How to clean the pores on your face. Pores on the face - how to clean and keep your skin clean? Main causes of clogged pores

Clogged pores are a problem that can lead to unpleasant consequences. Over time, clogged pores will turn into blackheads, which will be more difficult to fight.

Therefore, timely skin treatment is important. Careful cleaning and additional care is required to prevent severe contamination and clogging.

Pores are small openings on the surface of the epidermis that open the channels of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Sebum comes out through the pores. In addition, they help the body get rid of unnecessary substances and toxins. Therefore, the main function is excretory.

An equally important purpose is thermoregulation. The skin is involved in maintaining thermal balance throughout the body. Heat transfer depends on the amount of sweat produced. As the temperature rises, the sweat glands release more moisture, which helps prevent the body from overheating.

Consequences of severe pore contamination

In addition to sebum, dirt, dust and remnants of decorative cosmetics accumulate in the pores. Poor or irregular cleansing leads to an increase in unwanted “stocks” and at the same time to the growth of bacteria.

Over time, inflammation appears, which develops into acne. In most cases, the fight against acne turns out to be more painful.

Who may be at risk

Most often, enlarged pores are a feature of the skin due to a genetic predisposition. However, they can appear due to improper care, unfavorable environmental conditions and other reasons.

People with oily and combination skin types know this problem firsthand. There is excessive work of the sebaceous glands, which leads to clogged pores and the formation of an oily sheen. The most commonly affected area is the T-zone, namely the forehead, nose and chin.

Enlarged pores can also be a concern during puberty. Growth hormone stimulates sebum production. Therefore, the ducts are clogged and need constant cleaning.

Causes of clogged pores

Clogged pores appear under the influence of certain factors. The following reasons are identified:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • oily or combination skin type;
  • violation of hygiene standards;
  • insufficient cleansing and exfoliation;
  • use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • excessive consumption of sweet, starchy, spicy, salty, spicy and fatty foods;
  • dehydration;
  • excessive sun exposure.

Symptoms of clogged pores

The problem can be recognized by several signs:

  • enlarged pores appear;
  • the skin texture changes and tubercles form;
  • comedones are formed;
  • acne and inflammation appear;
  • the skin takes on a reddish tint;
  • unhealthy complexion.

Basic methods of cleansing

The appearance of enlarged pores should not cause panic. There are many effective ways to cleanse deep stains.

Cleaning in the cabin

Salon cleaning is considered an expensive method, but provides a guaranteed result. A specialist examines the skin, identifies the cause and individually selects a cleansing method.

  • manual (manual) - cleansing with fingers;
  • mechanical - the use of special devices (needle, loop, spoon);
  • vacuum - the use of a device that draws out the contents of the pores;
  • ultrasonic (ultrasonic peeling) - exfoliation of the skin surface using an ultrasonic scrubber;
  • laser - cleansing the deep layers of the skin using a cosmetic laser.

Rules for cleansing facial skin at home

Daily cleansing of the skin helps to avoid many problems, including clogged pores. Produced in the morning and evening. It is carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. Removing makeup is an evening ritual. Special products are used to remove cosmetics. The most commonly used products are milk, two-phase lotions, micellar water, and hydrophilic oil.
  2. Cleansing the skin using special products. After removing makeup, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of impurities, excess sebum and cosmetic residues. Foams, gels, mousses, and facial soaps are suitable.
  3. Skin toning. After washing, wipe the skin with lotion, tonic or herbal decoction. You can also use ice cubes made with medicinal herbs.

Store-bought (pharmacy) cosmetics for home use

The choice of product depends on the purpose of use. Using skin care cosmetics for other purposes may worsen the situation. It is recommended to use a set of products from one manufacturer to achieve maximum results.

Many brands specialize in pharmaceutical care, including Avene, La Roche Posay, Avene, Bioderma, Ducray, Klorane, Noreva, Uriage.

  • Cleansing masks. Used for deep cleansing of the skin. Typically used 1-2 times a week. It is recommended to choose products that contain clay, acids and medicinal plant extracts.
  • Peelings and scrubs. Used to exfoliate the skin. Used once a week. Peeling rolls are especially popular. They are produced by Propeller, Novosvit, Libriderm, Doctor Li and other brands.
  • Cleansers (foams, gels, soaps and others). Used to remove impurities and excess sebum. Used daily morning and evening. They should not leave behind a feeling of tightness, discomfort or provoke dryness and flaking. Often contain oils, acids and herbal extracts.

How to get rid of the problem using traditional methods

They are characterized by low cost and availability. Made from improvised materials. The effect is not inferior to purchased products. The disadvantage is the time required for preparation.

How to clean pores with scrubs

For preparation you will need abrasives. As a rule, homemade scrubs are used 1-2 times a week. But there are exceptions. After use, it is necessary to tone the skin.

  • Salt scrub. Take two teaspoons of gel for washing, ½ spoon of salt, ½ spoon of soda. Mix. Moisten a cotton pad with hot water and apply the resulting mixture to it. Gently massage for 1-2 minutes.
  • Sugar scrub. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon of sugar. Apply the mixture to damp facial skin and massage for 2-3 minutes.
  • Coffee scrub. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream with a teaspoon of ground coffee. Apply and massage for 1-2 minutes.
  • Oatmeal scrub. Mix a tablespoon of chopped oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of heavy cream or kefir. Apply to skin and massage for 2-3 minutes. Use 2-3 times a week.


Helps cleanse and exfoliate the skin. Masks made from clay, soda and gelatin are especially popular. Their effectiveness has been tested by time. The method of application and frequency of use depends on the specific product.

  • Clay masks. Dilute a tablespoon of black or blue clay with lukewarm water to a mushy consistency. Apply to skin and leave for 10-15 minutes. After time has passed, moisten the mask, wait until the clay softens, and only then begin to wash off. Use 2-3 times a week.
  • Soda mask. It's very easy to do. Dilute a tablespoon of baking soda with water to a mushy consistency. Apply to skin and leave for 10 minutes. Then rinse gently with water. Avoid contact with eyes. Apply once every two weeks.
  • Gelatin mask. Crush an activated carbon tablet, add ½ teaspoon of gelatin, a teaspoon of water and stir. Cook the mixture in a water bath until it reaches a homogeneous consistency. Pre-steam the skin. Apply to problem areas and leave for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, remove according to the following scheme. Stretch the skin, pick up the edge of the mask and carefully “tear” it perpendicular to the skin. Apply once a week.

The author of the video will introduce you to his set of procedures aimed at cleansing and narrowing pores.

Cosmetic oils

Narrowing pores is an important step in the fight against pollution. Oils show high efficiency. The most effective oils are lemon, lavender, fir and sage. They are used on the basis of base oils.

Mix 5 ml of base oil (jojoba, almond or other) and 1 drop of essential oil. Apply to skin and leave for an hour. Rinse thoroughly.

An alternative method of use is to enrich cosmetic clay masks with oils. In this case, a more powerful anti-inflammatory effect will be provided. This is especially true if there are inflammatory elements on the skin. In addition to the suggested options, tea tree oil, rosemary, grape seed, black cumin, cajuput oil are suitable. 3-5 drops of oil per tablespoon of clay will be enough.

Herbal infusions

Decoctions of calendula and chamomile can replace store-bought tonics. They cleanse and tone the skin, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and tighten enlarged pores.

Both flowers and filter bags are suitable. You can also use anti-inflammatory herbal remedies. They usually include sage, oak bark, linden flowers and other medicinal herbs.

The preparation method for different release forms is not very different. You need to pour boiling water over 1-2 filter bags or two tablespoons of herbs. Leave for 15 minutes, squeeze and strain. Wipe the skin twice a day. Store in the refrigerator for no more than five days.


An alternative way to use herbal infusions. They have a more pronounced pig-constricting effect. Moisten gauze folded in several layers with warm broth and apply to the face. Leave for half an hour. After time, remove and allow the infusion to absorb into the skin. Do not rinse off. Use before bedtime.

Ice cubes

Like lotions, they are prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. The best option is chamomile or calendula. Prepare an infusion. Pour into a mold and freeze.

Use daily instead of toner. The shelf life of the cubes is a month.

Preventing clogged pores

The key to skin care is consistency. Periodic cleansing and treatment will not give the desired result, and the problem will return. By following basic hygiene rules, you can avoid clogged pores.

  • thoroughly cleansing the skin in the morning and evening;
  • steaming the skin;
  • exfoliation;
  • removal of pore contents before inflammation occurs;
  • narrowing of cleaned pores to prevent dust and dirt from entering;
  • washing with warm rather than hot water;
  • use of sunscreens;
  • use of high-quality and non-comedogenic decorative cosmetics;
  • selection of products according to your skin type.
  • Reasons for enlarged pores
  • Is it possible to narrow pores
  • Prevention of enlarged pores on the face
  • Tools Overview

Reasons for enlarged pores

Sometimes the pores on the face are barely noticeable, and sometimes they resemble lunar craters. This happens due to the accumulation of fat and impurities in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, because pores are nothing more than their exit points to the surface of the skin. Toxins and salts are removed through the pores along with sweat, so they cannot be “closed.” But you can keep them clean and, to the best of your ability, fight the factors that provoke their expansion.

    Hormonal imbalance. During adolescence and pregnancy, changes in the endocrine system can cause excess sebum production and enlarged pores.

    Acne disease. Due to excess androgens, the keratinization process is disrupted, and dead skin flakes clog the pores.

    Oily skin type. Unfortunately, increased sebum production is often genetically programmed.

    Incorrect care. To prevent sebum from clogging pores, the skin must be cleansed properly and regularly.

    Nutrition. A love of spicy and fatty foods, a passion for sweet carbonated drinks and baked goods does not have the best effect on the condition of the skin.

    Passion for the sun. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, as a natural protective measure, the stratum corneum thickens, and it becomes more difficult for the pores to free themselves from impurities.

    Age. Due to the destruction of collagen and elastin, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes loose, and the pores remain enlarged.

Is it possible to narrow pores

The bad news: once and for all - no. Good news: temporarily and visually - quite. But this problem will require constant attention, some effort and consistent action.

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  1. 1

    Cleanse your skin properly. And don’t neglect washing your face with a pore-tightening gel, foam or cream.

  2. 2

    If the problem is internal, consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. When treating acne, you may need special medications, a certain diet, etc.

  3. 3

    Use care products that have the effect of narrowing pores.

  4. 4

    Protect yourself from the sun. If the problem has worsened greatly during the holidays, make an appointment with a cosmetologist for a consultation and procedures.

How to tighten pores using cosmetics

To make pores less noticeable, you will need a whole beauty arsenal.

    Scrubs. The abrasive particles included in them perfectly remove accumulations of fat, dirt and dead cells. The skin becomes smoother, pores become less noticeable.

    Creams with hydroxy acids(salicylic, lactic, glycolic).

    Contracting masks.

    Care products with the effect of narrowing pores.

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The latter usually contain:

  1. 1

    fruit acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic);

  2. 2

    oils of black currant, borage, evening primrose (evening primrose) with gamma-linoleic acid;

  3. 3

    astringent components (calamus, white willow, birch, beech, witch hazel, laurel, myrtle, sage, eucalyptus, black currant leaves).

How to tighten pores with salon treatments

There are several suitable procedures; your cosmetologist will advise you on the right one.

    Peeling. A special chemical composition is applied to the skin, exfoliating dead cells and tightening pores. A course of 6–8 weekly procedures is required.

    Cryotherapy. “Freezing” with liquid nitrogen is what you need to instantly narrow enlarged pores. For a lasting effect, 15–20 sessions are required.

    Disincrustation. Exposure to electric current frees the skin from metabolic products. The procedure is performed once every 15 days.

    Microdermabrasion. The surface layer of skin is removed with a special microcrystalline attachment. As a rule, up to 10 procedures are required, one per week.

    Darsonvalization. This type of electrotherapy accelerates the elimination of toxins and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.

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Prevention of enlarged pores on the face

The only reliable way of prevention is to determine the possible root cause and act according to the situation. And for this you need to see a doctor and choose competent care.

Tools Overview


Product name Components Effect
Ultra-cleansing gel with anti-acne brush “Clean skin. Active", Garnier 2% salicylic acid, complex of plant extracts

Reduces comedones and pimples, frees the skin from dead cells, tightens pores.

Pore-tightening cleansing lotion Normaderm, Vichy thermal water, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, glycerin Removes particles of dirt, sebum, and cosmetics that clog pores. Tightens pores and has a tonic effect.
Pore ​​tightening lotion Effaclar, La Roche-Posay thermal water, lipohydroxy acid Reduces the number of imperfections and evens out the skin.


Product name Components Effect
Cleansing toner against blackheads and oily shine “CLEAN skin”, Garnier salicylic acid, zinc Regulates excess sebum production, minimizes pores, mattifies the skin.
Serum for mature skin against imperfections Blemish & Age, SkinCeuticals complex of dioic, salicylic, capryloyl-salicylic, glycolic and citric acids Cleanses and tightens pores, reduces the number of imperfections, evens out the skin, lightens age spots.
Corrective care against imperfections 24 hours moisturizing, Normaderm, Vichy complex of moisturizing components, salicylic acid Makes pores invisible, eliminates oily shine, prevents imperfections and moisturizes the skin.

Deep impact masks

Product name Components Effect
Steaming face mask with zinc, Garnier clay, zinc Thanks to its steaming effect, it perfectly cleanses and tightens pores. The effect lasts for 7 days.
Face mask “Magic of clay. Cleansing and Mattifying”, L’Oréal Paris three types of clay (kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite), eucalyptus extract Pulls out impurities from pores, eliminates oily shine, mattifies, improves complexion.
Cleansing mattifying mask Effaclar, La Roche-Posay thermal water, two types of mineral clay, selenium Cleanses pores and helps tighten them.

Beautiful, soft, well-groomed and clean skin is worth a little effort. Most often, women are dissatisfied with their facial tone, enlarged pores and rashes. They are the ones who spoil the condition of the skin. How to clean pores on your face? To maintain healthy and beautiful skin, you need to take proper care of it. Cosmetologists advise doing facial cleansing once every two or three months. This way you can easily get rid of rashes and blackheads. This can be done not only in the salon, but also at home. How to clean pores on your face at home? It's simple. Here are some tips and recipes to help you maintain youthful and fresh skin!


Choose a cream that suits your skin type. If your skin is dry and sensitive, look for special gentle creams (hypoallergenic). If your skin is oily, choose a cream that will help cope with excess fat.


How to clean pores with a mask? You need to take the following ingredients: one aspirin tablet, a teaspoon of filtered water and a little olive (can be grape or almond) oil. Mix everything thoroughly and scrub your face with the mixture, paying special attention to problem areas. Before cleaning your pores this way, be sure to steam your face. Leave the mask on for a few minutes and rinse off. After this, moisturize your skin with cream. Your pores will be clean and your face beautiful!


Don't forget about lotions. Wipe your face with it every morning. If you are a supporter of natural remedies, boil 1 tablespoon of medicinal chamomile and linden in half a liter of water, cool, freeze and wipe your face with ice cubes. The effect will be amazing. If you prefer store-bought products, it is better to consult your cosmetologist. It will help you choose the right product that will have a beneficial effect on the pores of your face.


Mix iodized salt (a tablespoon) with baking soda (half a tablespoon) and add water to form a paste. Using a cotton swab, carefully apply the mixture to problem areas in a circular motion, rinse off after 5 minutes. Cleanse once a week for amazing results! After such a scrub, you will no longer have the question of how to clean your pores.

Night cream

Be sure to use a night cream that suits your skin type. Night cream will help regenerate cells. In the morning you will look fresh and young.

Another recipe made from natural products

In the summer season, grate half a cucumber on a fine grater. Mix it with olive (grape) oil and a tablespoon of filtered water. Before cleaning your pores with this mask, take a steam bath and wipe your skin with lotion. Apply the paste to your face and wait about 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water and use cream.

With these simple recipes you can make your face well-groomed. You will forget about skin problems forever! Don't forget to regularly take care of your face and choose the right cosmetics. Remember about a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle!

Neat and blooming skin is an important factor that adds charm and contributes to maximum confidence in a person.

Modern cosmetologists have developed a wide variety of products aimed at daily maintaining the beauty of facial skin and its gentle cleansing.

Expensive tonics, scrubs, masks and lotions are not always worth their cost, and in some cases can cause significant harm to sensitive skin.

The key to the natural working process of cells, their restoration and the absence of irritation is their optimal saturation with oxygen, which is greatly facilitated by proper, timely cleansing of the skin.

The main factor causing the development of inflammatory processes on the face is enlarged pores due to incorrectly selected cosmetics or irregular cleansing.

Effective cleansing of facial pores at home requires a competent skin hygiene program, following the main steps:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • protection.

Going to a beauty salon is not always possible for a number of reasons. Therefore, every woman should know recipes for self-cleansing of the skin.

Inflammatory processes on the facial skin, irritation and acne are common skin phenomena in both women and men. Their formation is associated with many factors.

Protecting the skin from drying out and negative environmental influences is the main mission of a specific substance secreted by the sebaceous glands. As a result of a certain imbalance in the body, sebum is produced in excess, and the process of cell regeneration slows down.

The result is inflammation and blockage of the sebaceous glands, which can only be dealt with by deep cleansing.

Factors influencing the formation of sebaceous plugs

The causes of clogged pores are:

  • hormonal disorders of the body;
  • genetic factors or inherited predisposition;
  • incorrectly chosen skin care products;
  • irrational, unhealthy diet - excessive consumption of smoked meats, baked goods, fried foods and sweets;
  • dehydration of the skin;
  • environmental impacts, etc.

Regular deep cleansing will help preserve healthy, youthful skin for many years.

Results that prove effectiveness

Cleansing procedures carried out regularly give significant results:

  • Thorough cleansing of pores from impurities;
  • narrowing of pores, improving the appearance of the skin;
  • cleansing the epidermis of toxins and waste;
  • the skin is saturated with oxygen;
  • Based on the components used, the mask moisturizes, smoothes, and nourishes the skin.

Specifics of choosing a procedure

The correct choice of method has a direct impact on the result. When choosing a method, the type of skin and the individual characteristics and characteristics of the skin are taken into account.

Types of deep pore cleansing:

  1. Mechanical, carried out manually.
  2. Chemical, using glycolic acid and chemicals with fruit acids.
  3. Ultrasonic.
  4. Vacuum, using suction contamination of the device.
  5. Disincrustation carried out by the action of negatively charged electrons.
  6. Brushing (brossage), with exfoliation of the upper epidermal layer using attachments.

Facial cleansing at home is no less effective. When carried out taking into account all the requirements, cleaning is not financially or physically expensive - it can be carried out at any convenient time.

Immutable requirements and rules for facial cleansing at home

To achieve the desired results from the event, you must adhere to the basic requirements:

  1. Cleaning procedures must be carried out exclusively with clean hands to avoid inflammation.
  2. Preliminary mechanical cleansing of the skin is necessary.
  3. The presence of inflammatory foci, wounds and abrasions is a contraindication to deep cleaning.

Self-cleansing of the face is carried out no more than twice a month. The frequency of the event largely depends on the type of skin:

  • dry skin requires treatment once a month;
  • oily surfaces should be cleaned every 10 days;
  • normal epidermis - twice a month.

Proper cleansing of the skin requires following the following steps:

  1. Mechanical cleaning of dust, plaque, makeup removal.
  2. Steaming the epidermis with steam without the use of cosmetics. A terry towel is moistened with hot herbal infusion or ordinary hot boiled water, wrung out and applied to the face. Lasts no more than 5 minutes. Steam baths are possible.
  3. Using a scrub or peeling, purchased or prepared independently (to eliminate deep impurities and blackheads).
  4. Disinfection of skin with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Closing pores using specific masks.
  6. Applications of soothing masks and creams.

Stages of facial cleansing morning and evening

Steam baths are the key to processing efficiency

For the most effective facial cleansing procedure, steam procedures are used - steam helps soften the outer epidermal layer, eliminates dead cells and melts the secretions of the sebaceous glands.

Sequence of manipulations:

  1. The face is cleansed of cosmetics using foam or gel.
  2. A special herbal decoction is prepared. A liter of water is brought to a boil, followed by the addition of 2 tablespoons of herbs and boiling for several minutes. Cleansing skin prone to oiliness involves the use of coltsfoot, nettle, mint and linden, dry skin - thyme and oregano, prone to inflammation - calendula, celandine and St. John's wort.
  3. It is possible to add essential oils to heated water (up to 10 drops per liter of water) instead of herbs. Dry skin is steamed with the addition of orange, jasmine and rose, oily skin - bergamot and tea tree, prone to inflammation - sage and patchouli.
  4. After cooling slightly, bend over the solution at a distance of at least 30 cm and wrap a towel on top for 15 minutes - during this time the pores will open and the sweat glands will thoroughly clean the surface of the skin.

After the procedure, after a few minutes, the face is rinsed with cool water to tighten the pores.

Cleansing with masks

After exposure to steam (steaming), a deeper cleaning is necessary - peeling using specific masks.

The most popular and effective recipes for exfoliating masks:

  1. Salt scrub. Fine salt is mixed with makeup remover milk and applied to the skin with massaging movements for a while, then washed off with heated water. Used strictly for oily or normal skin.
  2. Oatmeal mask. Chopped oatmeal is mixed with beaten egg white and applied to the face with the exception of the eyelids and nasolabial triangle for a few minutes, then washed off under warm running water.
  3. Milk gelatin mask. Milk and gelatin in a 1:1 ratio are mixed and heated for 10 seconds in the microwave. The mask cools down a little, then applied to the face for 15 minutes (until it hardens into a film). It is removed starting from the wings of the nose.
  4. Clay based masks. The effect of the mask should not exceed 20 minutes, the clay should not dry out! The clay is diluted to a viscous state with warm water with the addition of accompanying ingredients:

a) for dry covers - red or yellow clay with the addition of olive oil, milk, honey, bananas or sour cream;

b) for those prone to fat content - green, blue, white clays are mixed with lemon, grapes, pomegranate, grapefruit, strawberries;

c) for normal people – black and pink clays are combined with honey, carrots, and eggs.

Nutrition and hydration

Facial care requires alternating cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing products.

The basis for nutritious applications are kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt, oatmeal or egg yolk. The main rule when preparing a mask is to maintain a consistency that is convenient for application and use. Duration of exposure to the product is up to 40 minutes.

Moisturizing applications for dry epidermis:

  • banana, mashed and mixed with olive oil and yolk;
  • grapefruit juice from one fruit is mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • fresh yeast (50 grams) is dissolved with sour cream, infused for half an hour and applied to the face.

Nourishing masks for oily skin:

  • honey and cottage cheese are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with the addition of grated carrot or lemon juice;
  • Oatmeal (1 teaspoon) and beaten egg white (1 pc.) are added to grated raw potatoes.

Masks are applied to normal skin from:

  • boiled and mashed new potatoes mixed with mashed strawberries and a spoonful of milk;
  • mashed strawberries with cottage cheese or milk.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-cleansing your face

The considerable popularity of the procedure is due to significant advantages:

  • availability of components;
  • low cost;
  • intense impact;
  • use of natural, safe ingredients.

The disadvantages include:

  • possible allergic manifestations;
  • difficulty of application and creation.

Maintaining achieved results

To prevent re-clogging of pores and maintain the results obtained, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles:

  1. Use cosmetics without adding mineral oils that contaminate pores.
  2. Minimize the use of fatty creams by choosing intensive moisturizers.
  3. Follow the rules of nutrition, excluding “harmful” foods from your diet.

If regular use of masks for deep cleansing does not produce the desired result, consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary.

Every day, the pores on your face become clogged with fat and dead cells; dirt and debris gets on your skin every time you step outside. If clogged pores are not treated, they will turn into blackheads or pimples, so they need to be cleaned promptly. Try one of the following: steam, exfoliation, face mask, pore decongestant.


Steam cleaning

    Wash your face. Start the cleansing process by simply washing your face. Do it gently, wash your face completely, try not to cause irritation - it causes pores to become larger:

    • Remove makeup with an appropriate product and cotton pads using gentle, careful movements. Remove all traces of makeup around the eyes, wash off foundation and other products you use.
    • Rinse your face with warm water. Hot water will inflame your face and then dry it out, so stick to warm or cold water at this point. Rinse your face with water several times to remove any remaining makeup remover.
    • Use a facial cleanser. If you have dry skin, this is not necessary. If you choose to use a cleanser, make sure it is non-abrasive and does not contain chemicals that will dry out your face.
    • Pat your face dry with a soft towel. Don't rub or scrub your face. The skin on your face is thinner and more fragile than the rest of your body, so it's important to treat it gently.
  1. Fill the pan with water and place it on the stove. Turn the heat up to medium-high, cover the pot and let the water heat up. When the water is hot enough and steaming, remove the pan from the heat.

    • You can pour the water into a large bowl for your steam treatments, or you can leave everything in the pan.
    • You can add green tea, mint or chamomile tea, or any other herbs or extracts that will be beneficial for your facial skin. Tea tree oil will help you deal with acne.
  2. Place a towel on your head and lean over the steam. Make a canopy out of the towel by draping one end over your shoulders and the other over the pan so that the steam is directed directly at your face. Steam your face for 10 minutes.

    Rinse your face with cold water. Rinse off all the particles that have come out of the pores with cold water - this will tighten your skin again. Apply moisturizer to prevent skin from drying out.