Cleaning a mink coat with vinegar. Gentle bio-cleaning of a mink coat yourself is better than dry cleaning! How to clean a white mink coat and get rid of yellowness

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A luxurious fur coat with fluffy natural fur is the dream of any woman. A mink coat is an indicator of a high prestigious social status, capable of instantly giving an image a special charm and emphasizing the femininity of its owner. Mink not only decorates its “mistress”, but is also able to warm and give comfort even on the most severely frosty days.

How to determine when a fur coat needs to be cleaned?

Like any item from a woman’s wardrobe, despite the most careful wear, a fur coat can become dirty and lose its appearance. Since a mink coat is quite expensive, it requires a more careful and scrupulous attitude. To prevent the mink from losing its appearance and qualities as a result of inept handling, you should figure out how to clean a mink coat at home correctly. First you need to determine whether your fur coat needs cleaning.

  1. If, when directed at a fur item by a stream of warm air from a working hair dryer, the pile is soft, fluffs easily and “scatters” to the sides, then you can clean it later.
  2. If there are traces of dust, dirt, plaque on a mink coat, yellowness has appeared, the white color of the coat has turned gray, the product has lost its shine, the fibers are crushed, stick together and are hard to the touch - you cannot do without cleaning.

To make a mink look luxurious, it is not necessary to clean it regularly; all treatments should be performed only as necessary and as required by the degree of contamination.

How not to clean fur coats at home

With certain knowledge and skill, cleaning a natural mink coat at home is not a complicated and fairly affordable procedure, eliminating the possibility of damaging expensive fur through improper actions.

The home method of cleansing provides the following prohibiting conditions:

  • Wash it as usual (by hand, in the washing machine).
  • Use detergents (powders, gels, sprays) not intended for processing fur.
  • Subject light (white) fur to local cleaning.
  • Carry out drying over an open fire, near heating radiators, or a heater.
  • It is strictly forbidden to iron the product or treat it with hot steam.

If a mink coat gets wet due to rain or wet snow, then it must be dried at room temperature in a well-ventilated area without drafts. Over time, the mink will dry out on its own and acquire an attractive, original appearance. If this condition is not met, yellowness may appear on the light pile.

Cleaning your fur coat at home

Cleaning a mink coat at home is a serious risk for the product. Therefore, before carrying out it, it is better to consult with specialists (specialized workshops or the manufacturer). Each product requires its own approach in choosing methods and means of cleaning it.

There are 2 ways to clean a mink coat:

  1. Dry
  2. Wet

Dry cleaning fur

Dry cleaning is the most reliable, safe and suitable way to clean a mink coat at home.

To clean fur in this way, use dry home remedies such as potato (corn) starch, wheat flour, and talc. These products perfectly absorb dust and dirt particles, returning the product to its original appearance, color saturation and shine. This method is perfect for cleaning items with light as well as white fur.

Here's how you can clean your fur coats at home:

  • the product is carefully straightened and laid out on a dry, flat surface,
  • comb the pile with light, gentle movements using a soft brush with blunt teeth,
  • sprinkle a cleansing agent (starch, flour, talc) over the surface of the fur, run your palm over the pile, gently rubbing the product into the fur,
  • shake off the fur coat from the remnants of the cleaning product. If it turns gray, then repeat the procedure again.

The main disadvantage of this method is the inability to remove greasy stains, yellowness, and heavy dirt.

Wet cleaning of a fur coat

The wet method for cleaning a mink at home makes it possible to get rid of stubborn dirt, greasy stains, and traces of yellowness.

Basic rules for cleaning a mink coat using a wet method at home:

  • the mink coat should be hung on a hanger, straightening out the hangers, sleeves and all irregularities,
  • wipe the product with the product in the direction of pile growth (for long-haired products), against pile growth (for short-haired products),
  • after the treatment, the fur is carefully combed with a special brush with sparse blunt teeth,
  • dry in a well-ventilated area at room temperature.

A solution of 100 grams will help you clean your home and restore the shine to your mink coat. natural pork fat, 10 gr. baby soap, 10 drops of ammonia (ammonia solution) and 1 liter of hot water. Mix everything thoroughly and cool. Use a brush moistened with the solution to go over the pile of the fur coat, lightly rubbing it.

A homemade soap solution will help clean and get rid of tea, coffee, and juice stains. Dilute liquid soap in warm water, moisten a sponge in it and wipe the contaminated areas. Then the sponge is moistened in clean warm water and the remaining soap solution is washed off. Dry the fur coat well by hanging it on a hanger by its hangers.

Pure alcohol will help remove grease stains. You should wipe the area with the greasy stain soaked in alcohol with a cotton pad. Then wipe the area with a cotton pad soaked in clean water.

Grease stains can be easily cleaned by sprinkling them with coarse table salt and then shaking off the residue.

Light stains can be removed using an ammonia solution. To do this, add ammonia to the water in a ratio of 2:1. Wipe the contaminated area with this solution, then blot the cleaned area with a dry cloth. This method is suitable for light, white fur coats.

A solution of water and hydrogen peroxide diluted in a 1:1 ratio will help to refresh and restore the richness of white fur. The greater the yellowness, the more concentrated the composition should be. The resulting composition is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the mink fur. Then dry thoroughly.

A mixture of equal parts gasoline and potato starch will help clean faux mink fur. The mixture is applied with a brush, allowed to dry, and then cleaned of any residue.

Important! Before starting such cleaning, you should check the effect of this composition on an inconspicuous area with fur, as it can change the color of the pile, as well as spoil the quality of the product. This homemade composition can be used only in extreme cases, when other methods have not given a high-quality result.

Treatment with a spray of sage and lavender decoction will help add freshness and a pleasant aroma to a mink coat. You can dilute a few drops of essential oil (bergamot, grapefruit, rosemary, tea tree, neroli) in warm water. Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray the pile from a distance of 30–40 cm.

Fur coats should be stored in a spacious closet away from foreign odors. To prevent the appearance of moths and mold, it is not recommended to put a polyethylene cover on a mink coat.

All of the above methods are suitable for both natural and artificial mink fur. To clean a white or light mink coat, you should choose methods that preserve the color and shine of the product and avoid yellowness and grayness. If the home method of cleaning a mink coat is carried out correctly, then the fur has a uniform shine, the pile is pleasant to the touch and has a pleasant, refreshing aroma.

A fur coat made from natural mink fur, if properly cleaned and cared for, can serve its owner for decades.

How to clean a fur coat at home?

As a rule, a fur coat with minor dirt should not be taken to the dry cleaner. It can be ruined there, and not all dry cleaners accept fur coats. In fact, you need a little patience and you can do everything yourself...
When should you clean your fur?
We all know that fur products have a fairly long service life. For example, rabbit fur wears out most quickly and will last up to 4 years, arctic fox up to 7 years, mink can be worn up to 12 years, but the longest-lived fur is beaver and otter fur - it can be worn up to 20 years.

Main signs of product wear:
- dust contamination with plaque;
- loss of color uniformity;
- the presence of particles of debris between the hairs;
- formations in the form of tangled lumps, nodules, and clearly split ends of the hair.

What can't you do with a fur coat at home?
1. Wash the fur, remove stains, wet with water and powder or detergent.
2. Dry a fur coat over a fire, heating devices, radiators - drying after snow or rain should be in a well-ventilated room, under no circumstances in a draft, away from radiators and air heaters!
3. Ironing a fur coat is strictly prohibited! This advice may seem strange to some, but, based on the practice of dry cleaners, many clients bring in fur coats that have been ironed from the lining side - allegedly, the owner of the fur coat thought that the product was wrinkled, and it would be nice to iron it - this cannot be done, period! The fur coat will straighten itself.
How to clean a fur coat from dust at home?
After a warm season, a fur coat may become dusty - even if you store it in a special case, the fur product is not immune to the penetration of dust microparticles. To rid the fur beauty of dust, you need to gently shake or beat up the fur coat. Some people clean their fur coat from dust using a vacuum cleaner, but we would not recommend doing this - after all, direct air flows are not desirable for fur.

It is very good to clean the fur with a coarse pet brush. Such a metal brush for fur is sold in any pet store - when buying a fur coat, get such an accessory. And comb your beauty a couple of times a month - the fur coat loves care, like a real lady!

Cleaning fur at home.
Arctic fox
For care, you need to take a solution of ammonia, approximately 1 teaspoon, 3 teaspoons of table salt and 0.5 liters of water. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting liquid and begin to remove stains by combing. The last step in cleaning arctic fox fur at home is drying the raw fur product.

Cleaning mink fur at home should bring shine to the fur; this is the primary task when working with mink coats. The shine is lost due to the leaching of the fatty composition - you can introduce a new one using this technique: dissolve 100 grams of pork, fish oil and 10 g of soap in 1 liter of boiling water. While stirring the ingredients, add up to 12 drops of ammonia, then cool the solution to 35 degrees and apply the emulsion to the fur with a brush.

The initial cleaning of rabbit fur at home is done by combing it with a comb. Next, take a swab, generously moistened with acetic acid (5%) or hydrogen peroxide up to 5%, and treat the hair in the direction of fur growth. After the procedure, remove hydrogen residues from the hair with a damp cotton pad, avoiding getting the skin base wet.

Yellowed gray astrakhan can be lightened using a 3 or 5 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) with the addition of a few drops of ammonia.

Beaver, otter
Products made from beaver, otter, and mole fur are cleaned with dry hot sand. Place the product fur side up on the table, sprinkle with sand and wipe with your palm. Shake off dirty sand and add clean sand again. Do this until the product is completely clean.

Detailed instructions for cleaning a fur coat at home

1. First, the fur coat must be gently, but not too forcefully, knocked out, and then cleaned with a brush soaked in gasoline. To prevent white furs from turning yellow, wipe them with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Furs that have already turned yellow are cleaned with a more concentrated solution, but only along the top of the fur, so as not to damage the interior.

2. If the fur is wrinkled, wipe it with a damp sponge to wet the fibers. Then comb the fur in the direction of the pile and hang it to dry. When dry, knock it out.

3. The sheepskin coat can be cleaned with soapy water and ammonia, changing the water more often. We buy ammonia at the pharmacy and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:5. Dip a cotton swab into this solution and clean the greasy area. Next, wipe with a sponge soaked in another solution - water and vinegar (1 teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water). Now blot the moisture very well with a dry gauze cloth and dry at room temperature.

When the sheepskin coat is completely dry, rub the surface with a white school eraser or the finest sandpaper. Well, you already know how to clean fur. And the final stage - thoroughly wipe the entire thing with a rubber brush for suede, and it will become as good as new!

4. Don't throw away potato peelings. Rinse them under running water, pass through a meat grinder with a thick mesh and add a little ammonia. This mixture can be used to clean old fur, carpet, and stale suede. Apply the mixture to the dirty area and wipe it with a brush, then rinse and wipe the item well. After cleaning, you need to dry it at room temperature, having leveled the item well.

5. If light fur is very dirty, clean it with starch and gasoline. Starch is mixed with purified gasoline (aviation gasoline - former name, sold in hardware stores). They wipe the fur with this paste and let it dry. Then the fur product is shaken out. For safety reasons, work is carried out on the balcony.

P.S. Refined gasoline degreases the inner skin (skin) of fur, thus prolonging the life of your fur coat.

If you have problems buying purified gasoline, try contacting watch shops (they sold me 1.5 liters for 100 rubles in 2010 (author’s com.)
6. To restore the softness of a somewhat rough fur coat you will need: egg yolk, petroleum jelly and glycerin. Grind the yolk with 1 tbsp. spoon of Vaseline, add 0.5 liters of warm water.
Wipe the leather base of the fur with the resulting mixture, dry, knead and pull in different directions.

7. Sometimes it is possible to restore the elasticity of a fur coat by wetting the leather base with glycerin diluted with clean water.

8. You can correct roughened fur at home in the following way. First, moisten the fur with a solution of vinegar essence (2 tablespoons of table salt per 1 liter of water), knead it and carefully stretch the fur item in different directions. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times with breaks of 2-3 hours, after which dry the stretched item, knead again and lubricate with fat emulsion (100 g of castor oil and 15-20 drops of ammonia per 1 liter of warm water). Then keep the item folded (flesh to flesh) for 3-4 hours, and then unfold it and dry it again.

9. A greasy stain from light fur can be removed with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon), table salt (3 teaspoons) and water (0.5 liters).

10. Beautiful and long-lasting shine:
* Carefully (using rubber gloves) lightly rub the fur with a cloth moistened with vinegar essence.
* Grind the walnut kernels to a powder, tie the nut powder in double-folded gauze and wipe the fur with this swab (along the hair). Having absorbed nut oil, a fur coat, and other fur products, will acquire a beautiful and lasting shine.

11. It is recommended to treat items made of faux fur from time to time with aerosol antistatic agents: they protect the fur from contamination, as they remove electrostatic charges, due to which various specks of dust and specks are attracted to the fur.

12. You can clean faux fur by preparing a soap solution (2-3 tablespoons of detergent for synthetic fabrics per 1 liter of water), whipping up the foam and, taking it on a brush, rub the fur along the pile, after which lightly remove the remaining foam from the fur dampened cotton cloth.

Dark fur - bran and nuts

To bring the fur coat to perfection, we will need ordinary bran (you can buy it at the pharmacy - they are sold as a food supplement) and half a glass of walnut kernels. Heat the bran in the oven or microwave to 60-70 degrees (this is quite hot to the touch). Now we will carefully rub them into the fur, simulating washing, until the bran collects all the dirt. Now grind the nuts in a coffee grinder and tie the powder into double-folded gauze. Use this swab to wipe the fur along the pile. Walnut oil nourishes the hairs, and they will have a vibrant, effective shine for a long time. Finally, comb the fur coat with a natural bristle brush.
Light fur - starch and brush

Popular advice says: to clean light fur from dirt, you need to use starch and semolina, sprinkle this content on your fur coat, and then comb it out thoroughly.

Alcohol solutions, a mixture of vinegar and water, hydrogen peroxide - all these substances may help eliminate greasy and dirty stains from natural fur coats, but their use is associated with a huge risk! If the proportions are too “vigorous”, if such a solution gets on the core and not on the pile, if the fur coat is far from new, then the product may be seriously damaged.

We offer two ways to clean light fur at home:

Method number 1. The best friend for a white fur coat or hat is starch. We pour it, sparingly, directly into the fur, gently knead it and rub it until the powder collects the dirt. Then the fur coat must be shaken well and combed. If the starch from the fur spills out frankly gray, the procedure must be repeated.

To clean very dirty white sheepskin or sheepskin (usually on the sleeves and hem of a sheepskin coat), rub the same starch into the fur. Then use a spray bottle to generously spray the edge with a solution of washing powder and spread the resulting mass with your hands over the entire coat. When the “dough” has dried, brush it off, shake it well and comb it with a slicker brush.

Method number 2. You can clean dirty fur at home in the following way: first sprinkle the fur pile with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt. Rye or wheat bran and dry sifted sawdust (deciduous wood only) are suitable as adsorbents. If the fur is light, then you can use dry starch, potato flour or semolina. The fur sprinkled with adsorbent should be carefully rubbed between your palms so that the dirt transfers to the adsorbent, then shake off the adsorbent and carefully clean the fur with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.

In most cases, we still advise you to contact a professional dry cleaner that specializes in fur processing.
Remember! Cleaning fur at home is only possible if it is not too dirty!
Fur storage

* Before storing fur items for summer storage, they must be dried in a draft indoors or outdoors in the shade. After drying, the fur item must be carefully knocked out and shaken.
* In summer, fur coats and coats with fur collars are best stored in bags made of thick paper or in plastic bags with moth repellent included (there must be air access to the plastic bag, otherwise the fur will deteriorate). To prevent the fur from becoming wrinkled during storage, these bags and covers should not be placed in a chest, but hung (not cramped) in the closet.
* Since light fur turns yellow from light, products made from it should be stored in bags made of thick fabric or dark thick paper.
* There is no need to hang things made of dyed and undyed fur next to each other - undyed fur will become stained.
* You cannot hang a fur coat near a whitewashed wall, as lime spoils the fur.
* If the fur coat is wrinkled, it should be wiped with a damp sponge, and when the fibers become wet, dry the fur coat and shake it thoroughly.
* Hats are best stored in boxes or at least in bags or bags made of linen or paper. In this case, fur headwear should be stored separately from felt and woolen ones.

What should you protect your fur coat from so you don’t have to clean it at home?

1. Direct sunlight. Natural fur does not like bright, especially artificial light. Many products deteriorate while already on display. You might have seen yellowish fur coats in salons, which, in fact, should be milky or snow-white tones.

2. Harmful insects. Carpet beetles, as well as moths, are very fond of fur products, especially those that have been hanging in the closet for a long time and have not been thought about for a long time. You can save your fur coat from these pests by properly storing it in perforated cases, and be sure to place a bag of lavender next to it.

3. Perfumes and cosmetics. You need to be extremely careful with foundation and perfume. You need to apply perfume in advance, and put on your fur coat only after it has completely dried. Foundation on the face is also dangerous - it is better to wear a scarf or scarf around your neck, which will become a kind of protective layer between the fur coat and the facial skin covered with foundation.

4. Accessories made of suede and nobuck. If your bag is made of such materials, make sure that it does not touch or even rub against fur, especially light fur. The fur coat may turn the color of the bag after such “communication.”

Women have always loved fur. And if at the dawn of mankind skins simply protected from the cold, then over the centuries the meaning of fur products has changed greatly. Arctic fox coats and raincoats with sable lining are today signs of high social status and wealth.

Natural fur is no longer the privilege of noble people, but it is still quite expensive. A spectacular soft mink fur coat remains the ultimate dream of many beauties. Those who are lucky enough to take possession of precious fur try to preserve its new appearance for as long as possible. There are many proven ways to clean a mink coat at home.

Homemade ways to restore the beauty of fur

When choosing a method for cleaning a product, you need to pay attention to the origin of the fur. The fur of different animals has a different structure, and a product suitable for one species may be destructive for another. Here are tips for caring for mink fur.

Method No. 1

This method is suitable if you need to clean a fur product from dirt and dust. You need to take a sheet and moisten it well with water. Lay the fabric out on the table. Shake the fur product well and place it face down on the sheet. Gently knock out the dirt using patting movements. Wait until the fur is completely dry and brush it with a brush with natural bristles.

Method No. 2

Another simple way to clean a mink coat from dirt, grease and small debris. You need to take oat bran or small wood shavings and heat them well in a frying pan. Distribute the bran over the fur, especially generously sprinkling the places in contact with the skin (collar, cuffs). Allow the bran to cool and comb out the fur with a brush. Then shake the product well and ventilate in fresh air.

If you need to clean a light mink coat, you can replace the bran and shavings with talcum powder.

Method No. 3

This method will help deal with a fresh sweet stain. You need to lay out the fur product on a flat surface. Fill a bowl with warm water and prepare a good hair shampoo. Use a soft cloth to dampen the stain with water. Apply a little shampoo to another piece of cloth and gently scrub the stain. As soon as the remnants of the sweet are removed from the pile, take the cloth again and rinse off the shampoo with clean water. Dry the fur, and there will be no trace left of the sweet spot.

Method No. 4

Little tricks will help keep the lining of your fur coat clean. Of course, the most effective method is washing. To do this, you need to carefully tear off the lining, wash it with powder for delicate fabrics, dry it and sew it back. It is important to follow a delicate washing regime and dry the fabric carefully so that the lining does not shrink.

But if tearing off the fabric is scary, then you can use another method to clean the lining. To do this, wipe the contaminated areas with a sponge soaked in a soap solution. You need to do the procedure carefully, trying not to wet the flesh. Next, rinse off the powder with a sponge and clean water, and pat dry with paper towels. Hang the product and dry it well.

If you're looking for information on how to clean sweat from the lining of a fur coat, here's a great cleaning method for you. You will need:

  • 0.5 liters of warm water;
  • 1 tsp. ammonia;
  • 3 tsp. salt.
  • Dissolve ammonia and salt in water. Soak a cloth in the solution and carefully treat any traces of sweat. Then dry the product in fresh air. The same solution can be used to clean stains from foundation and other cosmetics.

    Method No. 5

    If you need to remove dirt from fur at home, you can use purified gasoline. To do this, you will need a brush with stiff bristles, preferably natural. Moisten the bristles with gasoline and comb the fur thoroughly. First against the pile, and then along the pile. Gasoline will remove dust, grease stains and other contaminants. The main thing is to ventilate the product well after the procedure. IMPORTANT! You cannot clean a light-colored mink coat using this method; the fur may turn yellow.

    Method number 6

    Hydrogen peroxide will also help clean outerwear, restore shine to fur, and get rid of yellow spots. It is necessary to generously moisten a cotton pad with peroxide solution and thoroughly treat the fur. Dust particles will remain on the disk, and the product will again take on a new look. The main thing is to constantly change the peroxide discs. In some cases, peroxide can be replaced with a 5% vinegar solution.

    Take care of your fur coat!

    There are several basic rules that you should never do with natural mink fur:

    • Drying on a radiator or in close proximity to a heat source
      If you need to dry a fur coat, then you need to straighten it on hangers and place it in a room away from radiators. The fur will dry evenly. But hot streams of directed air can cause deformation of the interior, and the product will lose its appearance. The fur will become dull and brittle, and may turn yellow.
    • Wash
      Do not wash fur items in a washing machine or by hand, especially using synthetic detergents. After washing, the fur coat can only be thrown away.
    • Ironing
      Smoothing out creases and wrinkles in fur clothing using an iron is strictly prohibited. In some places the fur will smooth out and stick together. It will be almost impossible to return the product to its original appearance. It is better to hang the product on hangers, lightly sprinkle with water and vinegar and wait until it dries completely. The jammed tissue can be smoothed out by wiping it with a soft cloth with glycerin. The flesh will become soft and smooth.

    As you can see, a mink coat is a delicate piece of clothing. By following the simple rules described above, you can extend the life of a fur product up to 10 years and feel like a real queen every winter.

    Is your mink coat dirty or yellowed? Don't listen to those who say it can't be fixed at home. Restore your fur to its original shine using the simple and safe methods outlined in this article. And also find out what needs to be done to ensure that the light mink always remains that way.

    Winter has come to an end, and with it another fur coat season. Looking at your furry wardrobe inhabitant, you realize that she needs a little refreshment. We will talk further about how to clean a mink at home and not spoil it.

    How to clean mink fur at home using talcum powder

    It is best to clean dirty light fur with talcum powder. This soft mineral in the form of a white powder has absorbent properties and absorbs odors well. It is better to clean with gloves, as the product sticks to your hands. Lay the mink out on a flat surface and rub thoroughly with talcum powder. Gently rub it in with your hands, without being too zealous. After that, all that remains is to shake the fur coat from the remaining powder and comb it. If you sprinkle semolina on your fur coat, the effect will be similar.

    Important! This experiment cannot be done with flour or starch. These products, remaining between the fibers, will swell at the first snow or rain, ruining your fur. In addition, they will attract insects.

    Wood sawdust against pollution

    If your fur coat is a little dusty, you can refresh it by using sawdust from non-resinous trees. Suitable species include linden, oak, and aspen; you can find them in a regular pet store. Before you sprinkle sawdust on your fur coat, soak it in alcohol. This is done in a regular basin. Pour sawdust into it and fill it with alcohol. You will receive a product that will perfectly absorb all dirt from fur clothing. All that remains is to shake the item and comb it with a brush.

    How to return whiteness to a mink coat

    A white mink coat has one significant drawback. Her fur may turn yellow. But even at home you can try to cope with this problem. How to clean white mink at home? Slightly yellowed fur can be bleached with ordinary hydrogen peroxide:

    • Pour 1 tsp into a glass of water. 3% hydrogen peroxide and about 5 drops of ammonia. Mix the resulting solution and pour it into a spray bottle.
    • Give the fur coat a vertical position by hanging it on hangers. Spray evenly with the resulting solution, not forgetting the areas under the sleeves.
    • Do not wet the mink coat too much; lightly spray is enough.
    • Leave the fur item to dry and then comb it.

    Important! Do not try to bleach your fur coat with gasoline. It may turn yellow even more.

    The Arctic fox collar and silver fox are bleached in the same way. You can also remove yellowness by using Lovestin optical brightener. Both Toner FS and Viton-FS will do. Dilute them according to the instructions and spray the fur coat without touching the insides. Smooth the pile with a soft clothes brush, wait until it dries, and comb again.

    White mink fur that has lost its appearance greatly can only be restored by dry cleaning, and even then not always. Therefore, take care of white mink items seriously and store them in special cases made of blue fabric. You can wrap your fur coat in blue paper. Also, yellowing can be caused by active sunlight, so do not hang a white or blue mink outside to air. The Arctic fox requires the same careful handling.

    How to clean a mink coat with soapy water

    It is not always possible to clean a fur coat using a dry method. In this case, there is an option using water and high-quality shampoo. This recipe is also useful if you need to remove a fresh stain.

    • Lather the shampoo in a bowl of warm water.
    • Apply foam to dirt using a cotton pad and rub lightly.
    • Take a foam sponge and, after moistening it with clean water, remove any remaining foam.
    • Dry the fur coat with a paper towel, comb it with a comb, hang it on a hanger and leave to dry naturally. It is better not to use a hairdryer.

    You can similarly clean the fur inserts on your jacket and gloves.

    How to refresh the lining of a fur coat

    If the fur can be cleaned by sprinkling it with absorbents, then the greasy lining of a fur coat cannot be easily renewed. There are two options here:

    • Open the fabric using a special sewing tool, and then wash it as usual. This must be done carefully, without disturbing the temperature regime, so that the lining does not shrink. Then all that remains is to dry the fabric and sew it back.
    • How to clean the lining of a fur coat directly on it? The main rule in this matter is not to wet the flesh. A soft brush is soaked in soapy water and passed over the fabric. For tough stains, use non-chlorine bleach. Afterwards, all this is washed off with a brush dipped in clean water. The lining is dried well with paper napkins and left to dry on hangers. Some stains from fabric can be removed with ammonia.

    It's easy to care for the inside of a fur coat if you know one secret. An additional strip of fabric can be sewn onto the bottom of the lining, which is often soiled by boots or colored jeans. It will certainly be easier to strip and wash than cleaning the factory lining.

    Try to wear a fur coat made of natural fur - it doesn’t matter whether it’s from a silver fox, an arctic fox or a rabbit - only in frosty weather, do not dry it near radiators and heaters, and it will serve you for many years.

    Comment on the article "How to clean a mink at home"

    where to clean a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using FUR FUR HIGH CLEANERS. Tell me where and how much it costs, I need to clean my mink coat. receive replies by E-mail. show links to...

    where to clean a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. Where is a good place to clean a mink coat? I don’t want something in Diana(.

    How to clean a mink at home. We will talk further about how to clean a mink coat at home and not spoil it. But even at home you can try to cope with this problem.

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    How to clean a mink at home. How to return whiteness to a mink coat. Wet method of cleaning mink with soapy water. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat. White mink fur that has lost its appearance greatly can only be restored by dry cleaning, and even then not always.

    How to properly clean fur? Washing, cleaning. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household equipment. Trips. Leisure and hobbies. I'm afraid it will stretch out too much. he only wears it on turtlenecks, so actually washing the sweater is not...

    clean the fur. Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. Section: Clothes, shoes (does anyone know how to clean mink fur (without taking it to the dry cleaner)? I heard).

    Clean a mink hat. Dear housewives and owners:) Tell me how to clean it at home. Spray yellowed white sheepskin with a solution of pharmaceutical hydrogen peroxide (a tablespoon). How to clean a mink at home.

    Cleaning a mink coat. Where is the best place to clean fur - the mink and the lining along with the fur? Please tell me how to clean a fur coat at home before putting it away for the winter. If you send a message anonymously, you will lose the ability to edit...

    How to clean a mink at home. Section: Clothes, shoes (address of Glazova where fur coats are dyed). How can I tint a fur coat? How to clean a faux fur coat at home. I took it to a regular dry cleaner, I suspect that it has been there since Soviet times.

    We will talk further about how to clean a mink coat at home and not spoil it. But even at home you can try to cope with this problem. It may turn yellow even more. The Arctic fox collar and silver fox are bleached in the same way.

    How to clean a mink? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning, buying and using household appliances, repairs How to clean a mink at home. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat. Is your mink coat dirty or yellowed?

    where to clean a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips on housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances, repairs, plumbing. How to clean a mink coat using talcum powder. It is best to clean dirty light fur with talcum powder.

    clean your fur coat at home. Washing, cleaning. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning Please tell me how to clean a fur coat at home before how to care for and store a mink coat? And you also need to wear a fur coat! Don't stand it in...

    how to care for and store a mink coat? Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning, purchasing and using household appliances How to clean a mink at home. Winter has come to an end, and with it another fur coat season.

    Clean a mink hat. Clothes, shoes. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for maintenance Light sheepskin coat, the sleeves are dirty, it says dry clean only, but how do you dry clean it at home?? How to clean a mink at home. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat.

    How to refresh the fur of a mink coat without spoiling it? How to clean a mink at home. How to refresh the lining of a fur coat. Is your mink coat dirty or yellowed? Don't listen to those who say it can't be fixed at home.

    To ensure that your fur coat does not lose its attractive appearance, you need to take care of it. Fur coats are cleaned not only at the end of the season before being put away in the closet, but also during the winter. Get rid of fresh dirt immediately. Pollution is especially noticeable on light fur. The hem of a long fur coat collects a lot of dirt, so it requires periodic cleaning.

    When the fur fibers begin to stick together, the fur coat loses its shine and becomes dull. Sprinkle the fur with fine salt, lightly remember, comb in the direction of the pile. Then shake well and hang the fur coat on hangers. The fur coat is combed with a hard bristle brush. Never use chemicals intended for other purposes to clean your fur coat. Natural fur will forever lose its shine, the fibers will lose their elasticity and will break off. You cannot wash a fur coat - after washing you will not be able to comb the fur, and it will change its shape. If your fur coat is wrinkled, don’t even think about the iron. At temperatures above 50°, the skin layer of the fur is deformed, and it is no longer possible to resuscitate it. In this case, moisten the pile with a damp sponge, let it dry and comb it with a stiff brush. Clean the greasy collar and sleeves with alcohol, water and table vinegar, taken in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to the fur, then wipe with a linen cloth. The final stage is combing. Dark fur is cleaned with a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:4. Apply the mixture to the contaminated area, after 3-5 minutes wipe with water slightly acidified with vinegar. Use a dry cotton cloth to remove excess moisture. All dust and dirt will remain on the napkin. Do not forget that after cleaning the fur should be combed. When using solutions of hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, alcohol, or gasoline, be careful. If the concentrated solution gets on the skin, you can ruin your fur coat. Starch or semolina works well for cleaning light fur. The cleaning principle is the same as when using salt - sprinkle the fur coat with starch or semolina, crush it, comb it. Repeat the procedure several times. If the starch remains white, then the fur does not need further processing. Each fur requires its own individual approach. A solution of medical alcohol and vinegar will restore shine to a mink coat. A greasy stain from any fur can be removed with a solution of baby washing powder with the addition of gasoline. For the smell of gasoline to disappear, your fur coat will have to spend several days on the balcony or loggia. Don't forget about the hangers. A solution of ammonia will help restore the whiteness of light fur. Karakul is cleaned with oatmeal. Beaver and otter fur love hot, dry sand. For every fur, cleansing with bran, which can be bought at a pharmacy, is suitable. Any fur will shine if you walk over it with a gauze knot containing a crushed walnut kernel.