When is Novruz Bayram holiday in the year? Government of the Saratov region

The Nauryz holiday is one of the most ancient holidays on Earth. It has been celebrated for more than five thousand years as a holiday of spring and renewal of nature by many peoples not only in Asia, but also in Europe, and according to some sources, among the Eastern Slavs. Historical information about this holiday is found in the works of many ancient and medieval authors. From generation to generation, the traditions of celebrating Nauryz were passed on by Kazakhs, Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Uyghurs. The Tajiks called him “Gulgardon” or “Gulnavruz”, the Tatars called him “Nardugan”, and the ancient Greeks knew him as “Patrich”. The form of celebration itself has carried the principles of love for nature since ancient times. Despite its age, this holiday has been preserved in people's memory, and has now acquired a new spiritual and ethical meaning.
"Nauryz" means "birth of spring." It is believed that a generous celebration of Nauryz will bring abundance and success to the home for the whole year. These beliefs explain the abundance of holiday rituals and customs.
With the arrival of the holiday, people dress in festive clothes, come to visit each other, exchange congratulations and wishes for prosperity in the coming year. The celebrations are accompanied by widespread fun, games, horse racing and other entertainment. The main ritual dish of this holiday is Nauryz-kozhe, which must consist of 7 ingredients symbolizing the 7 elements of life: water, meat, salt, fat, flour, cereals (rice, corn or wheat) and milk. These ingredients symbolize joy, luck, wisdom, health, prosperity, speed, growth and divine protection.
Of course, the modern outlines of the holiday differ significantly from their previous content. This is not only theatrical performances and richly decorated yurts, deliciously prepared nauryz-kozhe, but also holding charity events, folk sports games, caring for green spaces, planting trees, cleaning parks and other recreation areas, streets and squares.
In the Saratov region, Nauryz is traditionally widely celebrated. National-cultural associations hold their own Nauryz holidays; regional holidays are held in the municipal districts of the region, and, of course, a regional holiday.
The practice of exchanging Kazakh and Saratov delegations to participate in the Nauryz celebration has become a good tradition that strengthens our economic and humanitarian ties. The border regions of the Saratov region exchange delegations with the border regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and participate in each other’s festive ceremonies.
Traditionally, members of the regional Government, delegations of municipal districts of the region, national-cultural associations of the region (Saratov regional Kazakh national-cultural autonomy, Saratov regional public organization "Azerbaijani society "Vatan", Saratov regional public organization "Uzbek cultural center "Sogdiana") and others. Honorary guests will also arrive this time: First Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for National Affairs Pavel Semenov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Russian Federation Polad Bulbul ogly, Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan Askhat Syzdykov, President of the Federal National-Cultural Autonomy of Kazakhs of Russia Toktarbay Dusenbayev.
The regional “Nauryz” changes its address every year - it takes place in the municipality whose representatives won last year’s competition and received the “Nauryz” holiday flag. Similar holidays have already taken place in Marksovsky, Ozinsky, Novouzensky, Krasnokutsky and other municipal districts of the region. In 2015, Nauryz celebrations were held in the Dergachevsky municipal district.
Another novelty of the Nauryz celebration in 2016 will be the international competition of national costume, creativity and beauty “Miss Nauryz World 2016”, in which more than 40 contestants from Russia, near and far abroad will take part. The already traditional national beauty contest “Miss Nauryz of the Saratov Region” will also take place. An unforgettable spectacle: each participant, among whom there are representatives from 12 countries of the world, will walk along the red carpet accompanied by a girl - “little miss”, and at the end there will be a solemn award ceremony, where not one of the beauties will be left without attention.
In addition, the program of the All-Russian national holiday “Nauryz-2016” will feature a large-scale concert program, a competition of yurts and national cuisine, sports competitions in football, belt wrestling, kettlebell lifting, arm wrestling, an exhibition of masters of decorative and applied arts, and an impromptu “National Village” , as well as a regional fair of agricultural producers, processing and food industry enterprises in the Saratov region.
Thus, in the yurt competition, up to ten different tents (yurts) will be presented, and more than thirty national cuisines will be able to satisfy the most exquisite vks - the organizers, together with local residents, will do everything to ensure that this holiday remains in the hearts of everyone who visited Alexandrov Gai on this day. About a hundred athletes, including football players, will take part in the sports competitions: as part of the national holiday “Nauryz 2016”, a football match will be played between the local team and guests from the West Kazakhstan region.
Throughout the day, for the participants and guests of the festival there will be a concert program with many songs, dances and competitions: more than five hundred artists from Russia, as well as more than a hundred from Kazakhstan, will not leave anyone indifferent and will make Nauryz unforgettable and unique in terms of entertainment and number of talents.

The traditional celebration of Navruz takes place in the second ten days of March. This is an ancient holiday of the Turkic peoples. Symbolizes awakening and the beginning of the New Year. Official holiday in some countries. How is Nowruz celebrated? Events and traditions.

On the day of the vernal equinox, Navruz is celebrated - a spring holiday or Eastern (Persian) New Year. Translated from Farsi, its name means “new day”. With the arrival of spring, warm days come, nature awakens and begins to change its decoration. Navruz symbolizes the revival of nature, the triumph of life, and hopes for a generous harvest year.

One of the main symbols of Nowruz is now considered to be sprouted wheat sprouts, which are tied with a red ribbon. Traditionally, festive tables, homes and gardens of those celebrating are decorated with beautiful vases with such sprouts. Of course, some nuances of rituals and preparations may differ from nation to nation, but everyone who celebrates it does not work on these days, congratulates each other on the beginning of the New Year, eats holiday treats and has fun. Holiday dishes for the table include seven elements, the names of which begin with the letter “C” of the Persian alphabet. It is traditional to place colored eggs, candles and a mirror on the table. The egg and the mirror are symbols of the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. Candles symbolize fire, which protects a person from evil forces.

The holiday is celebrated on March 21 in Iran, the republics of Central Asia and Transcaucasia, and on March 22 in Kazakhstan. Since 2010, this Day has become an official international event - International Day of Nowruz and has been included in the UN calendar holidays. By the decision of the General Assembly, at the initiative of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Iran and Albania, India and Afghanistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, the Navruz holiday was assigned to March 21 (UN General Assembly resolution No. A/RES/64/253) .

The spring New Year holiday of the equinox - Navruz, having arisen in Khorasan more than 3000 years ago, almost simultaneously with the emergence of agriculture, spread throughout all neighboring countries.

The roots of Nowruz go back to Zoroastrianism. Navruz is the oldest agricultural holiday; its origin is associated with the emergence of the agricultural calendar. Ferdowsi and Omar Khayyam, who served at the court of the Turkmen king Melik Shah, associated the emergence of Navruz with the names of the legendary kings Dzhemshid, Kayumurs and others. The holiday was first mentioned in the book of fire worshipers “Avesta”. It says that this is a celebration of the birth of life on earth and its victory over death. All living things, according to that book, appeared on this day in 6 types: fire, water, earth, plants, animals and people. According to ancient custom, before the onset of Nowruz, people must restore order in their homes and around them, and pay off their debts.

Round cakes made of wheat, barley, millet, corn, beans, peas, lentils, rice, sesame and beans are placed on the festive table. On Navruz, dishes are prepared, mainly plant products; the most famous holiday dish is sumalak - a dish made from sprouted wheat sprouts.

Navruz Bayram is an ancient holiday celebrated by residents of many Asian countries and several regions of Russia. The date of its holding is the twenty-first of March. This is the day of the spring equinox. In addition, according to the astronomical solar calendar, which is officially used in Afghanistan and Iran, Nowruz Bayram is the first day of the new year.

The holiday is celebrated in the spring. It symbolizes the renewal of man and nature. Nowruz is translated from Farsi as “new day”.

History of origin

Navruz Bayram is one of the oldest holidays that existed in the history of mankind. In Persia (modern Iran), as well as in Central Asia, it began to be celebrated a very long time ago, even before the seventh century BC. Due to the deep historical roots of the holiday, its exact origin is unknown.

The traditions of Navruz are associated with the name of the founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism, the prophet Zarathustra, as well as with the cult of fire and the Sun. The most ancient source where this holiday is mentioned is the sacred scripture of Zoroastrianism, the Avesta. It is in it that it is necessary to celebrate the emergence of life in spring.

The Navruz Bayram holiday is also associated with the reign of Shah Jamshid. The poets sang of this legendary ruler in the poem “Shahnameh”. It is also believed that it was on this day that the hero Siyavush, killed by the Turanian Afrasiyab, was buried.

Turkic legends also talk about the holiday. They mention this day as the date of the appearance of the Turkic people from the mythical place of Altai - Ergenekon.

This day is celebrated most vividly and widely by the peoples of Afghanistan and Iran. According to the official calendars of these countries, with its arrival a new year begins.

At the same time, Navruz is a spring holiday. It is on March 21 that the length of the day becomes equal to the night, and then gradually overtakes it. Spring is finally coming into its own. This holiday marks the beginning of the field harvest, which is the care and hope of farmers. That is why Navruz Bayram is a celebration of not only the beginning of the new year, but also agricultural work.

This day is celebrated in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, Turkey and India, Macedonia and Albania, Kyrgyzstan and in certain regions of the Russian Federation (Bashkiria and the North Caucasus, Tatarstan and Crimea). In Arab countries, the vernal equinox is not celebrated.


Spring rites are celebrated according to the solar calendar, which is called the ancient Iranian (shamsi). In it, the first days of each month coincide with the new moons. Moreover, every year these dates shift by ten to eleven days. The holiday begins when the sun's disk enters the constellation Aries. Previously, this moment was determined by astrologers - munadgijims - people of a very revered profession in the East. Currently, this event is calculated by astronomers and indicated on the calendar with an accuracy of the minute. In addition, this moment is announced on television and radio.

In Afghanistan and Iran, Nowruz Bayram is an official holiday. In this case, the first five days of the new year, as well as the thirteenth, are non-working days. In other countries, Nowruz is a national festival. However, in essence, it is the same everywhere. This is a day of solemn and joyful welcoming of spring.

Traditions for celebrating the spring equinox vary only slightly from one country to another, as well as from region to region. Residents of different countries pronounce its name slightly differently. So, in Iran it is Noruz, in Afghanistan – Nowruz, in Iran and Turkey – Nevruz.

This holiday has a significant difference from our New Year. It is celebrated not at night, but in the light of day. However, like us, this is a family event. When the solemn moment arrives, everyone should be at home at the festive table. The whole family certainly gets together to celebrate Navruz. Traditions provide for the presence on the festive table, in addition to foods, of seven items. Moreover, their names must begin with the letter “s”. Their list includes rue (sepand), sprouted greens (saben), garlic (sir), apples (sib), vinegar (serke), thyme (sathar), wild olives (sinjid). In the middle of the table there is always a large loaf called a sangak; there is also a vessel with water in which a green leaf floats, as well as plates on which colored eggs lie.

All dishes must certainly emphasize the agricultural focus of the spring holiday. For example, an egg, greens and bread symbolize fertility.

The celebration of Nowruz in rural areas begins with the laying of a furrow. At the same time, the most respected resident is behind the plow. He throws some grain into the first furrow. Only after this can all field work begin - harrowing, plowing, sowing, etc.

Celebration of the thirteenth day

Tajiks, Persians and Hazaras (the people of Afghanistan) call this day “Sizdeh Bedar”. Translated, it means “Thirteen at the Gate.” On this day, citizens visit gardens and parks and travel outside the city in cheerful groups. The peasants go out into the groves and meadows. Sweets are brought to these picnics to ensure a happy year.

Basic traditions of Nowruz

Before the start of the New Year, it is customary to do a thorough cleaning of the house, as well as update the wardrobe of all family members. Those who celebrate the holiday of Navruz Bayram must repay all debts, forgive grievances and make peace with ill-wishers before the spring equinox.

According to existing tradition, a fire festival is held before the New Year. It happens in a rather unusual way. On the last Tuesday of the year, bonfires are lit in the streets. This happens after sunset. According to tradition, everyone jumps through the fire - children and adults.

During the celebration, there should be vases with flowers and candles, mirrors and fruits on the table, as well as a variety of dishes, such as pilaf. According to the traditions of the Afghan people, a special compote called haftmeva is prepared for Nowruz. It contains almonds and pistachios, light and dark raisins, walnuts and senjed. Kazakhs put a special dish on the festive table - nauryz kozhe. It also contains seven components: water and flour, meat and butter, milk and cereals, and salt. There are several recipes for preparing this dish. In this regard, each housewife prepares it differently.

According to the existing tradition, during the New Year celebrations the dead are commemorated, and in the first days of Nowruz they visit friends and parents.

The purpose of this fast is the desire to show one’s faith and devotion to Allah by renouncing earthly pleasures. Also, throughout the entire month of Ramadan, Muslims try to think only about good things, not to defile themselves with bad deeds, to pray and do good deeds. During the entire fast, every day, all believers in Allah pronounce the so-called niyat: “I intend to fast tomorrow (today) for the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah.” Over the past 10 days, Muslims have decided to visit the mosque more often and pray more often. In the mosque it is also necessary to say Niyat: “I intend to remain in itikaf in this mosque in order to get closer to Allah.”

Ramadan Bayram in 2016 - July 11

This holiday has several names - Uraza Bayram, Ramadan Bayram, Eid ul-Fitr. During this fast, Muslims visit their temples, pray and limit themselves to earthly pleasures in order to become closer to Allah. At the end of the fast, all believers rush to the temple in the morning, where the festive service takes place, and then go home or visit for a festive meal. Also on Uraza Bayram it is customary to visit cemeteries, the sick, one’s elderly relatives and parents and help those in need.

Kurban Bayram in 2016 - September 12

Eid ul-Adha or Kurban Bayram is the second largest holiday on which Muslims make sacrifices to Allah as a symbol of his mercy, and also so that no troubles, illnesses and deprivations befall him. Kurban Bayram is celebrated 70 days after Uraza Bayram. From the very morning, Muslims perform a complete ablution, put on clean clothes and go to the mosque for morning prayer. Along the way, everyone should say a festive takbir, something like a prayer: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar la ilaha illa Allahu wa-Llahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa-li-Llahi-l-hamd. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Allahu akbar kabiran wa-lhamdu-li-Llahi kasiran wa-subhyana-Llahi bukratan wa-asila.” And after the temple, everyone goes home or goes to visit for a festive meal and presents each other with gifts.

Arafat Day in 2016 - September 11

Muslims consider this day the best day. According to their beliefs, it is on the day of Arafat that everyone reaps the fruits of their past actions. The meaning of good and bad deeds doubles on this holiday. Many believers in Allah try to get to Mount Arafat to pray - some thank him, and others ask for mercy for their sins. If it was not possible to get to Arafat, then a Muslim should spend this day in prayer and serving Allah.

Mawlid al-Nabi in 2016 - December 12

This holiday among Muslims refers to the birth of Muhammad, who in their opinion is the last prophet. As on all religious holidays, on Mawlid an-Nabi it is customary to visit a temple in which a sermon is read, as well as lines from the Koran that mention Muhammad. In addition, in many countries professing Islam, it is customary to give alms and do good, and sometimes in stores on this holiday you can see “arusat an-nabi” (“bride of the Prophet”) or a horseman with a saber in his hand - these are such sugar figurines , which are especially popular with children.

Day of Ashura - in 2016 it is celebrated on October 12

Ashura Day is a special holiday for Muslims. It is believed that it was at this time that the first man, heaven, earth and all living things were created; it was on the Day of Ashura, according to prophecies, that the Apocalypse would occur. It is also a mourning date for Muslims when one of the prophets, Hussein, died. On the Day of Ashura, Muslims carry out a funeral procession with an orchestra, after which a performance is given in theaters telling about the life and death of the Prophet Hussein.

Laylatul-qadr - in 2016 it is celebrated on July 3

Laylatul Qadr is called the night of destiny and it falls on the 27th day of the month of Ramadan. According to legends, it was on this night that the Prophet Muhammad received many revelations. On this night, it is customary to read the Koran, pray, perform the prayer that you missed during the year, talk about your mistakes and look for a solution. According to Muslims, it is in Laylatul Qadr that Allah decides the fate of every believer in accordance with his prayers and requests.

Miraj - in 2016 it is celebrated on May 5

Celebrates the 7th month of the lunar calendar. Miraj is celebrated in honor of Muhammad's famous dream in which he traveled to Jerusalem and then ascended to Allah in heaven. This event took place in the mosque when he fell asleep, and the Archangel Gabriel accompanied him. On this day it is also customary to pray, read the Koran and pass this story on from generation to generation.

Novruz - in 2016 it is celebrated on March 21

For Muslims, this is the day of the vernal equinox and is an agricultural holiday. Novruz is usually celebrated with family at the festive table. The meal must include 7 items starting with the letter s, most often these are saben (green sprouted grains), sangak (bread), colored eggs and a vessel where fish swim. Besides everything, be sure to prepare gata with one lucky bead. Whoever gets it will experience success in all endeavors.

Laylat al-Baraa - in 2016 it is celebrated on May 21

This holiday is otherwise called Baraat night and is a symbol of remission of sins and forgiveness. On this night, prayers are said for the atonement of one’s sins, as well as the forgiveness of the sins of deceased relatives. Then the whole family cleans the entire house, performs the ritual of ablution and puts on clean clothes. After which, a low table, the so-called dastarkhan, is set with various dishes and the whole family is seated for a festive meal. Before starting a meal, the head of the family must say a prayer for the remission of sins.


Juma for Muslims is the same as resurrection for Christians. Every Friday, all Muslims gather at the mosque for the obligatory Friday prayer. Free men who have reached the age of majority cannot skip this prayer without serious reasons. But women, children and people with disabilities can come to the mosque if they wish. Before prayer, it is advisable to perform the ritual of ablution, put on clean clothes, and it is also forbidden to eat garlic and onions.

Muslim New Year according to Hijri- in 2016 it is celebrated on October 3

Muslims celebrate the New Year by fasting. It has long been customary for Muslims to begin fasting and praying on average two days before the New Year; they also continue fasting for another 2 days after this holiday. It is worth noting that this New Year should not be confused with the Navruz New Year, which was celebrated above. For Muslims, this is also considered New Year's Day - however, this holiday is simply a symbol of the renewal of nature and the birth of a new life, in addition, Novruz is more of a folk holiday than a religious one.

The Muslim holiday of Nowruz has been celebrated for almost 5,000 years, that is, it is one of the most ancient holidays that humanity knows. Translated from Persian (Farsi), the word Navruz means “new day.” Indeed, this holiday symbolizes a new stage in the annual cycle: spring replaces winter, nature comes to life, and the time for agricultural work begins. As a matter of fact, Navruz can be considered an analogue of Maslenitsa, which also marks the arrival of spring.

There is a legend that the holiday is associated with the name of the legendary Persian Shah Jamshid. It was said that the Shah possessed a mysterious cup that contained the elixir of life. Many researchers have no doubt that later Shah Jamshid's cup went down in history as the Holy Grail. On the day of the vernal equinox (March 21), the elixir of life could acquire special power thanks to magical rites and rituals. This is exactly how the Navruz holiday appeared: its main goal was to give the Shah even greater power and authority over this world, and people - prosperity and prosperity for the whole year.

Preparing for Nowruz

Navruz is celebrated on March 21st very pompously and cheerfully. Two weeks before the holiday, wheat and lentils are sown on large dishes. By the holiday, green sprouts should appear, symbolizing the beginning of a new annual cycle. These sprouts become the main decoration of the holiday table. A week before the holiday, they thoroughly clean their houses, throwing out all unnecessary and old things, and even make small repairs: cleanliness on Navruz should be impeccable. Also in the pre-holiday week, they commemorate their deceased ancestors, go to the cemetery, bring them offerings (wheat cakes) and ask for protection of their home and their family. An important part of preparing for the holiday is washing. All clothes must be washed well, washing away the bad energy from them. It was believed that poorly washed clothes on Navruz would bring illness and misfortune to the house.

Festive table for Navruz

The festive table for Navruz should be very generous and rich. A week before the holiday, the wheat is sprouted again, and holiday bread or flatbreads are baked from it. There should be 7 products on the table, the names of which begin in Arabic with “sin” (apples, rue seeds, garlic, vinegar, sprouted grains, wild olives and black olive pits). The letter "sin" in Arabic is a symbol of higher power and divine protection. Therefore, these products take pride of place on the table. And the main dishes of the festive meal on Navruz are guja (boiled cereals with meat) and sumalak (halva). Of course, there should be many other dishes on the table: traditional pilaf, cheese, fish and... colored eggs. As you can see, the traditions and customs of peoples of different religions very often intersect.

Fortune telling for Navruz

Nowruz is the best time for fortune telling for marriage. The girl must throw her shoe over her head: if it falls with its toe away from her, she will marry, if it turns its toe towards her, there is no point in planning a wedding yet. Also, on a festive evening, you can inadvertently eavesdrop on your neighbors’ conversations: if the conversation is pleasant, the next year will go like clockwork; if you hear swearing and swearing, trouble awaits you.