The laws of winners - Bodo Schaefer. “The Laws of Winners” Bodo Schäfer The Laws of Winners fb2

Bodo Schäfer with the novel Laws of Winners for download in fb2 format.

Too often we allow other people to determine what is good and bad for us. At the same time, we are content with little. But in reality, each of us has the opportunity to become a winner. Bodo Schäfer brings you 30 proven winning laws in a compact, accessible and fun format. The book outlines essential strategies that will help you achieve your most ambitious goals in all areas of your life. At the end of each section you will find a practical part with exercises that will allow you to immediately try out the information received. In just a month, you will be happy to discover that your life and your perception of the world have changed - and for the better. The laws of winners will help you: gain complete control over your life; treat criticism from others correctly; turn dissatisfaction with yourself into an incentive to achieve success; earn more money; achieve true recognition.

If you liked the summary of the book Laws of Winners, you can download it in fb2 format by clicking on the links below.

Today, a large amount of electronic literature is available on the Internet. The publication Laws of Winners is dated 2006, belongs to the “Business” genre and is published by the Potpourri publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Don’t be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but in the meantime you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free downloading in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-reader. Remember, if you really liked the novel, save it to your wall on a social network, let your friends see it too!

Too often we allow other people to determine what is good and bad for us. At the same time, we are content with little. But in reality, each of us has the opportunity to become a winner.
Bodo Schäfer brings you 30 proven winning laws in a compact, accessible and fun format. The book outlines essential strategies that will help you achieve your most ambitious goals in all areas of your life.
At the end of each section you will find a practical part with exercises that will allow you to immediately try out the information received. In just a month, you will be happy to discover that your life and your perception of the world have changed - and for the better.
The laws of winners will help you: gain complete control over your life; treat criticism from others correctly; turn dissatisfaction with yourself into an incentive to achieve success; earn more money; achieve true recognition.


Do you think you are capable of achieving more? Do you dream, but are too burdened with various obligations and everyday hassles, or have you already been disappointed in many things?

Einstein argued that there is a genius hidden in every child. Each of us has the opportunity and right to become a winner.

Perhaps you are now experiencing exactly what I experienced many years ago. At that time, I was busy looking for “road signs” - advice that would help me make decisions in life.

It all started when I told my mentor, “I would give anything to be as successful as you.” He shook his head doubtfully: “I’m not sure about that, Mr. Schaefer.”

I assured him that I was serious, and he replied: “Then come to me three times a week to study. Write down everything you hear and do everything I tell you.”

To begin with, I wanted to find a formula for success and happiness for myself. But such a formula, of course, does not exist.

Then I asked a mentor to help me deal with current problems. But even here my expectations were not met. Instead of sorting out difficult situations with me, my mentor explained to me the laws of winners. What I could not understand at first later turned out to be an inexhaustible reservoir of wisdom. I not only learned to cope with my current problems, but also acquired the necessary knowledge for the future.

Of course, today I still face difficult situations, but every time I ask myself the question: “What would my mentor say about this?” After all, in my imagination I still hear his voice, see his face and feel his support.

There have been times in my life when people around me tried to make me doubt the correctness of my actions. But at the same time, I always remembered the words of my mentor: “Only one thing infuriates me: when someone despises other people. This is expressed in the fact that he denies them the opportunity to achieve success and happiness. No one - remember this - has the right to tell other people: “You will never achieve a better life!” And no one should have to say that to themselves.”

Not everyone can be lucky enough to meet such a teacher in their life. That's why I wrote this book. It contains all the principles of success that I once learned.

Oddly enough, but we are talking about old and time-tested truths. Some of them are well known to most people, but are often not used. Among them there are statements that have been familiar to us for ten years, and in the eleventh year we suddenly discover with surprise how deep and fruitful these thoughts are.

As you work through this book, you may discover three things.

First, it may appear that some laws contradict others. This gives some people cause for criticism. But the laws of the winners govern our lives, and it is full of paradoxes. What appears to be a contradiction is actually just different parts of a whole.

Secondly, you will encounter repetitions. By this I want to demonstrate that individual laws are interrelated. Only by perceiving them all together can you truly enrich your life.

Thirdly, you may notice that it is not always easy to live according to the laws of the winners. But you are strong enough to do it. You can change your life at any time. Success doesn't depend so much on luck. It is the result of your lifestyle, which is built on certain principles.

Not everyone likes this approach. Many are more willing to view themselves as a victim. In this case, they always have a convenient excuse at hand.

But the truth is that the choice is yours to make! It all depends not so much on the situation you are in, but on how you use it. You and I, each of us has the opportunity to become a winner. This book contains many recipes that you can try for yourself immediately.

Laws of Winners - Bodo Schäfer (download)

(introductory fragment of the book)

Bodo Schäfer is Europe's number one financial advisor, writer and businessman. He is an unsurpassed practitioner in the field of time management and financial management, possesses extraordinary thinking, for which he has received wide recognition, and for his contribution to financial literacy he has been dubbed the “Financial Mozart”. He claims that everyone is capable of changing their life. Winners are people who live richly and brightly. They are guided by their own laws, which indicate the path to happiness.

So he compiled 30 principles that have helped him and thousands of other people become better people and learn to achieve their dreams.


Growth and any change always begins with a decision. A person is afraid to leave a safe territory and face something unknown. But only this step gives us the opportunity for growth. After all, it is impossible to strive for your dream while continuing to hold on to the past.


The more we learn, the higher we grow, the freer we become. If we stop growing and learning, life becomes empty and meaningless. We should constantly read books, keep a journal, attend seminars and communicate with people from whom we can learn something.


We should think more often about the fact that every moment of our life is a priceless gift. We ignore most of these gifts because we are busy with “more important” things. You don't have to do something all the time. Sometimes you just have to live.


In any job, there are several main tasks, on which the amount of income ultimately depends. These are the ones you should concentrate on. Winners are distinguished not because they are good at solving extremely complex problems, but because they are exceptionally good at doing simple things.

5. BEcome an individual

In order for our circumstances to change for the better, we must first change ourselves. You should also not ask yourself in advance whether we are suitable for this or that activity. Only by starting to do it can we become a master. The main thing is not to give up.

6. ACT!

There are many people in the world who live and work below the level of their capabilities because they have not learned to act. Knowledge is just potential power. Many problems and difficulties will disappear on their own as soon as you get down to work. There is only one criterion for the seriousness of our intentions. These are our actions.


Everyone agrees that stress is bad for your health. But it is not so. It all depends on the severity of stress and our ability to control it. The most important rule is that we must fully concentrate on what we are doing at the moment.


Life is like a ladder. Each stage is associated with its own difficulties. Without overcoming them, we will not be able to rise higher. We can perceive them as obstacles, but we can also perceive them as exercises before climbing to the next level. Either we give up or we become stronger.


The best learning is imitation. Using the experiences of others instead of figuring things out yourself can be helpful in many areas of life. There were composers before Mozart, and he learned a lot from them. This did not stop him from subsequently writing his own brilliant music.


A stationary train will not be able to move even because of a small obstacle, and even a wall will not stop a train moving at full speed. At the beginning of any activity, you need to immediately “press on the gas” all the way. Then no problems can stop you. After all, success comes automatically while moving.


Our dreams and goals are a kind of magnet that attracts everyone and everything that brings us closer to their fulfillment. True, for this it is not enough to dream a little from time to time. You must concentrate all your thoughts on this goal and not allow a shadow of doubt that it will be achieved.


Health is not only the absence of disease. It is also high tone, energy, quality of life and cheerfulness. It is necessary to pay attention to what we eat, drink and how often we move. Any extremes are harmful. We need a balanced and reasonable lifestyle.


It's impossible to please everyone. There will always be mistakes, so criticism is inevitable. We must see it as a means for our own growth and learning. The only way to avoid it is to do nothing.


The opportunity for the most effective growth lies in an “additional” attempt, when there is absolutely no strength left. Ten percent extra effort makes all the difference between success and mediocrity. Constantly being willing to do more than is expected of us should become our habit.


Life does not punish us, but educates us. Thanks to problems, the best qualities are born in us. They do not allow us to waste our potential, but force us to be active and creative.


It doesn't matter whether we work for ourselves or for someone else. Even if you are an entrepreneur, you must perform any work as if your boss controls you. He who cannot obey himself will be forced to obey others.


The true meaning of a high goal lies in our development in the process of achieving it. The higher it is, the higher we will have to grow to achieve it, the more interesting our path will be. Only by demanding the best from life can you become a better person yourself.


If you ask yourself the question of what people need most, the most accurate answer would probably be love. It simplifies all relationships with others like nothing else. This is a powerful force. Sincere interest, sympathy, approval and support can work wonders.


To achieve success, you need to concentrate all your energy and strength on one thing. This is difficult for many people because they are constantly distracted by something. We look for excuses for our idleness. We must not forget that we want respect and recognition, not compassion.


Our words are given weight only by our actions, not by our position. To ignite others, we must ignite ourselves. If we want our words to be listened to, we must not only speak, but also do something.


An important rule: within 72 hours of making a decision, we must take some specific action. Otherwise, there is only one chance in a hundred that we will ever be able to implement our plan.


We tend to shift all the blame and responsibility onto others. By doing so, we give them power over our lives. But it depends only on us whether our dreams will come true. If we do not exercise our will and determination for too long, they become weaker and disappear.


There are two ways to do this. The first is gratitude. When we remember what we are grateful for in life, fear recedes. And the second is aspiration towards the goal. After all, the more motionless we are, the more chains of fear bind us.


Each of us has strengths and weaknesses. Many people pay attention only to their weaknesses and believe that they are the cause of all failures. The good news is that personality weaknesses have absolutely no bearing on success. The best rose bush is not the one with the fewest thorns, but the one with the most beautiful flowers. What makes us successful is not the shortcomings that we have learned to cope with, but the strengths we have.


If you want life to treat you kindly, learn to wish the best for everyone around you and bless them. Forgiveness is the highest form of giving and sharing. This is the key to the highest degree of human spiritual development. We must also forgive ourselves all mistakes and stupidities....


The basis of prosperity is that we should spend less than we earn. We don't need everything we want. If we learn to handle finances, our lives will rise to a whole new level.

27. Build a foundation patiently.

Lasting success doesn't happen in a couple of days. Nothing truly valuable can be created in a couple of days, weeks or months. The more success we expect, the stronger the foundation must be. Therefore, you need to be patient and build your future brick by brick.


Nothing influences our lives more than the people who surround us. We borrow from them much more than we might think. Our brain stores everything we perceive, mostly subconsciously. And if we surround ourselves with winners, then we ourselves will constantly grow and develop.


Contentment is a very dangerous thing; it breeds laziness and indifference. A person who is completely satisfied with himself stops developing. He loses the desire to work, and progress stops. We should be grateful for what we have, but always want more. Then we can change and grow.


How to distinguish an eagle from a duck? Ducks quack and eagles act. Ducks are pessimists, eagles are optimists. Ducks look for excuses, eagles look for solutions. Ducks expect to be fed, eagles take charge and get what they need. The attitude in life to “quack” and not act does not lead to anything good.

Winners' laws Bodo Schaefer

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Title: Laws of Winners
Author: Bodo Schäfer
Year: 2001
Genre: Foreign business literature, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Foreign psychology, Personal growth, Self-improvement

Description of the book “The Laws of Winners” by Bodo Schaefer

The book “The Laws of Winners” is intended to become a wise advisor in the field of personal growth and self-improvement for every person who wants to realize their dreams and achieve great results along their path. Bodo Schaefer, who wrote this book, is a successful businessman, lecturer, financial consultant, and author of books that give readers inspiration to radically change their lives.

The book includes thirty laws, following which a person receives real opportunities to achieve his goals. All this valuable knowledge, according to the author of the book, was once passed on to him by his mentor, a very successful person. Having applied the teachings of his mentor in his life, Bodo Schaefer was able to achieve success himself and wanted to help others make a revolution in their destinies. In his book, the writer describes the laws that underlie the success of any of our activities. By studying and accepting these rules, almost every person can rearrange their daily activities so as to be as effective as possible in the pursuit of the planned result. Each of the thirty laws of success is fully revealed in the book and is provided with very interesting examples for a more complete understanding.

The book is written in very simple and understandable words, making its philosophy accessible to a very wide audience of readers. Its purpose is to help the reader learn: to direct the events of his life in the right direction; move steadily towards your goals; make all areas of your life successful; achieve stable material well-being; learn to prioritize different tasks; have a correct attitude towards difficulties and defeats in your life, towards criticism; achieve fame and acceptance.

Bodo Schaefer was born in Germany. At the age of sixteen, he moved to the United States on his own. There he studied at the university, then moved to Mexico. After an unsuccessful experience in starting a business, I found myself in a rather difficult situation. At this time, the author of the book meets a mentor, thanks to whom his whole life and its perception greatly changes. He becomes a very successful person, begins to quite skillfully build his business and train other businessmen, creates books to teach people success and organizes a charitable foundation. His books include: The Laws of Winners, The Path to Financial Freedom, Simple Leadership, Practical Marketing, Kira and the Secret of the Bagel.

Have you tried to find a universal formula for happiness? If you paid attention to this book, then surely all attempts were in vain. This is because there is no single and correct formula, the application of which in practice will make a person God’s anointed. This conclusion was reached by the author of the book “The Laws of Winners,” Bodo Schäfer.

At one time, the author of this publication was incredibly lucky - on his life’s journey he met a teacher who shared valuable advice with him. Not every person may be so lucky, but every person deserves a better life. Taking this into account, Schaefer created a special book, placing on its pages all the knowledge transmitted to him.

You can download the book “The Laws of Winners” in fb2, epub, pdf, txt by Bodo Schäfer for free on the website

What is this book about?

All people deserve to have more, not to be satisfied with what is given. What does this require? Start today to live the way you would like. However, this is difficult to do. On the path to a new life, you will have to face the hassle of everyday life, disappointment, setbacks, and high-profile failures. Are you ready to overcome all these obstacles? Be patient and go ahead!

In the book “The Laws of Winners,” Bodo Schaefer collected 30 effective laws, the application of which will allow you to achieve your goals. According to the author, this valuable knowledge was passed on to him by a teacher at one time. Only through the use of these rules, Mr. Schaefer was able to achieve success and become an outstanding person.

The author is convinced that success does not depend on the capricious Lady Luck, but on a lifestyle based on certain principles. Many will disagree with this approach. In any case, there is always an option - to continue to pretend to be a victim and find convenient excuses for your failures. You can listen to the audiobook in mp3 or read online “The Laws of Winners” on KnigoPoisk.

What does this book teach?

Bodo Schaefer, using the book “The Laws of Winners,” teaches readers how to implement fundamental changes in their lives. The author immediately warns that many postulates may seem familiar and paradoxical in relation to each other, but this is the beauty of the laws of the winners.

In the book you will not find complex speech patterns or words whose meaning you will have to look up in a search engine. The language of the manual is simple and clear, the structure is ordered, the material is systematized and presented clearly.

All 30 laws are well described, and specific examples from life inspire and make you believe in the effectiveness of their application.

Using this manual, you will learn how to achieve your goals, meet your own expectations and change your life by changing your life principles.

Who is this book for?

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