty, walk before me and be blameless; and I will establish My covenant between Me and you, and will greatly, greatly multiply you.” What does it mean to walk with God? This is constantly thinking that he sees and knows all your thoughts and actions. To be blameless means not to offend the Creator with your thoughts and actions, not to forget about the honor that God bestowed with his closeness to people.

With this appeal to man the Lord’s covenant begins. He blesses Abram with numerous offspring and adds the letters “a” and “p” to the names of the married couple: Abraham and Sarah. Now loyalty to God is required of him and his descendants. To remind and preserve the covenant and as a promise to fulfill the command, an external action was chosen - circumcision.

Inner Sanctification

The date that is intended to remind us of the Creator’s covenant is January 14. What holiday unites all believers? Circumcision is a rite designed to instill in generations the desire for unity and the desire to be one people to worship only the God of Abraham. This action also includes internal sanctification, without which the rite of circumcision has no meaning. An increase in the number of God's chosen people is not yet proof of heartfelt attachment to the Creator and fidelity to the faith of the forefather Abraham. That is why in the books of Leviticus and Acts the “uncircumcised hearts and ears” were denounced and ridiculed.

Consecration of the head of the family

That is why there is a deep meaning on this day - January 14th. What holiday is of great importance in the life of Christian believers? According to the prescribed rules, this ritual is performed on the eighth day from birth, when the baby is a little stronger, in addition, the number eight meant perfection and completeness. Postponing action to a later date meant a manifestation of negligence and neglect, which was considered unacceptable when it comes to God’s command.

This rite is necessary only for boys, and only the heads of the family are sanctified for the continuation of the family, since the wife is one with her husband.

The Feast of Circumcision is a reminder that Christians entered into the New Covenant with God.

Saint Basil

Another holiday is celebrated on January 14th. What holiday? Saint Basil. If the Circumcision of the Lord convinces us that Jesus is a true man with flesh like people, then the day when we honor the memory of St. Basil, whose life was cut short on this day, tells us about the Divinity of Jesus. That he was and is one of the three faces of the Holy Trinity. Saint Basil was an ascetic and a great ascetic, the main thing and struggle of his life was the conviction of the Hypostases; this Orthodox teaching he believed and defended.

At that time, there were many wrong-thinking people, they were endowed with power in this world, not everyone managed to avoid errors, but not only did Saint Basil resist, but he also managed to give a helping hand to those who had wavered in faith and helped them get back on the righteous and faithful path. In Russia, Basil the Great, along with Nicholas the Wonderworker, is the most revered saint.

Let's go be generous

On the calendar - January 14. What holiday was celebrated in Russia at this time before 1918? This date coincided with the Orthodox holiday of the Circumcision of the Lord. In the secular calendar of Tsarist Russia, this day is the first of the New Year. In our time, the date of January 14 (Circumcision of the Lord) in the modern interpretation sounds like this: “Old New Year.” All Russians still love and celebrate it.

According to the old style, January 14 - what holiday? Shchedrivki! At this time, on New Year's Eve, it was customary to go home with songs and congratulations and wish the owners health, happiness and all the best, and for this the owners gave gifts, which were then shared among themselves. On this generous Vasilyev evening, the children sang: “Shchedrik, bucket! Give me a dumpling, a breast of porridge, a piece of sausage...”